Motoring Discussion > Drink drive ban challenge. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Old Navy Replies: 41

 Drink drive ban challenge. - Old Navy
Good luck with that one, I see lawyers rubbing their hands.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Bromptonaut
Don't think the lawyers need to twist his arm, people Mr Medicks with a private obsession keep a good tranche of the profession going. Hopefully his fees will cross subsise some useful pro-bono or legal aid work.

Incidentally, I see the Express's version of the Mail's 'sidebar of shame' is the sidebar of Brexit propaganda :-P.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Sat 28 May 16 at 15:38
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Bromptonaut
>> Don't think the lawyers need to twist his arm, people Mr Medicks with a private
>> obsession keep a good tranche of the profession going.

Missed edit should read people like Mr Medicks
 Drink drive ban challenge. - CGNorwich
Does seem odd to ban someone from driving in England when they have not committed anything that would be defined as an offence there. If you were banned in France I don't think you would lose you UK licence or am I wrong?
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Robin O'Reliant
>> Does seem odd to ban someone from driving in England when they have not committed
>> anything that would be defined as an offence there. If you were banned in France
>> I don't think you would lose you UK licence or am I wrong?
I don't think you would as the French cannot take away a foreign licence. But Scotland is covered by the same UK licence the rest of the country has, so if a court in Scotland decides to remove it from you I don't think you have much room to appeal.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - HensTeeth
>> I don't think you would as the French cannot take away a foreign licence. But
>> Scotland is covered by the same UK licence the rest of the country has, so
>> if a court in Scotland decides to remove it from you I don't think you
>> have much room to appeal.

I think the problem is that power has been devolved to Scotland in an area where it makes questionable sense for it to be so. Or, at the very least, it's not been thought through. France has introduced 'virtual' licences for foreigners, according to the Telegraph

That approach at least allows for differences across the EU, and provides some mechanism for enforcing compliance with local law.

Seems overkill for a supposedly United Kingdom, thoug
Last edited by: smokie on Sun 29 May 16 at 12:11
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Bromptonaut
>> Does seem odd to ban someone from driving in England when they have not committed
>> anything that would be defined as an offence there. If you were banned in France
>> I don't think you would lose you UK licence or am I wrong?

Medicks appears to be a Scot, or at least resident there. The comparison therefore is with a Frenchman losing his permis. That would stop him driving in England too I think.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - WillDeBeest
The comparison therefore is with a Frenchman losing his permis.

The font in which this appeared on my iPhone screen gave me a weird doubletake. For a moment I resolved to be even more careful on le lendemain matin than I already am.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - spamcan61
>> The comparison therefore is with a Frenchman losing his permis.
>> The font in which this appeared on my iPhone screen gave me a weird doubletake.
>> For a moment I resolved to be even more careful on le lendemain matin than
>> I already am.

moi aussi!
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Avant
I'm trying to work out what sort of car he was driving. I'd guess circa 1960: maybe a Ford Zephyr or something American?
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Manatee
Found the full image, but still can't identify it.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Fullchat
Claims to have had 'one pint'. Must be good stuff :)
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Manatee
That's what I thought. To be within 10% of the England and Wales limit after one pint of typical ale seems unlikely.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Bromptonaut
Some premium beers OTOH.........

Range from session ales to stronger brews is close to double.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Falkirk Bairn
The new lower limit I think has achieved little - there are still many prosecutions in Scotland for people being well over the E&W limit.

People, like myself, are so afraid of DD that even a pint of Shandy with a pub lunch has given way to a coca-cola. The hardened Drink Driver still downs 7 pint & drives.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Bromptonaut
Don't think it was ever going to deter Mr Macsevenpints fb. Recognises fact that risk is already considerably elevated an E&W limit and deters those having a pint and a bit
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Runfer D'Hills
I just don't drink any alcohol if I'm going to subsequently drive within 12 hours. It's just easier to know that there is no question of there ever being a legality or impairment issue. So even if I have an evening snifter or two I'll stop drinking 12 hours before I'm due or liable to use the car. It's no great hardship in truth. Not a big or regular drinker anyway, as hobbies or pastimes go, it's never been one that particularly held my attention.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Armel Coussine
Someone who drinks moderately but regularly is not going to be 'impaired' by a normal, moderate intake Humph. Indeed a nervous driver well used to alcohol may actually drive better after a couple of small ones. This doesn't apply to me but I have seen it in others.

OK to play safe of course, but it isn't really necessary.

It's a long time since I used to drive sloshed. I used to do it, and got away with it fortunately.

Some people are much more strongly affected by this or that intoxicant than others. To play safe you have to avoid them all which I would find very tiresome.

An intelligent interest in cars and traffic is a great help in this area. It isn't good to be vague about what you are doing.
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Sun 29 May 16 at 16:29
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Lygonos
>>The new lower limit I think has achieved little ... People, like myself, are so afraid of DD that even a pint of Shandy with a pub lunch has given way to a coca-cola

It has achieved exactly what it intended - Jocky McGallonforlunch heeds it not, but average Joe who is more likely to crash after 2 pints than when sober doesn't drink any more.

Sales of soft drinks and milk have rocketed in pubs (which incidentally have a far bigger mark-up than beer/cider).
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Old Navy
I read some time ago that the majority of drivers caught drink driving in Scotland are over the old (RofUK) limit.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Sun 29 May 16 at 20:46
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Armel Coussine
>> Sales of soft drinks and milk have rocketed in pubs (which incidentally have a far bigger mark-up than beer/cider).

