Non-motoring > Tomtom products Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Westpig Replies: 24

 Tomtom products - Westpig
Anyone out there with a modicum of technical knowledge that can help please.

I have an old Tomtom (Go 500) that has just given up the ghost, in that it won't charge any more, either car charger or mains charger.

It's well old and has done me well, so I'll buy a new one.

The old one was upgraded with a bigger SD card and downloaded maps of Europe and the USA (someone else did it and they are not about any more). I'd like the new one to have the same.

I don't mind a basic one, as long as I can have the extra maps. I don't really care about map updates, I'm less worried about UK speed cameras although I suppose that might be handy and couldn't give two hoots about European ones.

The newer ones seem to have a micro SD card...which i'd wager is smaller than the one I have, so I presume I'll have to start again and not transfer data from the old one to the new one..and I seem to remember something about there being protected data etc on the products anyway.

I'll not be paying any subscriptions.

Which one do I choose? The Tomtom site has loads and I have no idea.

I want Tomtom, nothing else.

Help an old technophobe please.
 Tomtom products - R.P.
Where will you be going - UK Europe and the US ?
 Tomtom products - R.P.

Some right bargains here.
 Tomtom products - Westpig
>> Some right bargains here.

Yes, I stumbled across that, but didn't know which one to get.
 Tomtom products - Westpig
Occasionally France and even less occasionally the US...I've always taken the thing with me and used it over there.
 Tomtom products - Zero
Your old maps, will not be compatible with a new tom-tom unless its a "classic" - i.e. with the old menu structure.

And you might not like the new menu structure either.
 Tomtom products - Westpig
>> Your old maps, will not be compatible with a new tom-tom unless its a "classic"
>> - i.e. with the old menu structure.

Which ones are 'classic'?
>> And you might not like the new menu structure either.

 Tomtom products - Zero
>> >> Your old maps, will not be compatible with a new tom-tom unless its a
>> "classic"
>> >> - i.e. with the old menu structure.
>> Which ones are 'classic'?
>> >>
>> >> And you might not like the new menu structure either.
>> Why?

Tom-tom changed the way the system works, its not the same as your old one with a different user interface. There are no longer any reasons why you should only look at a TomTom. And this is from a lifelong tom-tom advocate.

Looking at their site it looks like they no longer sell the classic ones on there.
 Tomtom products - BobbyG
My TT 710 showed the same symptoms, bought a new battery for it, watched a video on youtube of how to strip it down and replace the battery and it has worked fine since then!

It was someone on here who recommended the seller, maybe Old Navy?
 Tomtom products - Westpig
>> My TT 710 showed the same symptoms, bought a new battery for it, watched a
>> video on youtube of how to strip it down and replace the battery and it
>> has worked fine since then!
>> It was someone on here who recommended the seller, maybe Old Navy?

Well done..that might be a good option, I'll have to have a look at that.
 Tomtom products - BobbyG
Here's a 510 - is it similar?
 Tomtom products - Zero
here we go

This is the beastie if you like the old tom-toms

This is the one I have.
 Tomtom products - Meldrew
Like Zero I am long time TomTom user but the new ones are user unfriendly rubbish IMO. Get an older one which is much better or go Garmin. The TT GO series are dreadful.
 Tomtom products - smokie
Don't you have an Android phone? There are some genuinely free navigation apps for that. Maybe not quite as sophisticated as TomTom (although they aren't half bad) but they get you there, if that's what you want. Google Maps and NAVFREE wil give you fairly good world coverage, Navfree also works offline (handy if you are abroad anywhere with no data package) and I mostly use M8 for UK travel, which is a very neat app.
 Tomtom products - sherlock47
M8 looks very good but appears to need to be on line to work. I found Navfree littered with mapping problems and giving wrong instructions when on the move.
 Tomtom products - smokie
M8 is good but does need to be online. It has some nice touches, like finding nearest parking, ATM, shopping, curry house etc. UK only though, as far as I know.

I've not used Navfree that much - just in Florida last year really, and although I had no major problems I recall it not having the pinpoint accuracy for street addresses in all cases. I also used NavFree in Johannesburg but not really to navigate by, just to get reference points when I was out in taxis etc. Oh, and in Italy for walking from Pisa station to the tower and back - not essential but reassuring to have with you.

But both are adequate for my somewhat limited requirements.
 Tomtom products - sherlock47
I had a look at different TT and Garmins that are available from Amazon as a possible Xmas present for SWMBO - in the end I chickened out because of the number of 1star reviews for all products. Most seem to have more than 10% of users who have had major problems. Even people with apparently good previous tech capabilty have had update problems.
 Tomtom products - Westpig
Thanks for the advice gentlemen, much appreciated.

Toyed with the idea of a new battery in the old one, but worked out a local repairer putting a battery in and charging labour, VAT etc...would be nearer half the price of the one Zero mentioned...and our old one is 9 years old, with the maps that went with it, so on some journeys on newer bits of road she gets confused and thinks I'm driving through a map update wouldn't go amiss.

Decision made then...just bought Zero's offering on Amazon....with the 'all three' offer of a case and home price £100. Updated UK speed cameras is a slight bonus. Hope this one last 9 years as well.

When we go to the States in 18 months time, I'll get someone's teenage son to sort a Yank map out for me and a bigger SD card.

Thank you.
Last edited by: Westpig on Wed 29 Jan 14 at 09:26
 Tomtom products - rtj70
>> Updated UK speed cameras is a slight bonus. Hope this one last 9 years as well.

A bonus with the old Tom Toms is they can be configured to warn of proximity to POIs. So a better alternative to Tom Toms speed cameras is the download from PocketGPSWorld - not a bad price and more accurate.
 Tomtom products - Manatee
That one doesn't have a card slot, does it Wp? Reading the reviews, people have also hit the memory limit when trying to update the maps, or am I reading a out the wrong model?

Interested because her TT One needs updating.
 Tomtom products - Zero
It does not have a card slot, the maps live on your tom-tom account. For example I have the US map o my tom-tom account, and the tomtom app just moves off the europe map, and puts on the US map. When you get home you swop them back.
 Tomtom products - Westpig
>> It does not have a card slot, the maps live on your tom-tom account. For
>> example I have the US map o my tom-tom account, and the tomtom app just
>> moves off the europe map, and puts on the US map. When you get home
>> you swop them back.

Cheers for that.
 Tomtom products - rtj70
As Zero says Tom Tom changed the application totally. The last 'classic' system was Nav2 and the new one is Nav3. Very different interface and some functionality removed. Your old maps won't be usable.

You mention Europe and the US. Tends to be more expensive to get a Tom Tom/Garmin etc with world mapping for fairly obvious reasons.

Some of the lower end units probably don't even have a memory slot. My old (very old) Tom Tom 720 does and means I can have more maps on it than the inbuilt memory. I think the TomTom 720 still works - not used since 2011 because my car has sat nav and I do have TomTom on my Android phone too.

Since TomTom's have changed, and others have improved their software I'd look at the others too. Have a play somewhere like Halfords?
 Tomtom products - Old Navy
>> My TT 710 showed the same symptoms, bought a new battery for it, watched a
>> video on youtube of how to strip it down and replace the battery and it
>> has worked fine since then!
>> It was someone on here who recommended the seller, maybe Old Navy?

It was me, I replaced the battery in my TT 720 some years ago, it is still going strong but battery seller is no longer around. There are others though.
Last edited by: Uncle Albert on Wed 29 Jan 14 at 11:50
 Tomtom products - BobbyG
>>It was me

Apologies, thought it was ON.

Hmmm......... :)
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