Non-motoring > 5/6 man tents for under £170 Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Fenlander Replies: 19

 5/6 man tents for under £170 - Fenlander
Any happy campers here? Need to buy a 5/6 person tent for summer garden teenage sleepovers and family visits (children). Looking to pay £170 max and want a half decent quality. Wary of the Halfords type £99 packages with tent, beds, chairs, sleeping bags etc as the tent itself must be down to a price.

Only recent experience of tents is a Outwell Hartford 11 person which we bought for a party and sold straight on as it was far to big/fussy to erect/dismantle several times over the hols.

I think I need a tunnel type that has a simple rectangular footprint and it needs standing room in the living area.

Would buy used but on ebay there are very few and prices a high proportion of the new costs so a real keen new deal seems the answer.
 5/6 man tents for under £170 - FotheringtonTomas
I would not buy a tunnel tent for this. Get a Cabanon or similar frame tent, such as e-Bay sold item#260630483254. Having put one of these up once, I was able to put it up and take it down on my own quite easily. If it needs a ground sheet, buy a good PCS one, or a "throwaway" plastic tarpaulin for £5-10. Don't let either stick out under the sides of the tent, or should it rain, you will find water running in on top of it. There's plenty of room, and you can stand up easily, and not just at the sides either.
 5/6 man tents for under £170 - No FM2R
>>Wary of the Halfords type £99 packages with tent, beds, chairs, sleeping bags etc as the tent itself must be down to a price

Bought one of those two years ago. I wouldn't want to be out in seriously inclement weather but the children, occasionally acocmpanied by me, have slept in it a lot.

Depending on the amount of usage you intend, you might want to have a closer / second look. I'd say in two years its been erected 20 times and slept in at least double that. No signs of wear that I can see.
 5/6 man tents for under £170 - Fenlander
Thanks for comments.

I'd looked at tents like the Cabanon FT as they looked sturdy but I'm put off by the lack of a sewn in groundsheet for the living area... just noticed it's an issue with the Halfords special too. The Outwell tent we owned for a couple of weeks had one and it seems to be a must have for sensitive teen girls. Coypu roam this fen at night and we don't want one getting in the tent and upsetting them.
 5/6 man tents for under £170 - Bromptonaut
Might stretch your budget a bit but Kyam's RigiDome range are ideal for family camping. Lots of space and the easiest erection on the market ;-i
 5/6 man tents for under £170 - smokie
This link tells you how to get this £200 5/6 man tent for £127.99. I was looking at it the other day but would need to find a family= for it... (none of mine like camping or are too old)
Last edited by: smokie on Fri 9 Jul 10 at 15:37
 5/6 man tents for under £170 - Fenlander
Thanks for those links Smokie. That is a perfect tent for our needs, Outwell quality is good and they resell very well on ebay when you no longer need it.

I haven't used ones of these hot deal sites before. I can see on the Millets site it brings the price to £159.99 when you add to basket and get the 20% using the quid20 code... but I don't understand what the extra quidco cashback is??

At the end of the day though it's a bargain even at £159.99 with the free postage... most people are still selling it at £229 or £239 and the retail was nearer £300.
Last edited by: Fenlander on Fri 9 Jul 10 at 16:18
 5/6 man tents for under £170 - mikeyb
>> Might stretch your budget a bit but Kyam's RigiDome range are ideal for family camping.
>> Lots of space and the easiest erection on the market ;-i

Seconded. We have had our rigidome for over 6 years and its still in good nick. Probably been used 3 or 4 times each year.

Has a seperate ground sheet, but then you hang up the bedrooms inside and they are all in ones, so sealed up from the creepy crawlies!
 5/6 man tents for under £170 - FotheringtonTomas
>> I'm put off by the lack of a sewn in groundsheet for the living area (Cabanon)

Not a problem, you can peg the sheets to the flappy bit at the bottom of the tent.

However, good luck with your other intended purchase.

>> Coypu roam this fen at night

No they don't.
 5/6 man tents for under £170 - MrTee43
We bought one of these last year for £149, made by Gelert, for Go Outdoors.

Has a sewn in groundsheet and has good sized bedrooms unlike the tunnel type that seem to push you up against the inner tent wall.

Good tent.
 5/6 man tents for under £170 - Fenlander
Appreciate adding/attaching a groundsheet is doable and not unusual FT. My girls and their friends are so sensitive to the smallest bug though a gap free tent will save much aggro for me... being called in on pest control duties at night is not my idea of fun.

Re Coypu... Defra announced a few years back that they'd eradicated them in The Fens... they forgot to tell all the coypu though. What do you think we eat in a hard winter?
 5/6 man tents for under £170 - FotheringtonTomas
>> Re Coypu... Defra announced a few years back that they'd eradicated them in The Fens...
>> they forgot to tell all the coypu though. What do you think we eat in
>> a hard winter?

If you get a sight of one which can be confirmed, you will be the first to do so in more than two decades, and can get DEFRA on the go.

In a hard winter? Carrots, like you do for the rest of the year!
 5/6 man tents for under £170 - Old Navy
Halfords have a tent sale on at the moment.
 5/6 man tents for under £170 - Bromptonaut
>> If you get a sight of one which can be confirmed, you will be the
>> first to do so in more than two decades, and can get DEFRA on the
>> go.

MMmm, the standard line is that, apart from those currently being eliminated on Uist, there are no hedgehogs on the Western Isles. Which might be a bit of a surprise to the piece of spiky roadkill I observed last month on the road to garynababhnaie
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Fri 9 Jul 10 at 22:07
 5/6 man tents for under £170 - Fenlander
Thanks for all the ideas. Went with Smokie's deal in the end for the Outwell Nevada M 5-person. I like the brand & it's a better tent than my budget initially allowed at its normal price of £249... but at the Milletts discount plus the extra voucher code it came to £159.95 delivered. Couldn't get the absolute low price in Smokie's link as that discount structure ended two days ago.

Well pleased and another result for the wider experience of the forum.
 5/6 man tents for under £170 - Bigtee

The above tent sleeps six and has a huge living area for eating drinking etc, i have the Sumatra same as this but polycotton fibre a heavier tent.
 5/6 man tents for under £170 - Zero
>> In a hard winter? Carrots, like you do for the rest of the year!

All I see in the fens is Turnips.
 5/6 man tents for under £170 - Fenlander

That Vango Orchy is a very similar tent to my Outwell Nevada and was on my shortlist but I never noticed it as low as £169.... a good deal at that.

>>>>All I see in the fens is Turnips

A slightly unkind way to refer to the locals.
Last edited by: Fenlander on Tue 13 Jul 10 at 09:47
 5/6 man tents for under £170 - Old Sock
The best bargains are always to be had in the Christmas sales.

As evidenced by the store sporting the banner:

"Now is the discount on our winter tents"
 5/6 man tents for under £170 - Fenlander
The guy who thought that up needs taking down a peg or two.
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