Non-motoring > Will the Sun go down? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Ambo Replies: 37

 Will the Sun go down? - Ambo
If page 3 goes down, can the rest be far, er, behind?
 Will the Sun go down? - Ateca chris
Would the headlines read its gone tits up at the sun
 Will the Sun go down? - VxFan
>> can the rest be far, er, behind?

The rest? There can't be that many tabloids with a page 3 can there?

IIRC it's only the Sun (up until last Friday) and the Daily Star.

Fortunately The Sun online still has a page 3 (.) (.)
Last edited by: VxFan on Tue 20 Jan 15 at 10:28
 Will the Sun go down? - Robin O'Reliant
>> >>
>> IIRC it's only the Sun (up until last Friday) and the Daily Star.
Don't forget the Sport.

Mind you, the Sport has them on page 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, etc etc.
 Will the Sun go down? - VxFan
>> Don't forget the Sport.

I thought the Daily Sport vanished ages ago. Or was it just the Sunday Sport?
 Will the Sun go down? - Robin O'Reliant
>> I thought the Daily Sport vanished ages ago. Or was it just the Sunday Sport?

The Sport is still about. We sell five copies a day.
 Will the Sun go down? - Ambo
>>The rest? There can't be that many tabloids with a page 3 can there?

I should have been more specific. I meant the rest of the Sun, since it does not seem to have a lot else.
 Will the Sun go down? - madf
>> If page 3 goes down, can the rest be far, er, behind?

Two conflating ideas come to mind...:-)
 Will the Sun go down? - helicopter
Well I assume that if the Sun is getting rid of page 3 , that means page 4 is also going......or has someone boobed..........
 Will the Sun go down? - Zero
Counting involved, bit complex that for your average sun reader.
 Will the Sun go down? - commerdriver
>> Well I assume that if the Sun is getting rid of page 3 , that
>> means page 4 is also going......or has someone boobed..........
NO no Page 4 becomes page 3, page 5 becomes page 4 and so on...
It's the back page that will disappear..
s'obvious innit
 Will the Sun go down? - Stuartli
One viewpoint (from the Daily Telegraph!):
 Will the Sun go down? - Haywain
I'm not quite sure why this is a 'blow for equality' if women aren't allowed to feature bare-chested in the paper, but blokes are.
 Will the Sun go down? - Robin O'Reliant
As the paper sill features "Scantily clad" young ladies on the page I don't see what difference it makes.
 Will the Sun go down? - VxFan
>> As the paper sill features "Scantily clad" young ladies on the page

Will some of these ladies go on to be famous though, now that their boobs aren't on display?

Ever heard of the ladies in the lingerie section of Kay's catalogue and the like going on to be famous like Sam Fox, Linda Lusardi, Jordan, Lucy Pinder, etc?
 Will the Sun go down? - Zero

>> Ever heard of the ladies in the lingerie section of Kay's catalogue and the like
>> going on to be famous like ......Jordan,

And there, in a nutshell is why they should all be banned. Inflicting that freak Katie Price on us is all the proof you need!
 Will the Sun go down? - Dave_
>> Ever heard of the ladies in the lingerie section of Kay's catalogue and the like
>> going on to be famous

Many of them become well-known and reported-on (if not famous), due to their predilection for dating footballers. Or Prince Harry. See Vanessa Perroncel, Abby Clancy, Florence Brudenell-Bruce et al.
Last edited by: Dave_C220CDI on Wed 21 Jan 15 at 13:25
 Will the Sun go down? - VxFan
>> Many of them become well-known and reported-on (if not famous), due to their predilection for dating footballers. Or Prince Harry.

So they've used other tits instead of their own to become famous then.
 Will the Sun go down? - R.P.
I find it most odd. I bought a few copies of the Sun in the past to collect some vouchers or another and would happily discard it without reading any of the crap it contains, let alone peer at the half naked ladies. I have some issues though.

1. I know an ex-page three girl - she is now in her sixties - she is a very nice lady and one would never have guessed at what she did. Certainly did her no harm...I've never discussed it in any length with ehr though !

2. One of my volunteers is very street-wise she reads the SUn for the celebirty crap. She has lived in the Smoke and in in States and lived the roack and roll lifestyle - if you get my drift. Her view is that she has no problem with page 3 girls appearing topless. She views it from a liberated woman's perspective - i.e. if the woman has the body to do this why not exploit it - make some money while they can...I'm with her on that. She said she would have no qualms in doing it in her younger years and assures me that she has the body to do it now ! (not that I've ever looked) !

3. Last week everyone was Charlie...
Last edited by: R.P. on Wed 21 Jan 15 at 12:50
 Will the Sun go down? - Zero

>> 3. Last week everyone was Charlie...

Yes, good point. I thought we were fighting for the right to offend anyone and everything.
 Will the Sun go down? - Haywain
"Yes, good point. I thought we were fighting for the right to offend anyone and everything."

It's a crazy world, isn't it, when people buy papers/magazines specifically to be offended. Why can't they just leave them on the news-stand and stay happy? I don't buy/read publications that I find offensive.
 Will the Sun go down? - MD
Stuart. That piece is a very good read.
 Will the Sun go down? - Roger.
Even when I was young and moderately lusty the Page 3 boobies never appealed to me.

