Motoring Discussion > Busybody's Charter... Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Badwolf Replies: 13

 Busybody's Charter... - Badwolf
Hello all,

This link was posted on my local town's website:

Seems to me that anybody can post anything they like about any car and the standard of driving. Rather dodgy ground, legally, I 'd have thought. I did a quick search for my car but there was nothing - good job really.
 Busybody's Charter... - SteveT
They have a sneaky way of getting you to sign up as well. If you put your reg number in, it says...

"The registration you have entered is on our system. it is possible somebody else is following this registration number. If you wish to follow for free and receive free alerts when comments are made, please sign up." you the impression you've already been entered on their site by someone.

If you then type in a random string of digits, guess what it says?

"The registration you have entered is on our system. it is possible somebody else is following this registration number. If you wish to follow for free and receive free alerts when comments are made, please sign up."

Unless of course, there really are reg numbers of 'zebra' or '1' or 'dfgdfg' etc

 Busybody's Charter... - suzie
Looked at the site and it seems they are inviting people (amongst other things) to make comments and bring pressure to bear on inconsiderate drivers. It's free to post and the details required are minimal so I feel it can only do good.
Of course the number you typed in is on their system, you've just typed it in. I think the site is being polite by giving the message it does when you type in a random set of numbers. Would you prefer it say stop wasting our resources and your time this is not a registration number.
In my opinion if it makes one inconsiderate driver think twice about his or her actions it's worthwhile. But hey why what do I know.
 Busybody's Charter... - Focusless
>> I think the site is being polite by giving the message it does when
>> you type in a random set of numbers. Would you prefer it say stop wasting
>> our resources and your time this is not a registration number.

No - just 'this number is on our system' or 'this number is not on our system' should do the job.
 Busybody's Charter... - Skoda
Just another spectacle on the internet, i wouldn't worry about the legalities of it, it wont be used and it wont last past it's next domain renewal invoice.

It's a slightly interesting idea though. If real-time communications could happen inter-car in a safe manner (there's the distraction factor, and also the potential abuse of the system for harassment etc.) then that could be a bit of a win on the roads. Might not be though.
Last edited by: CraigP on Sun 22 Aug 10 at 20:02
 Busybody's Charter... - Bellboy
is reger me a play on words?
 Busybody's Charter... - L'escargot
>> is reger me a play on words?

At first glance I thought it said roger me.
 Busybody's Charter... - Pat
The 'How's my Driving' sticker has so many obvious flaws.

Our TM had a call from an irate car driver a few months ago, complaining that one of our lorries in front of him was only doing 38MPH and holding him up.
After much discussion about how far down this road he had followed the lorry, it turned out it was in a 40 MPH limit for the lorry, there had been nowhere to pull over and allow him to pass.................and he was talking to the TM on the phone while driving!

 Busybody's Charter... - RattleandSmoke
They can't even get the basics of HTML right :(. What do they think the title tag is for? With no page titles you search engines will ignore it and rank is poorly.
 Busybody's Charter... - R.P.
That made me laugh !

Reminds me of the Jasper Carrot sketch when the complainer phones the number on the back of a van to complain about the driving and the call is answered by the van driver..
 Busybody's Charter... - Woodster
What's the difference between that site and this? OK, I know it can be specific to a vehicle but both contain untruths, opinion and in some cases utter rubbish!
 Busybody's Charter... - Pat
That is the same TM I go head to head with on numerous occasions, mainly because we're both bull-headed Arians born on April Fools day, even so I've always had a huge amount of respect for the way he operates if it doesn't concern me:)

He has a classic way of dealing with complaints from car drivers about his lorry drivers.
He listens to their complaint, takes their phone number and tells them he has to hear the lorry drivers side too but promises to call them back.
After listening to the lorry drivers side, if he thinks they are to blame, he invites them into the busy traffic office, calls for complete silence and invites everyone to listen.
He then hands the phone and the phone number to the lorry driver and orders him to phone the person and apologise!
I've never known anyone to have to do that a second time!

Last edited by: pda on Mon 13 Sep 10 at 12:04
 Busybody's Charter... - car4play
>> At first glance I thought it said roger me.
>> ;-)

Maybe that's what this page is about:

I mean..?

"you grin flirtatiously at the gorgeous blonde who shares part of your trip home ... you have email. You have a reply on ... The gorgeous blonde says yes and see you in the morning .."

Yeah. Happens all the time! lol
Last edited by: car4play on Mon 13 Sep 10 at 17:10
 Busybody's Charter... - -
It'll give disgusted of Tunbridge Wells a thrill anyway regering someone.

I had a complaint via one of those ''drop this driver in it'' signs on the back of the trailer, got dragged in the office accused of taking someone's mirror off and failing to stop afterwards on Kew Bridge, at the time i was in Grimethorpe Nth Yorkshire.

Had a couple of complimentary calls too, they were definately mistaken idendity..;)
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