Motoring Discussion > New Speeding Fines - from 24th April 2017 Miscellaneous
Thread Author: VxFan Replies: 15

 New Speeding Fines - from 24th April 2017 - VxFan
Not sure how many are aware of this?

If you get caught speeding behind the wheel you will face harsher punishment from next month.

Speeding motorists will be fined up to £2,500 under the stricter laws which have been introduced to send a tougher message to offenders.

Magistrates will be able to apply the maximum penalty of 150% of the offending driver’s weekly income – up from 100% – from April 24.

Motorists caught speeding on the motorway will potentially face the highest fine of £2,500, where as those caught elsewhere could be fined £1,000.

For example, a driver caught doing 41mph in a 20mph zone or 101mph on a motorway could be fined 150% of their weekly income.

Taken from:-

More info also available from:

 New Speeding Fines - from 24th April 2017 - movilogo

1. Will the 10% + 2 MPH rule still apply? As per the chart in Metro it seems fines will apply from 71 MPH on motorways.

2. People will be no income pay no fine then? I expect sudden rise of stay-at-home-mom/dad being named as driver :-)
 New Speeding Fines - from 24th April 2017 - commerdriver
>> Questions
>> 1. Will the 10% + 2 MPH rule still apply?
1 mph over the limit is still breaking the law but is has got to be very difficult to prove, I cannot see any reason why the 10% + 2 guidance will not still apply as it is a pragmatic approach by police authorities.
>> 2. People will be no income pay no fine then?
I would think the standard 60 GBP fine will still apply

But then this is common sense backed by absolutely no legal knowledge

 New Speeding Fines - from 24th April 2017 - Hard Cheese
Should it be means tested? I am not sure.

On one hand 60 quid to me is less than it is to some and a lot more than it is to others.

On the other hand if two people commit the same "offence" then surely the same sentence should apply otherwise it is discriminatory.
 New Speeding Fines - from 24th April 2017 - No FM2R
Why would speeding fines be means tested but, say, careless driving not?

If I cause an accident and get a Careless Driving FP I will pay £100. If I drive with no insurance I will get an FP of £300.

But if I break the speed limit on a motorway I could be fined thousands of £s?
 New Speeding Fines - from 24th April 2017 - Hard Cheese
>> Why would speeding fines be means tested but, say, careless driving not?

I'm with you on that.
 New Speeding Fines - from 24th April 2017 - The Melting Snowman
I suspect speeding is the greater revenue generator.
 New Speeding Fines - from 24th April 2017 - zippy
Doesn't seem fair to me as I thought we were all equal under the law and therefore we should all get the same punishment given the same offence. Just because I have worked harder to earn more than someone else why should I pay a bigger fine?

I know the answer, of course, it is revenue generating!

How about changing prison sentences in the same way? A year in prison is going to cost someone that earns £100,000 a year much more than someone that earns £25,000 so perhaps the poorer paid person should do the full 12 months whilst the better paid person should only do 3 months.

Or how about it being based on life expectancy - giving a 12 months sentence to someone who will live to 100 is not as harsh as giving it to someone who will only live to 50.

All are equally crackpot of course.
 New Speeding Fines - from 24th April 2017 - Old Navy
There is an easy way to beat the revenue collectors. :-)
 New Speeding Fines - from 24th April 2017 - sooty123
>> Doesn't seem fair to me as I thought we were all equal under the law
>> and therefore we should all get the same punishment given the same offence. Just because
>> I have worked harder to earn more than someone else why should I pay a
>> bigger fine?

Seems reasonable to me. Think of it as a proportionally fair punishment.
 New Speeding Fines - from 24th April 2017 - Cliff Pope

>> Seems reasonable to me. Think of it as a proportionally fair punishment.

Yes, but zippy's point was that it works in reverse with prison sentences.
Someone earning nothing loses much less by being sent to prison than someone on £1m pa deprived of that income for a year.
So to be proportionately fair, the rich would receive shorter sentences than the poor.

 New Speeding Fines - from 24th April 2017 - sooty123
Not really, prison is more of a matter of loss of liberty than anything else.
 New Speeding Fines - from 24th April 2017 - Bromptonaut
>> Why would speeding fines be means tested but, say, careless driving not?
>> If I cause an accident and get a Careless Driving FP I will pay £100.
>> If I drive with no insurance I will get an FP of £300.
>> But if I break the speed limit on a motorway I could be fined thousands
>> of £s?

AAIU most speeders will still get an offer of FP and 3 points or if appropriate a course. So same principle as the Careless Driving or no insurance scenario above.

Fines will apply for cases that go to court and are found guilty. They go to court because (a) the motorist thinks they have a defence and decline the FP or (b) the alleged offence is so serious in terms of excess speed, place etc that prosecutor sends it to the bench.

Scenario (a) will usually attract a larger fine and/or more points than if the FP were accepted. I haven't looked up the guidelines but I am sure same principle will apply in careless or no insurance scenario if the beaks are involved.
 New Speeding Fines - from 24th April 2017 - Dutchie
Never mind in the not to distant future the car will decide how fast we go.No more points, speed awareness courses and jobsworth finding something else to do>:)

 New Speeding Fines - from 24th April 2017 - Old Navy
No doubt the speed tax collectors are already looking for new income sources. My car reads speed signs and the speed limiter can be linked to the limit.
 New Speeding Fines - from 24th April 2017 - VxFan

Just a reminder it comes into force today.
Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 24 Apr 17 at 11:14
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