Motoring Discussion > Parkied - Where isthe lowest risk? Tax / Insurance / Warranties
Thread Author: sherlock47 Replies: 10

 Parkied - Where isthe lowest risk? - sherlock47
Surprising conclusions?
 Parkied - Where isthe lowest risk? - henry k
>> Surprising conclusions?
Not in my road or surrounding streets.
1930s built houses with integral garages designed for Austin 7s
Only small modern cars will fit.
With cars treated as white goods or are company owned, they are left on the drive or in the street.
The most common conversion in our area is to use the garage space for accommodation.
 Parked - Where isthe lowest risk? - sherlock47
Should have made it clearer! Surprising conclusions on the cost of insurance?

(I thought the clue may be in the title:) (
Last edited by: sherlock47 on Mon 23 Jun 14 at 17:42
 Parked - Where isthe lowest risk? - Slidingpillar
Except I think classic insurance where "garaged" is a common condition. With my policy, if the car is within 1/4 mile of home, it must be garaged.
 Parked - Where isthe lowest risk? - mikeyb
Not sure I follow why I am being charged more for saying its on my drive overnight rather than left on the road?
 Parked - Where isthe lowest risk? - Shiny
Back in the day, many cars would be hard to start in winter if they hadn't been in the garage overnight.

If I were to design my own house, I'd rather have a drive through porch like you get with bungalows in India. -
Last edited by: VxFan on Tue 24 Jun 14 at 01:40
 Parked - Where isthe lowest risk? - Alastairw
When a colleague claimed to garage her car the insurance co insisted on seeing pictures of the garage with the car in it. Luckily she had a Mk 2 Clio at the time and it did fit.

As I recall it made a noticeable difference in the premium (young driver, not many years driving, glamorous downtown Oldham)
 Parked - Where isthe lowest risk? - PeterS
>> Not sure I follow why I am being charged more for saying its on my
>> drive overnight rather than left on the road?

Perhaps the rise in the number of houses being broken into for car keys is leading to it? If the car is on the drive its obvious which house the keys are in; when parked on the road less so?
 Parked - Where isthe lowest risk? - Slidingpillar
Obtusely, it could be a sign that they generally believe folk who say they put the car in the drive, but those who say they garage it, a significant percentage are lying. And if they are lying about that - perhaps they are lying about something else.

Dons tin hat and wanders off
Last edited by: Slidingpillar on Mon 23 Jun 14 at 22:16
 Parked - Where isthe lowest risk? - Bill Payer
>> Obtusely, it could be a sign that they generally believe folk who say they put
>> the car in the drive, but those who say they garage it, a significant percentage
>> are lying. And if they are lying about that - perhaps they are lying about
>> something else.
I've certainly seen that given as the reason.

I'd never thought of it before, but at daughter's house her car is sometimes on the drive, sometimes on the road (with cars parked all over the place). With Admiral, it was exactly as the article suggests - cheapest if declared to be on the road. A dilemma as to what to tell the insurance company.

I guess they know best from stats but it's certainly counter-intuitive.
 Parked - Where isthe lowest risk? - legacylad
Since becoming a car owner I have lived in 5 houses. Each with a garage. The luxury of a double garage currently. My cars gave always been kept in the garage wherever. They would only be kept outside if they didn't fit, which happens with my neighbours quite a bit.
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