Non-motoring > Alternative to Facebook... Miscellaneous
Thread Author: No FM2R Replies: 44

 Alternative to Facebook... - No FM2R
I'm right off Facebook. Ins an intrusive bit of rubbish software. Anyway, its dying and I don't want to rely on it.

All I need to do is share pictures of my children with my sister and two sisters-in-law and their families who will share pictures of theirs.

Flickr seems best because of the high [free] limit which will enable me to keep backup copies as well as sharing.

I do not want *any* of the facilities from Facebook. Just the ability to freely share photos which can be downloaded but neither deleted nor altered.

Any comments? (and any comment is welcome since I have no idea about all the different flickr, picassa, instagram etc, etc, products).
 Alternative to Facebook... - Crankcase
Can't recall if you are an iPhone man. If so, then I use the shared photo stream facility. I take photos out and about on the phone, they get automatically photo streamed as and when the connectivity is good enough, family members - who have Windows - see the stream.

They see my pics before I do sometimes. Also, when I get home they are waiting to be seen on both the ipad and the Apple TV with nothing further to do.

Just a thought.

 Alternative to Facebook... - PeterS
I'd second that - iPad / iPhone photo streaming is great for accessing and sharing pictures from anywhere on pretty much anything. Alternatively, perhaps you need your own website
 Alternative to Facebook... - No FM2R
I am an Android. Which automatically uploads them to Dropbox and therefore to several computers.

However, I take a multitude of photos and keep only a few. So I would rather manually post those few.
 Alternative to Facebook... - R.P.
Set up a "Closed Group" on FB only invite those that you want to share the photos. I moderate a site for former colleagues. It's as secure as anything.
 Alternative to Facebook... - Robin O'Reliant
I may be old fashioned here, but why not attach the said photos to an email and send that instead of posting them on FB?

I use FB, but only for a bit of banter with people I rarely see now, there is nothing there to identify me to prying strangers, though a skilled tabloid hack may well be able to suss something out.
 Alternative to Facebook... - Dog
>>a skilled tabloid hack may well be able to suss something out.

He'll be along later after his first? G&T.
 Alternative to Facebook... - Focusless
>> I am an Android. Which automatically uploads them to Dropbox and therefore to several computers.
>> However, I take a multitude of photos and keep only a few. So I would
>> rather manually post those few.

Create a shared folder in Dropbox for those select few and share it with your friends/relatives?
 Alternative to Facebook... - Zero
I use flickr for that very purpose, its fits the bill perfectly. Why look further?
 Alternative to Facebook... - Stuu
I read somewhere that Flickr has alot of 'unsavoury' people trawling for pictures of children and a friend of mine had their family pictures on there until I pointed out that a couple had been put in the favorites of people who seemed to be collecting pictures of children. I would be very careful on who has access to any content on there, many people seem to have their entire family life available to anyone. No idea bout the security controls available, I dont use it myself. Some brilliant photographers put their work up there though.
 Alternative to Facebook... - Dog
I used to use for some stuff, but I see they are now charging forrit.
 Alternative to Facebook... - BobbyG
No FM2R, out of curiosity, what makes you say Facebook is dying??
I kind of hope you are right, I only use it for certain specific purposes, like a private message group that I mentioned in another thread.

I was actually thinking tonight if I deleted my Facebook account and then set up a new one, does this mean everything on my previous account, timeline etc will disappear? There is nothing there that I would want to keep, all photos will have been uploaded form other devices.

I must say I do not like the idea of having an account that meant that when I took a photo on my camera that it was automatically uploaded to the web where others could see it.! Not that I take dodgy photos but sometimes it might be an item in a shop to remind me of something to price compare later, or maybe something that is just relevant to me - would want to review photos before others see them.
 Alternative to Facebook... - Zero
>> No FM2R, out of curiosity, what makes you say Facebook is dying??

Its dying as the social tool of choice for the teens. Mainly because their mums and dads are now on there, and its not mobile oriented enough.
 Alternative to Facebook... - RattleandSmoke
I feel uncool as I use it as my main communications source, every part of my life is organised via Facebook. It is dying with the teenagers but people may age (30+) still use it.

There would be little point on me using say Google+ as nobody I know is on it.

 Alternative to Facebook... - MD
Can I still send telegrams :-)
 Alternative to Facebook... - Zero
 Alternative to Facebook... - Ted


 Alternative to Facebook... - Mapmaker
Zero>>Its dying as the social tool of choice for the teens. Mainly because their mums and
>>dads are now on there, and its not mobile oriented enough.

I agree with all of the above apart from the implication that Facebook is dying. I think the above sentence represents how it is moving towards a position of great strength. No longer is it the preserve of penniless students. Instead the people with money now use it.

