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Thread Author: TheManWithNoName Replies: 33

 Scars - TheManWithNoName
A good question from a child had me stumped.

If our skin cells are constantly being shed and renewed, why don't scars disappear?
 Scars - No FM2R
The epidermis constantly replaces itself. However, scars, tattoos and other damage go deeper than that into the dermis. The dermis does not replace itself.
 Scars - CGNorwich
 Scars - smokie
Interesting Q&A which had never occurred to me, Thanks.
 Scars - Lygonos
Get them to ask their RE teacher why God apparently cures diseases, even cancer, but never cures amputees.
 Scars - No FM2R
A better question might be why he let them lose their limbs in the first place.

There are very few reasons to believe in the Sky Fairy....

I can think of two;

The hope that one will see loved ones again and in the meantime they have gone to a better place

There is more to life than just this, and it doesn't just end.

Everything else the various religions promote can be achieved, followed and supported without believing in any particular deity.
 Scars - CGNorwich
Why the concern over whether God exists or not. Surely the bigger question is whether we exist or not. Statistically it’s far more likely that we are Boltzman brains floating in an infinititeuniverse than some ape descended sentient creature that took virtually the entire life of the universe to come about. A scenario that is a tad unlikely I’m sure you will agree.
Last edited by: CGNorwich on Fri 18 May 18 at 09:29
 Scars - No FM2R
>> it’s far more likely that we are Boltzman brains floating in an infinitite universe than some ape descended sentient creature

I read somewhere, and goodness knows where, that statistically a single earth filled with Boltzmann Brains is considerably more likely than a single Boltsmann Brain floating in space.
 Scars - No FM2R
Perhaps this was it.
 Scars - Cliff Pope
>> never cures amputees.

He's put a race of humans into the world, and given them power to use their brains to develop themselves as they see fit. It's not his role to direct them how to use that power - that's their choice and their test.
Humans have chosen to spend thousands of years fighting each other and only in recent years put any serious efforts into developing proshthetic limbs.

What more would you want Him do?
 Scars - No FM2R
>>What more would you want Him do?

Given them good brains which didn't want to do bad things. You know, what with him being all powerful and all.
 Scars - Zero
If god was so brilliant, why did he make poo brown
 Scars - Runfer D'Hills
>> If god was so brilliant, why did he make poo brown

So that BMW could list it as a colour option?
 Scars - CGNorwich

>> Given them good brains which didn't want to do bad things. You know, what with
>> him being all powerful and all.

That implies that there is such a thing as good and bad in the universe and evil is not simply a human construct. If there is such a thing as absolute good and evil that of course raises the question of an all powerful god allowing evil to exist which in turn points to some sort of dualistic universe ruled over by opposing powers of good and evil.
 Scars - No FM2R
Little children in pain and suffering.

That is bad. Does it need more thinking?

1) God is all powerful. In which case he's incompetent or bad.

2) God is not all powerful. In which case he's incompetent or bad and also not unique nor in control.

3) God does not exist.

4) God is all powerful, is good, should be worshipped and has good reasons for letting little children suffer.

I struggle with 4).
Last edited by: No FM2R on Fri 18 May 18 at 13:53
 Scars - No FM2R
On a sort of related subject, every Catholic Bishop in Chile just resigned.

Now that's gonna screw things right up.
 Scars - Ambo
"If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him." (Voltaire.)

I don't know if Voltaire went on to say why it would be necessary but I believe god does not exist except insofar as he has been invented by humans.
 Scars - No FM2R
Voltaire believed in God and thought Atheism* was bad for the world.

When he said "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him" he was referring to his belief that there was no other way to explain our existence and so it was fortunate that he did exist.

* - "Atheism"
I think that's a word. Maybe it's not, I've said to myself several times and now it sounds ridiculous. Presumably you know what I mean though.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Fri 18 May 18 at 14:37
 Scars - Cliff Pope
>> except insofar as he has been invented by humans.

