Looks good. No Gilbert and Sullivan and I simply can't imagine why not :)
But alas, a dreaded cette vidéo n'est pas disponsible dans votre pays on my first attempt...
May depend on which video you select. A performance of the Messiah (chosen at random) works for me in UK.
Well, maybe it was because I chose some Mozart. Never mind, I'll get a handel on it.
>> Well, maybe it was because I chose some Mozart. Never mind, I'll get a handel
>> on it.
Probably because you were a bit Brahms and Liszt.
When I have time I'll sit down with a bag of ravels.
>> When I have time I'll sit down with a bag of ravels.
You'll need to use the Bizet afterwards then.
For lover of French Jazz this takes a bit of beating.
Guh... yaPUSSYclaaaaaat man I ax you....
Heard a lot of experimental music in my time, encouraging fellow lunatics, former fellow-students and the like. Hasn't on the whole been either enjoyable or exciting. Just a bit now and then.
I suspect that stuff is consciously exclusive, really only fun for the musicians who have some idea of what they are doing, but can't be bothered to make it marginally accessible to the paying punters. Are artists entitled to be arrogant? Not many and not often if they want people to take them a bit seriously.
I really prefer performers to goddam artists. A chap who can play tunes on a saw-blade with a violin bow, or by tapping his cheek with a table knife with a microphone between his teeth, or on a jew's-harp, has an actual accomplishment. An artist is his own work of art and if you don't get it, tough t**** squire there's the door...
>> I really prefer performers to goddam artists. A chap who can play tunes on a saw-blade with a violin bow, or by tapping his cheek with a table knife with a microphone between his teeth, or on a jew's-harp, has an actual accomplishment. An artist is his own work of art and if you don't get it, tough t**** squire there's the door...
Son of Dave? Seasick Steve?
It's just shy, it was Haydn
>> It's just shy, it was Haydn
Can't Handel being out and about you mean?
or perhaps some of them have pushed Orff.