Non-motoring > Nasty pie Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Armel Coussine Replies: 67

 Nasty pie - Armel Coussine
I fancied a small pork pie when in a shop with herself today. There are quite decent ones round here. But the shop didn't have any so I chose a steak pie as the least of the available evils.

It was utterly horrible and I ate less than a third of it. Although it was wrapped and branded and kept in a fridge it was too hard to cut through, like some 100-year-old pemmican found near the South Pole. Even with English mustard it was inedible.

I never complain under these circumstances. It just upsets people and makes them anxious about you.
 Nasty pie - Runfer D'Hills
You'll know within 72 hours whether it was lethal, or at least you may not but those left behind will...

 Nasty pie - R.P.
A Nasty Pasty ?
 Nasty pie - Armel Coussine
>> A Nasty Pasty

wouldn't have been so bad, a bit of potato and carrot and onion to modify that chunk of bone-hard old pemmican. Pasties can be nice.

So can pies of course. I guess it wasn't my day today. I keep wondering what the sell by/eat by dates were.
 Nasty pie - MD
>> You'll know within 72 hours whether it was lethal, or at least you may not
>> but those left behind will...
>> ;-)
...pardon, oops sorry, I must go..............
 Nasty pie - Haywain
"It was utterly horrible"

When you visit various non-league football grounds, you develop a knack for eating pasties and pies which involves not quite letting your teeth meet when you are chewing. Then you swallow very quickly and try and concentrate on the footy and not the pie.

(actually, some of them are quite nice)
 Nasty pie - Armel Coussine
There used to be small pies in Scotland and the far North that in Scotland were sometimes called 'Steek pies', sometimes just 'meat pies'. I don't think they had steak in them though, something more like minced lamb with onion, decently moist.

They had low, depressed lids and were quite nice actually. Bit of ketchup or brown sauce on top. I could certainly have done with a couple earlier today.
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Thu 24 Mar 16 at 20:19
 Nasty pie - MD
>> They had low, depressed lids and were quite nice actually. Bit of ketchup or brown sauce on top. I could certainly have done with a couple earlier today.
"Depressed lids". Reminds me of local yoof....
 Nasty pie - Timeonmyhands
Called Scotch pies, I think, made from lamb.
 Nasty pie - Armel Coussine
>> Called Scotch pies, I think, made from lamb.

They were lamb. But they were sometimes called steek pies in Scotland when I were a nipper.

Perhaps the steek ones were made with beef.

Anyway, I liked those Scotch pies a lot. A good standby, very cheering.
 Nasty pie - Old Navy
They look like, and taste like ash trays.
 Nasty pie - Armel Coussine
>> They look like, and taste like ash trays.

May depend where they come from ON. Perhaps you are pining for a dish of proper Navy burgoo, whatever that may be.

As a heavy smoker I may like them tasting like ashtrays. I don't think so, but it's possible. They tasted like peppery little meat pies to me. I haven't had one for decades but I quite fancy one right now.

Just as well I'm adult and don't shout and scream for things any more.
 Nasty pie - Haywain
I do appreciate a nice Cornish pasty; standard fare for when I'm working at a polling station is Cornish pasty and Pot Noodle (Bombay Bad Boy usually).

They do a very nice pasty on Bury market; I now have to ask for "One of those pasties, please, that used to be called a 'Cornish Pasty' but you aren't allowed to call them that any more 'cos they're made in Norff Landan".
 Nasty pie - Manatee
>> I do appreciate a nice Cornish pasty

>> "One of those pasties, please, that used to be called a 'Cornish Pasty' but you
>> aren't allowed to call them that any more 'cos they're made in Norff Landan".

The local shop has nice ones, peppery, in shortcrust pastry, with recognisable meat, diced potato, onion and swede. I always ask for a "Cornish style pasty" which avoids them having to explain that that aren't called Cornish pasties or me having to ask for a "meat pasty" which is the name they came up with.
 Nasty pie - Dog
>>The local shop has nice ones, peppery, in shortcrust pastry, with recognisable meat, diced potato, onion and swede

The recognisable meat should ideally be chuck steak or skirt. I made some a few years ago.
Mucho faffing about and I ain't made any since.
 Nasty pie - Dutchie
I like pork pie.

