Motoring Discussion > Toyota IQ - Very Low Mileage Buying / Selling
Thread Author: zippy Replies: 12

 Toyota IQ - Very Low Mileage - zippy
Mum is looking to buy a 2011 Toyota IQ Automatic (are these semi autos?), for about £5.5k.

My concern is that it has only done 2,500 miles.

So I doubt its been serviced regularly. What issues should she look out for or be concerned about.

 Toyota IQ - Very Low Mileage - bathtub tom
That's only three hundred-odd miles a year. I'd question the seller carefully about the types of journeys it did, but suspect they were only short ones, in which case regular oil changes are a must. Look for mayonnaise in the oil filler.
The tyres may well be cracked.
The braking surfaces could be rusty and need new discs.

I think they're CVT. Worth reading HJ's review of them - seemed to have a recall for a steering problem.
 Toyota IQ - Very Low Mileage - Mapmaker
2,500 miles. Even if they were 1 mile each, then that's only started 2,500 times. That's 416 starts per year. I bet Humph starts his car that often a fortnight.

More likely the journeys were 5 miles. So it's been out once a week all it's life. If the tyres are cracked... well you'd need to buy new tyres anyway, but I bet they're fine.

Wouldn't give it a second thought even if it's never been serviced.
 Toyota IQ - Very Low Mileage - FuzzyDuck
I know little about these cars so I checked out Autotrader. Found a 2009 model that has done only 957 miles!
Last edited by: TeeShot on Mon 17 Sep 18 at 13:58
 Toyota IQ - Very Low Mileage - Duncan
Loads of them less than 500 miles.
 Toyota IQ - Very Low Mileage - R.P.
"But I would drive 500 miles"....etc. (cue Earworm)
 Toyota IQ - Very Low Mileage - rtj70
>> Loads of them less than 500 miles.

Toyotas... Yes. IQ? No there aren't any on auto trader.

Lowest mileage IQ has 957 miles. Seems there are only 2 below 1000 miles (one appears twice).

Maybe mileage on these is low because they are rubbish to drive. How about the Aston Martin Cygnet version :-) You could get an even older tarted up iQ for about £28k!
Last edited by: rtj70 on Mon 17 Sep 18 at 15:23
 Toyota IQ - Very Low Mileage - Dog
>>Maybe mileage on these is low because they are rubbish to drive


 Toyota IQ - Very Low Mileage - The Melting Snowman
Get an Aygo. Cheaper and will do everything the IQ does.
 Toyota IQ - Very Low Mileage - Stuu
>>Get an Aygo. Cheaper and will do everything the IQ does.<<

Not quite. Aygo auto is a shockingly awful automated manual, not a proper auto.

Rather have a Yaris 1.3 CVT, my misses has 2014 one and it is nudging 40k without a hint of an issue, one of the best CVT boxes about too and economy is not far short of the hybrid.
 Toyota IQ - Very Low Mileage - Ambo
The Hyundai i10 is the "urban car" I see most frequently recommended. We are one our second. I don't much like them but Mrs. A does and she uses it 90% of the time.
 Toyota IQ - Very Low Mileage - zippy
I know the IQ isn't an ideal car, but it suits mum and importantly it's compact and whilst she has a drive and garage, parking in the town where she lives a real problem, so being able to nip in to a small space will be a real saver.

I suspect she will do no more than 2k miles a year in it, all around town and the odd trip to visit us and to the next town to meet friends for coffee.

Driving quality isn't a key consideration.

BTW, she went in to Waitrose after seeing the car and saw Tom Baker! She has a great photo of him hugging her (his 6'3 to her 4'8)! Made her day!
Last edited by: zippy on Thu 20 Sep 18 at 11:50
 Toyota IQ - Very Low Mileage - Auristocrat
The IQ's have CVT's in automatic form.
On the owners club, most owners hang onto them as they're more premium and better finished than the Aygo.
Fewer issues than the first generation Aygo as well.
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