Our area will not be getting faster broadband for the foreseeable future. I have Amazon prime which I consider good value. However, if not able to stream films think the additional compulsory charge reduces this. How well does the Kindle Fire receive/show films ? I have an ordinary Kindle and wonder if it is worth upgrading.
Difficult to know really, whats your current speed? (try www.speedtest.net)
Presumably the Fire still uses your internet connection to stream so if the line is too slow then it will be of no use.
TalkTalk keep offering me TV for nothing extra, but when I tried to sign up they said my internet (supplied by them) is too slow - the say you need >=3mbps.
I have little interest in streaming films and a too-slow connection, so have cancelled Prime from the next renewal. Amazon is getting too big for its boots, I will not donate them £30 extra for something I don't want and can't use.
Thank you for both helpful replies. Manatee I think you're right and I'll do the same. A compulsory add on is not acceptable and whilst I've had very good value in the past don't think worth it in the future, will consider purchases more. Thanks again both.