Got a few small pies in the fridge bought from Marks and Sparks.Posh pork pies.
 Nasty pie - Zero
Ginsters, the worse pasty known to man, claims to come from Cornwall. I'd throw them out, they are giving the place a bad name.
 Nasty pie - Manatee
>> Ginsters, the worse pasty known to man,

I wouldn't argue with that.

I occasionally succumb to a West Cornwall Pasty Co one at Marylebone station. Not great, but at least edible.
 Nasty pie - CGNorwich
Not sure I have ever had one. Popular though - according to Wiki they claim to have sold 450,000,000. Someone must like them
 Nasty pie - Dog
Ginsters "Real honest food" The biggest selling pasty maker in the UK "Cornish through and through"

Pull the other one!

Owned by:
 Nasty pie - Dog
It is said the Devil never dared cross the Tamar, for fear of becoming a filling in a pasty. Nevertheless, his agents are abroad in Callington, and their name is Ginsters.
 Nasty pie - Zero



With links to GINSTERS PASTY

Pre-packaged meat flavoured snacks sold from vending machines in Spars and Naafis which can then be heated up in a microwave oven and consumed. This creates a foodstuff which is deceptively cool on the outside but actually contains a filling of white-hot meat slurry which will savagely scorch your tongue moments after you have taken your first bite. Fortunately this means that you can't actually taste the rest of it.

Although commonly believed to have been developed by Cornish entrepreneurs to feed the local mining communities, recent research shows that the 'Cornish' pasty is in fact an import from Devon and that the recipe was stolen sometime in the 3rd Century by redheaded pirates.

However, since the "research" imputing the pasty's origins came from a Devonian "scholar", most commentators now agree that the noble pasty is indeed from Cornwall. After all, if pastys (to use the Cornish spelling) were originally from Devon, we would surely know them as "Devon Pastys". This writer also questions wheather anything from Ginsters should count as a pasty.
 Nasty pie - Dog
>>pastys (to use the Cornish spelling)

Pedant alert!!
 Nasty pie - CGNorwich
Pastis is nicer.
 Nasty pie - Ian (Cape Town)
Weren't 'pasties' those things that strippers used to cover their puppies' noses while performing?
 Nasty pie - CGNorwich
And there really is such stuff as Cornish pastis. A chaps was talking about it on the radio today.

Funny old world.
 Nasty pie - Dog
'Only' £30 a bottle [70cl]

 Nasty pie - CGNorwich
Flavoured with Gorse from wind blown Cornish cliffs apparently. You can't put a price on that.

 Nasty pie - Dog
This is cheaper, probably nicer too:
 Nasty pie - Zero
>> Flavoured with Gorse from wind blown Cornish cliffs apparently. You can't put a price on
>> that.

Fluffy can.
 Nasty pie - tyrednemotional
>>Fluffy can., it's in a clean(ish) bottle, I think........
 Nasty pie - Dog
'Only' £30 a bottle [70cl]

 Nasty pie - Lygonos
>>They look like, and taste like ash trays

Some are pretty vile but there are a few that are quite edible.

There are a few of the better chippies that source good ones that are very tasty, deep fried with chips ;-)
 Nasty pie - bathtub tom
>> There used to be small pies in Scotland and the far North that in Scotland
>> were sometimes called 'Steek pies', sometimes just 'meat pies'.

Reminds me of the character in Pratchett's Discworld - Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler (CMOT Dibbler). Sold meat pies, but named meat pies cost a little extra.
 Nasty pie - legacylad
I only ever buy pork pies from my local butcher. Buying from a supermarket just isn't right. Preferably eaten cold with some HP brown fruity sauce. Mind you, not cheap, £1.10 now at Drake & Macefield in Settle.
 Nasty pie - Clk Sec
I'm a pasty fanatic and always have been. When we holiday down south, I have one every day for lunch.

As I type this, Mrs CS is making 4 from scratch; 2 with cheese for her and 2 without cheese for me.

Yum, yum...

