Non-motoring > Wonder if it stood up in court?? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Bobby Replies: 7

 Wonder if it stood up in court?? - Bobby

 Wonder if it stood up in court?? - Zero
it will probably collapse
 Wonder if it stood up in court?? - Lygonos
Legalise it.

Licence it.

Tax it.

Just like gambling, booze and fags are, and drugs should be.
 Wonder if it stood up in court?? - No FM2R
Damn right.

The profits will dry up, the cartels will start shipping legally, even more tax will be paid.

Did Prohibition not teach anybody anything?
 Wonder if it stood up in court?? - Cliff Pope

>> Did Prohibition not teach anybody anything?

One thing it ought to have taught is that this is not a two-way process. Prohibition was banning something that had always been legal. The consequence was that an illegal industry sprang up to continue supplying it, in the process engendering an entire underworld of criminal gangs.

When the ban was lifted, things didn't return to how they had been. The gangs diversified in to all other kinds of racketeering, with consequences we see today.

So it is often a tempting thought that if we merely legalise something, license it, tax it, all the criminal and social ills associated with it will vanish. The lessons of rescinding Prohibition are not as obvious as of its imposition.
 Wonder if it stood up in court?? - Zero
Lets face it, organised crime and government operate much the same.

They skim money off the top, and force you to pay protection.
 Wonder if it stood up in court?? - Ambo
The offender was evidently proud of himself.
 Wonder if it stood up in court?? - R.P.
Sounds as if the prosecution brief had some fun with this one.
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