This message has been hidden as many of our users have rated it as offensive. You may view it by clicking hereI use green thumbs up when;
1) Usually because something amuses me.
2) Sometimes because some t*** put a gutless frownie face and so I put a thumb to balance it.
I use a frownie face when;
1) Some a*** put a thumbs up to an insult they didn't have the guts to say themselves, so I put a frownie to balance it, or hack them off, whichever.
No other reason, because I cannot imagine actually ever being offended for real in here.
I never use either for agreement or disagreement, since in those cases I would simply say so.
Why do *you* use either, if in fact you do?
I'm not even sure what value they are supposed to bring.
I wonder if it would be a significant change to have Agree / Disagree / Offended.
Or to stop them being anonymous. Which would almost certainly cut their usage by 90%.
(although if there's anybody naive enough to think that the Mods don't know who chose which, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn I could sell you.)