It may not be a big deal for you (ifithelps and Dave_TD), but it may well be a big deal for others.
Apart from that, people should know this information about what happens to their private details. At the moment there is no indication of any of these answers.
Can I ask what is the point of data protection and secure encrypted storage of passwords, if plain text passwords, together with emails, are stored separately at someone's work or on private computers? You have no way of knowing a) the security employed on these other systems, or b) who owns these other systems, c) the security of the transmission used.
Look, when people register, no information is given about this, no indication of security or lack of it. This is simply not good enough at all. No warnings are given about using a unique password, or that it will be stored by a 3rd party in plain text.
If you use a common password (so many people do) than all your online applications and data is instantly at risk.
Passwords seem to have been used maliciously to post on my behalf (on HJ) and I have evidence to suggest others have been compromised in this way, too.
I have evidence that these have been used to log into an account while users were online, and then details changed in order to forcibly log users off.
I have evidence that people have used the passwords to log in falsely as a backroomer(s) or access backroomer accounts without the express permission or knowledge of those backroomers. And as the set up is identical, that could be happening on this site too.
You may not care about your own data, but that is not the purpose of managing it securely and lawfully. It is to protect innocent users who will not be aware of this stuff.
Until this is all clarified and out in the open, I can only surmise that from emails I have been receiving, quite a few others are unhappy about this stuff, too.
It simply should not happen, it is in gross contravention of web security.
It seems passwords are/were passed between mods in plain text on a private forum within the backroom. Also have evidence that private addresses of at least one member had been "found" and discussed in plain text between mods.
All this stuff is completely unacceptable, if true. I have no reason not to believe it, as I have full transcripts. This is exactly my point, the information has "escaped" thanks to a whistleblower.
I have not solicited this information and I am copying in a journalist to protect myself, but the fact remains that all users seem to be at risk and private information (at least on the old Honest John forum) was bandied around. Was that YOUR info?
For instance, from the information bandied around, I have found that one of the people who seems privvy to the discussions works for a UK police force. If I mentioned the industry another works in, I guess this thread would be instantly deleted.
I should not know this info, yet it is bandied around "hidden" forums between mods in plain text. That's very bad.
I think answers should be given, and a clear Privacy Policy published here. I am taking this up separately with the publisher of the Honest John site. Surely, not everyone else is so relaxed about this as you, ifithelps?
Last edited by: LINGsCARS on Mon 1 Mar 10 at 10:46