God how pathetic.

Almost makes one fancy being JockyMcgallonforlunch. But that was ages ago and I don't fancy it these days.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - CGNorwich
They are drinking milk in Glasgow pubs? Semi-skimmed for health reasons no doubt.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Armel Coussine
>>The new lower limit I think has achieved little ... People, like myself, are so afraid of DD that even a pint of Shandy with a pub lunch has given way to a coca-cola

Do you fear crashing after one or two pints Lygonos? I'm surprised.

I imagine most of those who want to stay alcohol-free are mistrustful of their own driving. I know where I am with mine, or anyway I think I do. But that may just be arrogance and vainglory on my part.

Perhaps your own attitude is influenced by some of the injuries you have seen as results of careless driving, sometimes doubtless by people like me who think they know what they are doing. Perhaps playing safe is a good idea. But you can't teach an old dog new tricks. I think I will know when it's time to stop driving.

Quote attributed to Lygo was actually Falkirk Bairn. smokie
Last edited by: smokie on Mon 30 May 16 at 15:13
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Focal Point
"I think I will know when it's time to stop driving."

Did you mean "I think I will know when it's time to stop drinking"?

Sorry - couldn't resist. We love the alcoholic haze of some of your ramblings really, AC - I'm sure I speak for all of us. So much fun!
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Armel Coussine
>> Quote attributed to Lygo was actually Falkirk Bairn. smokie

Damn, I'm always doing that. Apologies to FB and Lygonos.

When I am driving I know when to stop drinking (almost immediately). When I am drinking I know when to refrain from driving having reached the point of slow or incorrect reactions.

It's all very simple, but you do have to have a little discipline and curb your spontaneous optimism.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Armel Coussine
>> It's all very simple, but you do have to have a little discipline and curb your spontaneous optimism.

Age is a factor too of course. It's crucial to monitor any discernible change resulting from ageing. That was what I meant about optimism. You owe it to yourself and everyone else to be as realistic as possible, however distasteful it may be to note waning powers.

It's as simple as rocket science, but subject to wishful thinking. You need to keep your mind on it.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Lygonos
Give 10 million drivers 2 pints of beer each and more will crash than 10 million sober drivers.

At the level of the individual there is probably a barely/slightly measurable difference, but that's how public health issues work.

See also statins/high blood pressure/eating salt/smoking (well not so much smoking - 50% of smokers die prematurely because of their habit)
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Armel Coussine
>> Give 10 million drivers 2 pints of beer each and more will crash than 10 million sober drivers.

That 'sober' is a bit ideological Lygonos. How drunk is one after two pints? Not very, if at all. Having just got up in the morning is just as bad from the controlling, being-on-top-of-it point of view.

I'm not entirely convinced that what you say is true. Perhaps 'more' won't crash after all. And how many more? Statistically significant number more?

Perhaps you are right, if there's no arguing with national statistics.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Runfer D'Hills
I think it all sort of boils down to there being a generation who still think it's acceptable to drink and drive and that "a couple can't do any harm can they", and subsequent generations who gravely doubt the wisdom of doing it at all. The former have to trust their judgement whereas the latter can trust to certainty.

 Drink drive ban challenge. - Armel Coussine
>> The former have to trust their judgement whereas the latter can trust to certainty.

Yes, that's about the size of it.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Ted

>> Found the full image, but still can't identify it.

I had an idea it might be French. How about this, although it has no quarter lights and the lock seem a lot further away from the handle. The tail styling looks identical.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Westpig

>> >> Found the full image, but still can't identify it.

My first thoughts were Yank. But thinking about, being RHD it's more likely to be Aussie.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Armel Coussine
>> being RHD it's more likely to be Aussie

I think so too.

Nice looking jalopy in a poncy sort of way though.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Westpig
>> Nice looking jalopy in a poncy sort of way though.
When I was young and foolish, (early 20's) I took a Yank tank out for a test drive. I've no idea what it was now, but it was a V8, LHD, 4 seater coupe, with the front looking half modern and the back totally different.

I was a serious punter.

I didn't buy it, because I naively thought that having a V8 would have made it quick... it wasn't.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Lygonos
>>I naively thought that having a V8 would have made it quick

Late 1970s Pontiac Firebirds could stump up a 'whopping' 150-180hp from their 5.7 to 6.6 litre V8s.

 Drink drive ban challenge. - Kevin
>Late 1970s Pontiac Firebirds could stump up a 'whopping' 150-180hp from their 5.7 to 6.6 litre V8s.

Strangled by emissions regulations though.

The same engines were giving 350 to 390hp in the late 1960s.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Boxsterboy
>> >> being RHD it's more likely to be Aussie
>> I think so too.
>> Nice looking jalopy in a poncy sort of way though.

It looks like a Chrysler of some description to me (seriously :-) )
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Ian (Cape Town)
Looks like a Holden (Nb the SST badging).
Can't find the exact model, but the styling certainly looks Holdenish)
 Drink drive ban challenge. - WillDeBeest
1967 AMC Rambler Rogue, perhaps?
 Drink drive ban challenge. - Ian (Cape Town)
>> 1967 AMC Rambler Rogue, perhaps?
Nailed it.
Bumper's right, mirror's right.
RHD were made in Oz and here.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - WillDeBeest
Tee hee! It's got a Rogue badge on the front wing too.
 Drink drive ban challenge. - CGNorwich
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