Motoring Discussion > Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Auntie Lockbrakes Replies: 64

 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Auntie Lockbrakes
Thumbs up, or run a mile? Certainly unique in its niche. Personally, in spite of myself, it's a Yes and I'd love to own one!

I predict a long waiting list...
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Ian (Cape Town)
The 'must have' for footballer's wives.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Dog
Last edited by: Dog on Sat 19 Mar 16 at 07:59
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - legacylad
Pig ugly, slow, hugely expensive
Each to their own
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Runfer D'Hills
They will be like Ugg boots. Fat birds will think they look good in them.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - legacylad
Stop it. I got taken unexpectedly last night and laughing doesn't improve the dull ache
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Runfer D'Hills
The fashion industry, in all its guises, has successfully pulled off some monumental practical jokes over the years.

This, I fear, will be one of them.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - henry k
Easy on! With the top chopped off and the lid down it is a slight improvement on the two door version.
No mention of Posh's input?
Get Becks to put the boot in.
Son had the four door on hire recently and thought it was a poor drive.

Yes another practical joke but Uggs will love it!
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - sooty123
They'll sell like hotcakes in China and the ME.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Zero
>> They'll sell like hotcakes in China and the ME.

Funny how the cradle of art, craft, literature, science and perfect from can develop such appalling taste.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - sooty123
>> >> They'll sell like hotcakes in China and the ME.
>> Funny how the cradle of art, craft, literature, science and perfect from can develop such appalling taste.

Aye, speaking of the ME, but they've got to spend that oil money on something. even during this oil price blip, they're awash with cash.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Manatee
>> They will be like Ugg boots. Fat birds will think they look good in them.

Two birds with one stone. You should be on the stage.

I keep seeing chaps driving Evoques. What's that about?
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Runfer D'Hills

>> I keep seeing chaps driving Evoques. What's that about?

Ah now that's a different thing altogether. That's when a guy really wants a proper Range Rover but either he can't afford one or his employer won't stump for one. Or, his wife has told him that's what he has to have.

Bit like Porsche Boxsters. All they do is announce quite loudly that while things aren't going too badly, you can't stretch to a real one !

 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Manatee
I've just opened the link. £50k, that's an expensive fashion statement. I can't believe English actually liked it, although it's quite noticeable that he went on about the Champagne as much as the car.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Runfer D'Hills
>> while things aren't going too badly, you can't stretch to a real one !

And yes, ( I'll get it in before anyone else does ) that applies to four cylinder Mercs too !

 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Ian (Cape Town)
That Rover... I have seen and driven some ugly cars in my life, but that takes the cake...
The PT cruiser (aka Mid-Life Chrysler or PMT Cruiser) is also pig-ugly. Horribly slab-sided in ragtop version.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Fullchat
See further down the first DT site it mentions the first ever Landrover diesel is available at £200.000 - bit of a restoration project.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - legacylad
Talking of four seater convertibles, and some may consider this heresy, but I prefer the looks of the older BMW 3 series with a proper soft top to that of the newer folding hard top. Somehow the proportions just don't look right.
I appreciate it will be quieter with the roof up, and an improved NCAP rating, and you won't have to Renovo the blue fabric twice a year as I do, but I still think the older model has aged pretty well.
Bit like myself really
Ducks for cover....
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Ian (Cape Town)
The E30 Cabriolet was a cracking car. (I had one...)
I always get the impression, when I see convertibles, that they have either been designed from day 1 as a convertible, or designed as a coupe/saloon, then been retro-designed to make a ragtop version. The former are normally much prettier.

 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Runfer D'Hills
I secretly quite like the old BMW cabriolet too. But I would feel slightly inclined to affect a cravat and slip on shoes if I had one.

 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Ian (Cape Town)
>> I secretly quite like the old BMW cabriolet too. But I would feel slightly inclined
>> to affect a cravat and slip on shoes if I had one.
>> ;-)

Cravat? Perish the thought!
Raybans and a leather flight jacket!
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - WillDeBeest
...and remember the cap to cover the bald patch.

Back to the Evoque. Selfish, preening and no practical use - bit like the people who drive them round my way. But, like them, and maybe only for one reckless weekend...

...might be fun to take one for a ride.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Dog
>>Cravat? Perish the thought!
Raybans and a leather flight jacket!

Used to drive around sowf lunden in my Brooklands green MGB Roadster wivva white scarf round my neck back in the day [what on earth was I thinking!!]
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Armel Coussine
>> [what on earth was I thinking!!]

You were wondering if the scarf was going to be caught by one of the rear wheels and snap your neck like what happened to that bird...
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Manatee
Is a door a done can?
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Dog
>>You were wondering if the scarf was going to be caught by one of the rear wheels and snap your neck like what happened to that bird...