That's the same for everything we think we know, isn't it? We see evidence around us, we construct theories that we use to assess that evidence, we form beliefs about which evidence we accept as reliable or true, and then we form theories that attempt to explain what is going on. If after many years we find nothing that causes us to doubt the theories, or find new evidence that supports them, we conclude that we have found the truth.
We then cease to define the phenomenon as "invented by humans" and call it fact.
So it is, until the theory is disproved by further evidence, or revised in such a way that it remains true.

If our theory is that god exists but for some reason chooses to permit bad things to happen, then we need a revised theory that offers an explanation for that behaviour. One suggested theory is that he is at heart a laissez faire god, who believes humans deserve to be treated with respect and allowed to create their own world. If they sometimes make a mess of it, he is perhaps sad, like a parent whose child has done wrong. But he doesn't believe in too much micro-management, else how are humans ever going to grow up?
Do we want to be managed, or do we want to do things our way, faults and all?
 Scars - No FM2R
>>Do we want to be managed, or do we want to do things our way, faults and all?

I want it to be good. And I want to want it to be good. And I want to think it is our idea.

I don't want any faults. I want it to be my choice that I haven't got any faults. I want to like not having faults.

Shouldn't be an issue for an all powerful God, should it?

As to how we are going to grow up, why didn't he make us already grown up?
 Scars - Robin O'Reliant
If God did create us, why?
 Scars - No FM2R
Rainy afternoon, bit bored, nothing decent on the TV.....
 Scars - martin aston
Our son, when about four years old, gave me this conundrum.

When God made the world, what did he stand on?

I told him to ask the vicar.
 Scars - No FM2R
I had to explain belief versus knowledge.

I thought I'd done well until #2 daughter said "ohhh, like Father Christmas?"
 Scars - Cliff Pope
>> If God did create us, why?

He was curious to see whether we would find it necessary to invent him. Events confirm his hunch that we would, but he is a bit mystified that we have found it necessary to invent so many different versions, and then to start killing each other when we fall out.

One day he'll get bored with the experiment and call it a day.
 Scars - Manatee
God is just as likely to be the mice as anything else. How would we know?

The noted thinker Bertrand Russell was an agnostic, rather than an atheist. He had no choice, it being impossible to prove that God does not exist.

As to why God never cures amputees - is he or she or it not responsible for the existence of the people who invent and make prosthetic limbs?

Premised on the assumption that Gods exists of course; as when a past local vicar told me that I am still one of God's flock even though I do not believe.
 Scars - tyrednemotional
>> One day he'll get bored with the experiment and call it a day.

....would that be an Opus Dei..........

 Scars - Cliff Pope
>> Shouldn't be an issue for an all powerful God, should it?
>> As to how we are going to grow up, why didn't he make us already
>> grown up?

It's not an issue, obviously he could if he had wanted to. But it wouldn't make you a better person if he gave you everything you want want want want, would it?
Are your children better people for being spoilt?
 Scars - No FM2R
He could have mad me a perfect person. Why did he deliberately make me bad or at least flawed? He doesn't sound all that bright to ne.
 Scars - CGNorwich
Why did he deliberately make me bador at least flawed?

As an awful warning to others?
 Scars - Zero
>> Why did he deliberately make me bador at least flawed?

he forgot to add bad & flawed to me, so as next in line, you got a double dose.
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 18 May 18 at 20:57
 Scars - No FM2R
>>he forgot to add bad & flawed to me, so as next in line, you got a double dose.

Ahhhhhh, that would explain why my penis is so big.
 Scars - No FM2R
>> Why did he deliberately make me bad or at least flawed?
>> As an awful warning to others?

A fair and reasonable [and amusing] explanation.

But why did he make the others in such a way that they needed such a terrible warning?
 Scars - Kevin
I've been promised a beer volcano and a stripper factory in the afterlife.

I'd prefer a Gin & Tonic or Barolo volcano but hey, it's the best offer I've had so far.
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