Non-motoring > Best Paying Places to Live in the UK Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Duncan Replies: 7

 Best Paying Places to Live in the UK - Duncan
If you are poor don't live in Nottingham, move to Kensington and Chelsea.

Average earnings in Nottingham are under £12.5k per annum.

In Kensington and Chelsea the average earnings are £58k.
 Best Paying Places to Live in the UK - rtj70
Per person I think for these figures. So for a couple, £25k in Nottingham might be better than £116 in Kensington in terms of affordable housing.

But if you're poor you probably live where you live. And little chance of changing it. You know full well moving to somewhere like Chelsea or Kensington is not going to be possible for someone working in lower paid jobs. But this is all about averages - again you know that.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Fri 25 May 18 at 02:05
 Best Paying Places to Live in the UK - Bromptonaut

>> But this is all about averages - again you know that.

Grenfell Tower was Kensington and Chelsea. Plenty more social housing estates in Borough too. Incomes there probably lower than Nottingham's average.

Average for Borough is dragged up by fact that social housing is cheek by jowl with millionaires.
 Best Paying Places to Live in the UK - Zero
>> If you are poor don't live in Nottingham, move to Kensington and Chelsea.

Oi, tell them Nottingham people to stay where they are. You will ruin the neighbourhood, I'm going to grass you up to the Esher residents association.
 Best Paying Places to Live in the UK - DP
If they'd gone a step further and looked at discretionary income, it would have been far more interesting.

Average property value in Nottingham: £203,000
Average property value in Kensington and Chelsea: £1.4m.

Earning an extra £40k a year in K&C isn't going to be much of a help with that.
 Best Paying Places to Live in the UK - Zero
£203,000 % £12,500 = 16.24
£1,400,00 % £58,000 = 24.1

At the end of the day, its not that different.
 Best Paying Places to Live in the UK - helicopter
Not that different!

I'm glad you are not my accountant Zeddo....
 Best Paying Places to Live in the UK - Manatee
Allowing that the average Kensington resident undoubtedly has more capital than the Snotts as well as 5 x the income, Z has a point.

However the Kensingtonites, along with higher house prices consistent with their higher incomes, have the further price pressure from foreign gangster investors.
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