Reminds me (for some reason) of the pic of a woman in the USA who lost her entire face in a car crash
(Teddy knows the pic) It will (unfortunately) stay in my RAM forever :(

>>You were wondering if the scarf was going to be caught by one of the rear wheels and snap your neck like what happened to that bird...

Last edited by: Dog on Sat 19 Mar 16 at 13:43
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Armel Coussine

Thank you Perro. I'd forgotten her name.

All those artsy-f***sy dancers and prancers strike me as utterly appalling. Talented in some cases, but awful.

Ballet dancers are strong and fit, but they look like posturing ninnies to me. I prefer motor racing to ballet. Apparently I'm a philistine.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Dog
>>Thank you Perro. I'd forgotten her name.

You're welcome Sire. I'd never heard of her but I knew the memsahib would know of her, quite amazing really how she knows things which I don't :)
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Armel Coussine
>> I'd never heard of her

I don't think la Duncan had any ballet training. She was just a rich mad American super-narcissist who thought all art came from inside. She liked prancing about wearing diaphanous cloths.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Dog
Last edited by: Dog on Sat 19 Mar 16 at 14:17
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Bromptonaut
>> You were wondering if the scarf was going to be caught by one of the
>> rear wheels and snap your neck like what happened to that bird...
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Ian (Cape Town)
In a morgan three-wheeler, with a biggles hat and goggles, I'd say 'GO FOR IT!'
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Dog
I have a pair of WW2 mark 8 goggles in their original case which I bought some 15 years ago from a woman in Truro whose father was in the (don't mention it) I've never worn them, although I did have a Honda CX500 Custom (import) at the time. Must be worth a quid or 5 I suppose.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Dog
Ere tis:
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - John Boy
I wasn't aware that you were a trendsetter, Dog:


 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Dog
I'll have to Wareham when I go out on my old Dutch pushbike. I've got a (proper) flying jacket, so all I need now is a matching sheepskin hat.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - legacylad
I get along quite nicely driving around in my Giants baseball cap & California Republic hoody ( or is it hoodie?)

I jest Sir, but cravat, really? Surely thats drop head Bentley attire.

Enough of this, time to walk the Lakeland. And it's not raining. Quite remarkable.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Runfer D'Hills
Hoodie and a baseball cap?

Is that still fashionable in Yorkshire then?

 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Zero
>> Hoodie and a baseball cap?
>> Is that still fashionable in Yorkshire then?

Yorkshire, Fashion.

Nope, tried, can't make the connection.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Manatee
They complement the moleskin breeks.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Armel Coussine
We get moles here.

At one time the old ladies used to get a mole man in once or twice a year to keep them down. He had a pair of moleskin breeks. But the good thing about him was his name, Mr. Voak. Perfect name for a mole man if you ask me.
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Sat 19 Mar 16 at 14:33
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - legacylad
Cackle ye not. Allegedly there are fashion type shops in Leeds. In a previous life we would catch the iron horse to Leeds on the odd Sunday, and she who must would do her fashion shopping, whilst I imbibed in various male crèches. There's a Harvey Nichs, plenty of smart shops in the Victorian arcades, and lots of eye candy which I just happened to notice when it was time to get my wallet out in the aforementioned fashion shops. And a J Lewis shop opening this Autumn.
Next winters must have fashion accessory is orange bailing twine.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Dog
>>Next winters must have fashion accessory is orange bailing twine.

My friend up on Bodmin Moor was a big fan of orange bailing/binder twine. He used to use it to hold his trousers up, and as a lead for his dog Gerry. *He didn't need to act the goat of course, because he was a leather craftsman who made leather belts, one of which I have on now.

*All part of 'the act' you see.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - CGNorwich
Next winters must have fashion accessory is orange bailing twine.

No synthetics for me. I prefer the natural look. Sisal twine every time
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - legacylad
Tree hugger
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Runfer D'Hills
Having been around the industry all my life I can tell you unequivocally the fact is that fashion brands are consistently more successful in the north if you exclude London itself.

Many theories have been postulated over the years as to why this might be but to me the most credible one is that of a propensity to buy temporary gratification as an antidote to mundanity.

That coupled with lower costs of living leading to higher disposable incomes despite lower average incomes. This effect is seen at its most extreme in Northern Ireland where although the income per capita is lower, so are property prices and the sales of premium consumer goods are higher than mainland UK.

Compare that with areas of the south of England ( except as previously stated parts of London ) where although benefitting from lower unemployment and higher incomes, the cost of living is also considerably higher mainly driven by property prices and a greater propensity to spend on private education.

It's not of course a completely north south split, as for example, the same effect can be observed in the spending habits of Edinburgh versus Glasgow residents. The former are far less likely to spend as much on fashion brands than the latter but are far more likely to fund private education for their children than the Glaswegians.

In fact the irony is, the more affluent the region the less successful fashion brands usually are.

The single most successful locations ( again I stress, excepting London ) for fashion brands might surprise you. Belfast leads, closely followed by Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham and Newcastle. Glasgow is strong, as indeed are Sheffield and Leeds.