Like BBD, these days it's the older gals I look at - hence my devotion to BBC Breakfast. (Even with the sound off) !!!

Most red top tabloids are dreadful rags - the only one I ever buy is the Daily Mirror when it has vouchers for a certain { :-) } store.

I sometimes glance inside, before throwing it away in disgust (after snipping out the £5 off voucher for which I have bought it) and cannot find much to actually read - it's full of soap gossip and blooming soccer stories.
 Will the Sun go down? - Ted

I have a quick glimpse through the Sun and Mirror when I'm waiting for a car at National Tyres. I put them both down within a minute. Nothing at all to interest me. Like Roger, I appreciate the more mature girls I see elsewhere.

I've got daughters twice the age of these page 3 bimbos. I go for the ones who were in their teens when I was...Lumley, Twiggy, Kendall and many more.
 Will the Sun go down? - Crankcase
As you were.

 Will the Sun go down? - Robin O'Reliant
A clever publicity stunt from the old Current Bun.
 Will the Sun go down? - Focusless
They probably just needed a scenario for this pun:

The Sun announces Page Three's return with a trail on the front page that reads: "We've had a mammary lapse."
 Will the Sun go down? - Haywain
"As you were."

A blow for women's equality ........ now they can do what they like. Mrs H doesn't want to pose naked for p3, but neither she nor I would want to stop anyone who did.

Out of boredom whilst awaiting my turn in the queue at the barber's recently, I picked up a copy of the Sun; I think it's got worse in the 43 years since I last looked at it. In former times, there must have been more to read ..... As a student I worked as a civil engineering operative (road mender) and I recall one lunchtime in the canteen caravan, I had my nose buried in a copy of the Sun while I ate my sandwiches. Suddenly, I was aware that the lorry driver was bouncing up and down and shouting HOT NEWS, HOT NEWS. The caravan rocked from side to side as I glanced up in shock to see that he'd set fire to the paper and flames were leaping up. You've never seen a bunch of council workers move so fast!
 Will the Sun go down? - Bromptonaut
>> One viewpoint (from the Daily Telegraph!):

Another viewpoint from Daily Telegraph:

This time from a female perspective.
 Will the Sun go down? - VxFan
>> Another viewpoint from Daily Telegraph:

To quote from one of the comments:-

"I can't recall ever having read such a load of c**p as this article."

I couldn't have put it better myself.
 Will the Sun go down? - Armel Coussine

>> "I can't recall ever having read such a load of c**p as this article."

Yes, that piece was utter crap, written obviously to order but very very thin. There's absolutely no connection between the vile Savile and people fancying adolescent girls.

I bought a copy of the Sun today to see how they were getting on with their ban on page 3 girls. Today's issue seems to have about five pages of them.

Frankly though they don't turn me on although I'm not past it. I've seen so many pretty girls in all states of dress and undress that they aren't porn to me. I've always been like that since I passed 15 and got my hands on the odd girl. Pictures are nothing compared to the real thing. Harmless anxious nipperettes in swimsuits don't really cut the mustard. I feel sorry for them.
 Will the Sun go down? - Haywain
Women must be confused ..... they burnt their bras as a symbol of liberation and the freedom to do as they pleased - and now, forty years later, they're being told to cover up. What next - don't expose your knees ......and your ankles are winning lascivious glances ..... they should be covered. Let's face it, if they demanded to walk ten paces behind us blokes, we wouldn't be tempted to look at them at all. Methinks the ladies should be careful what they wish for ;-)
 Will the Sun go down? - Crankcase
Methinks you shouldn't generalise, although of course I appreciate that all men do.

 Will the Sun go down? - Armel Coussine
>> I bought a copy of the Sun today to see how they were getting on with their ban on page 3 girls

Herself was extremely disapproving and tried to make me put it back. Middle daughter, chip of old block, takes the same attitude.

'I'm a professional hack,' I snarl sternly. 'This is the biggest-selling comic in the country. It's my DUTY to read it sometimes. It's only 40p too...' But they aren't convinced.

I doubt if they think I buy the Sun once in a blue moon for the page 3 girls, although I did this time. I think they don't want to be seen with such an obvious working-class man.

There aren't many words in it I notice unless you're into footy and gossip about people you've never heard of.
 Will the Sun go down? - bathtub tom
You could always get a copy of the Sunday Sport to wind them up!
 Will the Sun go down? - VxFan
Sorry to resurrect an old posting, but I saw this earlier and just had to share it. I'm actually surprised BBD didn't post it ;)

"If The Sun have dropped page 3, then that's the last time I splash out on a copy"
 Will the Sun go down? - Roger.
>> Sorry to resurrect an old posting, but I saw this earlier and just had to
>> share it. I'm actually surprised BBD didn't post it ;)
>> "If The Sun have dropped page 3, then that's the last time I splash out
>> on a copy"

Easily satisfied are you?
 Will the Sun go down? - bathtub tom
Probably can't read it, because of failing eyesight.
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