Motoring Discussion > JD Power - Renault ends Lexus’ 14-year reign Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Shiny Replies: 23

 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus’ 14-year reign - Shiny
Renault has knocked Lexus from its perch at the top of the Auto Express Driver Power dealer satisfaction chart for the first time.

Lexus had topped the survey for each of the previous 14 years, but Renault and its Dacia sub-brand demoted Toyota’s luxury arm to third place.

Driver Power takes place annually, and this year surveyed more than 38,000 people across 31 different brands.

Renault jumped 12 places compared with last year’s result, having improved in all areas, but top scores for helpfulness and attitude saw the French manufacturer beat its Romanian partner to the top spot.

Paul Flanagan, Renault UK’s managing director, said: “These outstanding results for Renault and Dacia demonstrate the quality and reliability of our vehicles and the efforts that the Renault and Dacia dealer network has put into delivering exceptional customer service, as well as reaffirming our commitment to customer experience throughout the entire ownership cycle of all of our cars.

“We are delighted that our own customers have rated Renault best of all manufacturers and Dacia in second place overall, and we will aim to innovate and improve our levels of customer satisfaction even further in the years ahead.”

Brian Walters, director of research and insight at Driver Power, added: “Renault now leads the industry with respect to the helpfulness and attitude of its dealership personnel. In fact, Renault is among the top three brands in all six of the Driver Power dealer attributes.”
Last edited by: Shiny on Wed 27 Jul 16 at 23:07
 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus' 14-year reign - Crankcase
Anecdote is not data. But from my own experience, that is a load of shoe menders. Lexus are in a different league entirely.

Bit like comparing Steve Davis and Allison Fisher.

That the trouble with asking people their opinion. In fact, I think we should get rid of democracy entirely. Who's with me, show of hands.

 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus' 14-year reign - madf
Given teh stories of how Dacia handled its early rust problems, this is hard to believe..
 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus' 14-year reign - sherlock47
I think that this merely demonstrates the principle of 'practice makes perfect' when applied to the customer handling skills.
 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus' 14-year reign - Dog
>> Who's with me, show of hands.
 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus' 14-year reign - Auntie Lockbrakes
Renault ahead of Lexus?! Is it April 1st?
 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus' 14-year reign - mikeyb
Find this hard to believe - I wonder if Renault owners have given up filling in these surveys so the sample size was small....

Although to be fair my dealership experiences with Lexus have been just OK, nothing outstanding.

Supplying dealer was OK, but couple of things not put right on the car (it was used approved) - I gave feedback to Lexus in a survey when they asked (think I gave them a three out of five as un-returned calls were also an issue along with several requests for a service plan quote which I'm still waiting for) Feedback was given to dealership who then phoned me leaving a voice mail to ask why I had scored them this way. I called back twice but everytime I called the dealer principle was unavailable and would call me back.....I'm still waiting.

Servicing dealership is a bit better, but still failed to wash the car when they first serviced it. My view is that Lexus dealers are overrated or things are slipping
 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus' 14-year reign - sooty123
Perhaps you were unlucky, are there another other lexus dealers nearby?
 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus' 14-year reign - mikeyb
>> Perhaps you were unlucky, are there another other lexus dealers nearby?

Supplying and servicing dealer are two different dealerships from 2 different dealer groups. Next closest would be about 45 miles away.

I suspect that as I have the baby of the range then I'm maybe lower down on the priority list plus their increased sales over the last few years are stretching the network a bit. I had to wait 3 weeks to get a service slot that worked for me as they told me they were maxed out doing recalls. Apparently my recall letter will be coming in the next 2 months :-(
 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus' 14-year reign - Manatee
>>Renault ahead of Lexus?! Is it April 1st?

The explanation is in line 1 of the original post. It's a customer satisfaction survey. How satisfied you are depends on what you expected in the first place.

Didn't Skoda top the tables for a while after they started making ordinary cars after years of jokes?

I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.
Last edited by: Manatee on Fri 29 Jul 16 at 23:11
 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus' 14-year reign - Falkirk Bairn
Took the car to a Honda dealer for a service - 3rd yr with this dealer as the 1st lost their franchise. Last 2 years were great - yeaterday left a bit to be desired.

Staff cars parked in the space near service point. They took the car and about 90 mins later pronounced the car ready. The young assistant came into the waiting area and just said & said in a raised voice, my surname. She then made a faff of getting the invoice, then the keys, and then proceded to make sighs as she counted the cash. She then added the car is washed & hoovered.

Off I went, got home book not stamped, wheels sort of haf washed & bits on the car body half washed. If this had been my 1st trip to that garage I would not go back!

same garage, same people -totallly different experience.
 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus' 14-year reign - movilogo
Here is the full list.

On reliability Lexus still at top. On overall score, Tesla is at top folllowed by Renault Zoe, which is another electric.

Also, I am unsure of how to interpret the numbers. What is the difference between score of 98.49 vs 94.88, for example? The lowest score is 83.xx.
Last edited by: movilogo on Mon 1 Aug 16 at 12:53
 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus' 14-year reign - madf
I see a Tesla S rates highly (first) but comes 33rd in build quality.
Some inconsistencies.
Last edited by: madf on Mon 1 Aug 16 at 15:06
 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus� 14-year reig - Avant
I can't help wondering how many Tesla owners read Auto Express, let alone fill in their survey. The sample must be tiny and therefore the whole exercise, with widely varying sample sizes between cars, is questionable.

I've no idea either how they work out the percentages, but again, if the bottom car scores over 80%, there is something wrong with the scoring.
 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus� 14-y - rtj70
I totally agree Avant. When I saw the Tesla top it means the whole thing is questionable.

So does this mean if a car has a single person responding 100% in all categories, it beats are car sold in greater numbers with less than 100% score? Seems to be the case.

How many Tesla model S' in the UK? Not many.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Tue 2 Aug 16 at 00:39
 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus�¢ï¿½ - sooty123
There is a minimum number of entries required before the car gets accepted into the survey, although I can't remember how many it is.
 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus���¢ï - madf
How Many Left shows 3k Teslas registered in the UK. Edit in TOTAL.

Just as good as asking RR owners if they like their cars..

As far as a minimum number of entries -it must be very low. Can't see more than 5% of Tesla owners responding - that's 50 per registration year.. I think they would be lucky to get that...

If it's a number rather than a % of those registered then statistically the survey is nonsense.
Last edited by: madf on Tue 2 Aug 16 at 13:47
 JD Power - Renault ends LexusÃ��ï¿Â - sooty123
If you go on their website, AE explain all the ins and outs of the survey.
 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus 14 year reign - No FM2R
Could you post a link please Sooty, Ive looked and I can't find much in the way of detail.

Thank you.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Tue 2 Aug 16 at 14:07
 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus 14 year reign - sooty123
I'll have a look, i know it's in the magazine.
 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus 14 year reign - sooty123
Sorry i couldn't find it. I know it's about a 100 though for each model of car, as a minimum sample size.
Last edited by: sooty123 on Tue 2 Aug 16 at 14:25
 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus 14 year reign - No FM2R
Thanks anyway, if you do come across it though I would be very interested.
 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus 14 year reign - sooty123
Yes no problem, if I've still got the magazine I'll put the info up.
 JD Power - Renault ends Lexus 14 year reign - DP
Renault UK remain one of the worst organisations I have ever had the misfortune of dealing with. Never again will I touch one of their products, even as a gift.
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