Conversely, Edinburgh, Harrogate, Oxford, Cambridge and Chester really are not despite being seen as affluent locations.

South of London, with the notable exception of Brighton, in the most affluent areas such as Surrey, fashion brands struggle and the average price paid for clothes and footwear is measurably lower.

Different priorities I guess. No idea how car industry statistics stack up in comparison but most premium fashion brands would tell you that their most successful UK sales territories are London and the north.

I once heard a very succesful fashion retailer being asked how he chose locations for his stores. He claimed that if it had two successful football teams, a sea port, or an industrial past and a good University then it was probably a safe bet.

Well, I find it interesting anyway, sorry if I've put you to sleep !

 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - legacylad
Not at all... I found it interesting.
Our least successful shop was Wetherby, just south of Harrogate. Private education, flash cars, high property prices. Conversely, Morley & Keighley, both 'what you see is what you get' honest working towns were far more successful businesses.
Not in the fashion industry, but once my customers had spent their money on booze, cigs & drugs a lot of them spent their disposable over my counter.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - The Melting Snowman
Not to my taste but we should celebrate the fact that it's designed and built in Britain. Component suppliers and JLR employees all benefit. I think as nation we are sometimes too negative about our outputs.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Robin O'Reliant
About ten years ago I remember reading that there were more BMWs per head in Northern Ireland than in any other part of the UK.

And down here in Pembrokeshire, one of the lowest wage parts of Britain I was astounded by the number of private number plates on cars when I first moved here. A far greater ratio than can be seen in London and it is still the same.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - John Boy
I found Runfer's analysis very interesting and can see the logic in there. It has parallels in collecting for charity - poor people are usually more generous than the well-heeled.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Robin O'Reliant
>> I found Runfer's analysis very interesting and can see the logic in there. It has
>> parallels in collecting for charity - poor people are usually more generous than the well-heeled.

They are certainly better tippers at Christmas.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - The Melting Snowman
Pretty much my own view based on many years of business. Some of the wealthiest people I've dealt with have also been the tightest. Duck's wotsit doesn't get close. To some extent, it's how they made their money.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - No FM2R
Interesting Runfer.

Does the same apply to both wholesale and retail prices, or are those simply each functions of the other?

Profit margins is what I'm asking, I guess.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Sat 19 Mar 16 at 19:08
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Runfer D'Hills
Strong brands tend to manipulate retail prices. It's illegal but they do. There are ways. You'll find that with "exceptional exceptions" most premium products cost much the same wherever you buy them. Not that...

Last edited by: Runfer D'Hills on Sat 19 Mar 16 at 21:23
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Alanovich
Runfer's tale makes sense. Those that have, have nothing to prove. Those that have not, wish to be seen to be having. Thus, they have to have a shirt which proclaims an expensive and/or fashionable brand name. There are more who have in the South.

Of course, there are plenty of folks in the South who do have and yet still buy conspicuous designer branding - there's just no accounting for taste in that case. As WillDB points out, there is enough evidence of this in Henley-upon-Thames. ;-)
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Zero

>> Compare that with areas of the south of England ( except as previously stated parts
>> of London ) where although benefitting from lower unemployment and higher incomes, the cost of
>> living is also considerably higher mainly driven by property prices and a greater propensity to
>> spend on private education.

Think it depends on what you call a fashion brand. There are a lot of shops selling Barbours and DuBarry round here.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Runfer D'Hills
As I was incarcerated in the house of much lurgy and some study yesterday afternoon, I found myself watching Octopussy.

Yeah I know, there were at least a thousand other things I could have done but sometimes vegetating can be just as satisfying.

Anyway, for some reason I'd never seen that one before. Nothing very interesting happened apart from the ubiquitous raising of one of Roger Moore's eyebrows during the innuendo scenes but there was an opening sequence which involved a brown Mk1 ( I think ) Range Rover convertible.

Which just goes to show something. Not sure what, but it must mustn't it?

As you were.
Last edited by: Runfer D'Hills on Mon 21 Mar 16 at 17:33
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Armel Coussine
Naff movie though, like all or nearly all those Bond movies.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Runfer D'Hills
Oh totally AC, totally.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - No FM2R
>> Naff movie though, like all or nearly all those Bond movies.

James Bond movies do not age well. But I enjoyed most of them when they were new.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Runfer D'Hills
I musht be dreaming. Do you exshpect me to talk?
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - mikeyb
I quite like it in a chavy mini moke kind of way
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Runfer D'Hills
Quite apart from the, erm, challenging looks, I really wouldn't fancy sitting in the back seat of a convertible with no windscreen to hide behind. Although Hitler did it standing up.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - WillDeBeest
Had to hold his arm out for balance, though.
 Not Listed - RR Evoque convertible: forum verdict? - Robin O'Reliant
>> Although Hitler did it standing up.

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