 Nasty pie - Runfer D'Hills
Combine some flasks of soup, fresh baguettes, a Welsh mountain and some mountain bikes with a day off and blue skies. Lunch back at the car sitting on its "back step" never tasted better.

About to do exactly that right now.

Just going out, I may be some time...

 Nasty pie - legacylad
Capt Oates final words... 'I knew we should have brought an e***** orange tent'....
 Nasty pie - sooty123
Lunch back at the car sitting on its "back
>> step" never tasted better.
>> About to do exactly that right now.
>> Just going out, I may be some time...
>> ;-)
Eating in the car in a car park, you'll be eating sandwiches in a lay by next. Then the next thing you know you'll be reading those cotton trader ads and thinking 'that doesn't look too bad'.
 Nasty pie - Zero
SQ for the lazy so and so

>> Eating in the car in a car park, you'll be eating sandwiches in a lay
>> by next. Then the next thing you know you'll be reading those cotton trader ads
>> and thinking 'that doesn't look too bad'.
>> ;)

Caravan. I bet he has already investigated putting a tow bar on the LEC
Last edited by: VxFan on Fri 25 Mar 16 at 21:25
 Nasty pie - sooty123
Caravanists often have push bikes strapped to their sheds. There's alot of similarities, I think he's a secret caravanist. Get it off your chest rdh, we're a modern and inclusive forum, there's no need for secrets here.
 Nasty pie - Runfer D'Hills
Well, it was 95% a brilliant day. Sun shone, forest and mountain glistened, made it up "heart attack hill" without trauma. Fantastic fast descent with many temporarily airborne sections.

Just fab.


Really near where we had parked ( in some ways thank goodness for that ) there is a really fast section where if you're feeling inclined you can jump over a small stream. No it's only about 6' wide but you launch off a bank about 10' up and land on the far bank at water level. It looks a bit scary but is actually a doddle if you just trust the bike.

Yeah, well, on landing, the back section of the frame right about where the derailleur attaches snapped like a twig.

The derailleur went straight into the wheel, the wheel locked, the back of the bike collapsed.

Well, you can guess the rest.

Doesn't hurt too much...cough...
 Nasty pie - Alastairw
Sounds like an excuse to buy a new bike to me.
 Nasty pie - Bromptonaut
>> Yeah, well, on landing, the back section of the frame right about where the derailleur
>> attaches snapped like a twig.
>> The derailleur went straight into the wheel, the wheel locked, the back of the bike
>> collapsed.

Ouch - get well soon. It's fear of stuff like that the keeps me from progressing beyond the slightly challenging end of trails.

Mrs B and I set off for a pootle round the local lanes this aft. She on her MTB and me on a Brommy. Unfortunately her knees played up and we had to shorten the planned 10miles to around 6.
 Nasty pie - Skip
>> Yeah, well, on landing, the back section of the frame right about where the derailleur
>> attaches snapped like a twig.

Time to go on a diet possibly ? :-)
 Nasty pie - Zero
SQ again for lazy git

>> Time to go on a diet possibly ? :-)

Yeah, someone has been eating all the pies. That caravan is looking like a good idea. Actually maybe a motorhome, like this

Last edited by: VxFan on Fri 25 Mar 16 at 21:26
 Nasty pie - Runfer D'Hills
That damn frame has only lasted 15 months and it was, erm, not on the cheapest side of cheap...

So maybe the limiting of pie suggestions might have some credence.

Pouring a gin now, not sure whether to drink it or rub it on.

 Nasty pie - Manatee
As a matter of interest, what was the frame material?

Unless it was a weld, aluminium is more likely to fail suddenly and completely. Not to say that there is anything wrong with it, and it goes into some expensive bikes I assume, but it does have some interesting characteristics compared with steel.

