Motoring Discussion > Ebay "Garage" beats MyDrive Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Fenlander Replies: 3

 Ebay "Garage" beats MyDrive - Fenlander
No disrespect but I think we've all quietly given up on MyDrive ever appearing here.

So I was a bit taken aback today to receive and email link from Ebay to their new Garage area. This is where you can upload details and images of your car for sharing with others... and also I understand it will somehow refine the searches you make for parts etc. Seems the same as MyDrive in concept. It's for bikes too.

It's actually quite interesting as Ebay is such a huge community it already has some great examples of ordinary folks cars you can look through. In the short time it's been going it already has almost half a million vehicle uploads worldwide (you can refine it by country).

A little caution needed in the USA listings though... I see someone has claimed to own a modern Bentley reg 1900TU which is obviously a press shot by Bentley.
Last edited by: Fenlander on Wed 10 Sep 14 at 14:40
 Ebay "Garage" beats MyDrive - ToMoCo
I got the email (win stuff from the ebay BMW BTCC team) and put my car details in.

Stupid question - where is the garage? I've gone back onto 'my ebay' and can't see it?
 Ebay "Garage" beats MyDrive - Fenlander
If you go into Ebay at the home page and select Motors on the tabs just down from the top then the Garage is at the top of the left menu. It does seem daft there's no direct link from MyEbay though.

I can't see any disadvantages at the moment and it seems a neat place to put car images to share keeping them apart from other stuff you might have on Photobucket etc... and also it avoids the other issue that any you put into one make forums you might want to share more widely often can't be viewed by others who aren't members of that forum.
Last edited by: Fenlander on Wed 10 Sep 14 at 15:09
 Ebay "Garage" beats MyDrive - MD
Why is life so confusing?
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