Motoring Discussion > Volkswagen Golf VI - Up in smoke!
Thread Author: Falkirk Bairn Replies: 12

 Volkswagen Golf VI - Up in smoke! - Falkirk Bairn
On the end of a street nearby there was a burned out shell of a garage at the side of his house.

I know the chap slightly & I wondered how it had happened - all anyone said that the fire had destroyed the car & garage - faulty electrical? vandalism?

Turns out it was his attempts at keeping a tidy garden. He had put the Golf in the garage & noticed a few weeds popping up. He got his gas weedburner out & applied heat to the weeds. Popped the weedburner in the garage & shut the door. Within 5 minutes it was well alight -5 year old golf & garage well ablaze.

The hot burner must have ignited something nearby in the garage.

In the drive, no garage just a slab of concrete, is a a new Polo - I bet his house & car premiums might rise on renewal.
 Volkswagen Golf VI - Up in smoke! - henry k
Darwin ?
 Volkswagen Golf VI - Up in smoke! - Falkirk Bairn

No, he is around late 70'S / early 80 'S - so Darwin not applicable.
 Volkswagen Golf VI - Up in smoke! - Bromptonaut
The burner end is not far short of red hot after a few minutes use. Caught leg of a pair of trousers against ours and the polypropylene fabric melted in a nano second. Longer contact with cloth prone to smoulder, say a cotton rag, is likely to result in flames. More so if cloth contaminated with an accelerant like car polish.

Or the smouldering weeds could set something else alight.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Sun 16 Jul 17 at 11:46
 Volkswagen Golf VI - Up in smoke! - Bobby
Sounds not too dissimilar to when my neighbour set my house on fire!!
 Volkswagen Golf VI - Up in smoke! - hawkeye
My late neighbour had our beech hedge well alight after torching some weeds nearby. My hosepipe wouldn't reach so I had to 'borrow' the caravan drinking water hose while neighbour was messing around with a watering can. Gave me a welcome chance to soak his 'orrible yappy little dog while I was acting like some dishevelled extra on Trumpton.
 Volkswagen Golf VI - Up in smoke! - Clk Sec
I consider myself most fortunate, as neither of my immediate neighbours own one of these wretched weedburners.
 Volkswagen Golf VI - Up in smoke! - madf
industrial strength weedkiller - from farm outlets - is cheaper and more effective than poncy gas burners in eradicating weeds.. We have a 100 meter long section of the garden adjoining a field full of nettles, thistles and cows..(the latter prefer my plants - keep trying to knock down our fence). I weedkiller a meter wide strip all along the junction...
Last edited by: madf on Mon 17 Jul 17 at 14:57
 Volkswagen Golf VI - Up in smoke! - CGNorwich
It's also illegal to use agricultural weedkiller for domestic use.
 Volkswagen Golf VI - Up in smoke! - Haywain
"It's also illegal to use agricultural weedkiller for domestic use."

Even if you have an NPTC certificate of competence for knapsack application?
 Volkswagen Golf VI - Up in smoke! - Ted

I use the old white vinegar/salt/washing up liquid mix in a pressure spray with a wand. Easy to apply between the paving stones and costs about £4.00 for 5 litres. It works too.

I have a field at the back of the house with horses in it but it's too big to be eaten by them. We get huge nettles and brambles together with all the other stuff from the field. I just settle down with secateurs and cut everything down then spray the lot. I'm in the middle of doing it now, it's not too bad a job with the radio on and an old milk crate to sit on.
 Volkswagen Golf VI - Up in smoke! - CGNorwich
If it doesn't say thatit's suitable for domestic use on the container then yes.
 Volkswagen Golf VI - Up in smoke! - PeterS
>> If it doesn't say thatit's suitable for domestic use on the container then yes.

I guess the question is whether use is defined by the where it's used, or by the way it is used. This seems to say if you meet the requirements you can use commercial products at home though...
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