Of course yours might have been neither. I meant to ask you when you posted it, and for some reason it has just popped back into my head. Another neural connection shorted no doubt.
 Nasty pie - Runfer D'Hills
Aluminium hardtail Manatee. Own fault, shouldn't have attempted that particular maneover on a bike without rear sus.
 Nasty pie - Skip
Whenever I go to Cornwall I always go to Pengenna Pasties in Tintagel on the last day and buy a dozen from them to bring back and freeze. They are the best I have ever tasted. The smell in the car on the way back is such that they are lucky to make it home though !
 Nasty pie - Dog
>>Pengenna Pasties in Tintagel

They certainly look proper jobs - I could murder one or two right now!
 Nasty pie - Roger.
My mouth is watering just looking at the photos on their web site :-)
You can buy them on-line, but by 'eck they'm costly!
My better half (a trained home economist & cookery demonstrator) can make superb traditional pasties and hand raised pork pies, but she refuses to indulge me these days as "they are too fattening".
 Nasty pie - Dog
>>My mouth is watering just looking at the photos on their web site :-)

Certainly 'beets' my beetroot soup & Lancashire cheese sand witch.

>>You can buy them on-line, but by 'eck they'm costly!

I'll hafta 'pop' over there. Some of the best pastys I've had in Cornwall have been bought from butchers.

>>but she refuses to indulge me these days as "they are too fattening".

Ask the memsahib why peops on the Atkins diet, which is essentially high in fat (and protein) lose weight??
 Nasty pie - CGNorwich
Doesn't a pasty consist of fatty carbohydrate (pastry) filled with potato (carbohydrate) swede (carbohydrate) thickened with flour (carbohydrate). Ok they're might be a chunk of protein in their somewhere but you won't get slim eating them!
 Nasty pie - Dog
>>Ok they're might be a chunk of protein in their somewhere but you won't get slim eating them!

As I've noticed, living in Cornwall this last 19 years.

 Nasty pie - smokie
Atkins is high fibre isn't it? I seem to recall a lot of bran and fruit.
 Nasty pie - Ian (Cape Town)
You left out the 'TW'.
Diet is simple:
Eat less, exercise more.
Eat more fresh meats and veggies, and avoid processed foods.

Or have I missed things here?
 Nasty pie - Clk Sec
>> You can buy them on-line, but by 'eck they'm costly!

Not cheap at £4 each plus postage. They do look rather nice, though.
 Nasty pie - Skip
> Not cheap at £4 each plus postage. They do look rather nice, though.

Worth every penny trust me.
 Nasty pie - Armel Coussine
Got a decent pork pie from a local butcher today, not perfect but decent.

I only ate half of it though. Herself ate the other half, although like everyone but me she had been scoffing exotic ham and salad in large quantities. I eat very little these days but don't feel ill or anything.
 Nasty pie - fluffy
My favourite pork pie is from my local butcher. A good slice is only £2.99
 Nasty pie - helicopter
Having just returned from Northumberland, I found I was half a stone heavier than before and have to admit to partaking of award winning Scotch pies from Carters of Bamburgh, as good a Scotch pie as you can get.

Have also brought back a half kilo of Bamburgh bangers and a half kilo of Cumberland sausage from the same butchers......but these will be strictly rationed until weight returns to normal.

I had to smile at the slogan of one butcher in Berwick .....

'Say aye to a pie'......I couldn't have put it better.
 Nasty pie - Armel Coussine
You are bringing back very agreeable memories helicopter.

Bamburgh, an uncomfortable night on the floor of the burgled cricket pavilion. Had an old gf working as a waitress in some restaurant there.

The old person network. We were such a bunch of little hooligans.
 Nasty pie - Cliff Pope
>> You are bringing back very agreeable memories helicopter.

Sorry AC, I couldn't help chuckling over that.
I wondered what might have caused an old pie thread to be revived, and note that your agreeable memories surfaced about two months after the jog from helicopter.

 Nasty pie - Slidingpillar
Hmm, Cumberland sausage, not bought by the pound, but by the yard.
 Nasty pie - devonite
'Say aye to a pie'......I couldn't have put it better.

The well-known Butcher's greeting, Pleased to meet you, meat to please you!
 Nasty pie - Ted

Prostitute's goodbye...." It's been a business doing pleasure with you ".

Similar vein.
 Nasty pie - helicopter
Strange to see the thread resurrected....Bamburgh was freezing in April and now I am currently in 30 degree heat typing this in Crete with a cold Mythos to hand by the pool.Cumberland sausage replaced by Kleftiko..

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