Non-motoring > Lunchtime Incandescence Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 14

 Lunchtime Incandescence - R.P.
I was a passenger on the way home from our forest walk with the dogs this morning. Driving through one of the villages we came across A Biffa operated re-cycling of the "operatives" was carrying a box across the road into the truck, leaving a trail of plastic bottles and other debris in the road behind him. There was no effort to collect it as he dumped the remaining items into the truck and chucked the box back and moved to the next house. My wife not one to "lose it" slammed on got out and chucked the larger items into the moving truck. I rarely lose it but I was bouncing. The roadside verges on recycling day is covered in plastic bottles and this is clearly what they do. Strewth.....

E-mail has gone to the re-cycling manager for the council. I've had a response. But that's it stuff Anglesey Council and their re-cycling all the waste will now go into the landfill more recycling for me.
 Lunchtime Incandescence - CGNorwich
Isn't that a somewhat overreaction to one couldn't care less Biffa employee.? No need to adopt a similar attitude.
 Lunchtime Incandescence - R.P.
:=)'re right of course.
 Lunchtime Incandescence - R.P.
But it is bad here. On re-cycling days the village resembles a leaflet raid by the RAF, with random bits of plastic everywhere. It was bad when the LA did it and worse since it was contracted out. If I was seen doing that by a Council enforcer I'd deservedly get a ticket. This is industrial scale littering on miles of roads and lanes.
 Lunchtime Incandescence - No FM2R
The CEO is a bloke called Ian Wakelin.

Email to or telephone to his assistant on +44 1494 556494
 Lunchtime Incandescence - CGNorwich
A call to the local Environmental Health Dept would probably suffice.
 Lunchtime Incandescence - R.P.
Already done CG by e-mail. If I get nowhere with the council I'll e-mail Biffa. This is a beautiful area - it's being spoilt by the inactions of the Local Authority. A neighbouring council now sends street cleaners to pick up after their trucks have been, that is a nonsense. It shouldn't happen in the first place
 Lunchtime Incandescence - CGNorwich
I agree. The council does need to be made aware of the things though. It is surpring how often we complain to one another but never tell the people who need to know.

Our council use Veolia who are very efficient.
 Lunchtime Incandescence - R.P.
I believe they were the previous contract holders.
 Lunchtime Incandescence - legacylad
Well done. Living in the middle of 3 Peaks country I hate litter droppers in our beautiful Dales. Empty energy sachets, pop bottles. Damned charity walkers, who are in a small minority, are the worst. Stuffing their rubbish into dry stone walls. I've had plenty of altercations following walkers who dump their rubbish. A few times it has come to blows. And emails sent to charities whose walkers dumped their rubbish.
A shame that a small minority of thoughtless idiots spoil it.
 Lunchtime Incandescence - smokie
When we moved to open recycling boxes (or maybe when the incumbent waste collector started) we were asked to put our rubbish and recycling out the night before, and they would manage any mess caused by inclement weather or animals. They do, not perfectly, but unless it's been particularly windy the street is generally pretty clean when they've been.
 Lunchtime Incandescence - R.P.
Just dumped my old TV box in the Council Offices car-park (not really) !
 Lunchtime Incandescence - Roger.
I'm not sure if the contents of our separated recyclable wheelie bins go to their intended destinations - there is talk that it all goes to landfill!
We have weekly collections of our domestic refuse wheelie bins, one blue, one green , alternating between recyclable & ordinary household refuse.
No further separation is required and I have to say our refuse collectors are very good at their jobs. No spillage and no quibbling if a bin lid is ajar because of a lot of refuse.
We also have a domestic refuse/ recyclable civic dump, run by Veolia, which is immaculate and very efficiently run. Much greater separation of types of rubbish is practised here.
Operatives will often volunteer to help in unloading car boot contents, particularly for older users.
Very happy with our council's services in this respect.
 Lunchtime Incandescence - bathtub tom
One advantage of dash-cams, you can email the footage.
 Lunchtime Incandescence - R.P.
It wasn't set up in the MINI....I photographed the vehicle and the men involved though.
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