I find Facebook extremely useful. It looks after all my 'email addresses' and provides me with a method of contacting virtually all my friends. It reminds me who my friends are - nobody ever gets forgotten if organising something. Anybody not on Facebook gets forgotten - that's why I joined (about five years ago). But maybe this is just London.

If I want to organise an event with a handful of friends and sell 200 tickets, I can do it in minutes with Facebook. Nobody gets invited twice. I know of nothing similar.

As for the rest of it, you *could* spend all day on it if you wanted to, I guess, twitching those net curtains. But it's a great way to alert people to things going on. If you need help "anybody have a hedgetrimmer I can borrow?" "Anybody fancy sharing a car up to x on Saturday?"

Penniless students seem now to be using snapchat (not that I'm holding myself out as an expert on the activities of today's yoof). They send each other pictures instead of messages. "I'm on the Eiffel tower" is replaced by a picture of it.
Last edited by: Mapmaker on Tue 28 Jan 14 at 11:11
 Alternative to Facebook... - RattleandSmoke
I think people 25 upwards have been bought up on the internet to use social media. This started with things like ICQ then moved onto MSN, Skype and Facebook etc.

People under 25 are more bought up on using their mobile phones to do everything, I don't think somebody who is 16 would know any different. To them the idea of using a big clunky desktop computer must be alien. Personally I am sat here typing this on my I3, 8GB RAM machine with a 28" screen.

I do use my mobile a lot for Facebook purposes though.
 Alternative to Facebook... - legacylad
No FM2R...I have never used Facebook or similar. My alternative is called FacePub. A choice of three local venues, all within walking distance, where me and my chums discuss what people probably discuss on Facebook. We plan holidays. Talk about stuff, both local and worldwide. Even discuss politics and religion. And quaff beer. They are very sociable sites. The only downside is the inability to share photos worldwide, although we often 'facetime' friends around the world, which is fun.
 Alternative to Facebook... - Fenlander
I only use email and currently four forums... no social media. I'd rather walk round, get in the car or phone.... with email for long distance. I attach an image to many social emails by way of adding to the conversation.

Both daughters use phones as main social device with laptops being a very poor second in their eyes. Both use snapchat, instagram, twitpics and something that sounds like whatsup (edit: It's Whatsapp of course) for frequent image swapping as an alternative to texting.

17yr old doesn't bother with facebook but is very into twitter with 40,000 tweets to date and 3000 followers/following.

19yr old uses twitter sparingly but does use facebook to keep in touch with her ex schoolmates spread around the country in different unis. She also uses facebook to set up groups for this and that... for example a group with all the chat and info related to their proposed 2nd year house share, sports activities etc. As mapmaker says it seem excellent for organising things like that.
Last edited by: Fenlander on Tue 28 Jan 14 at 12:22
 Alternative to Facebook... - No FM2R
>>My alternative is called FacePub.

As those who know me will attest, I need no encouragement in the direction of the pub.

My challenge is different though, we have four families with young children in our immediate family. Seattle, Santiago, UK and Rio. We don't need Facebook for the conversation, but we do need it for news and photos.
 Alternative to Facebook... - Zero
>> I agree with all of the above apart from the implication that Facebook is dying.

Amazing how you can leave a bit out of my statement, quote it out of context, and then steal the bit you left out and claim it as your own insight.

Nicely done. You should go into politics.
Last edited by: Zero on Tue 28 Jan 14 at 12:27
 Alternative to Facebook... - Bromptonaut
Kids talked me into joining FB about four years ago. Soon found a few work friends on there and subsequently renewed contact with a few old schoolmates and a cousin in Oz whose contact details I'd lost. Probably about 40 in total although quite a few never seem to post.

The news feed is good for keeping up with what's going on in people's lives, sharing jokes and pictures etc. Also subscribe to feeds for music I'm interested in and for my old school. I grew up in Aireborough in the West Riding which has an active historical society posting daily snippets and pictures.

The Lad still posts regularly, mostly on matters musical but also to announce he'd got a first for one of his Philosophy assignments and pictures of his new room after a move of hall. He's also a very enthusiastic Twitter user.

His sister much less so at least on FB though she did change her profile pic the other day. She seems mostly to share her news as snapchats etc. with her close friends but also with her Mum and Brother. She's include me if I had a smartphone, a change I don't intend making anytime soon. Her boyfriend is a Facebook refuser so they keep in contact by text and Skype.
 Alternative to Facebook... - Mapmaker
>> >> I agree with all of the above apart from the implication that Facebook is
>> dying.
>> Amazing how you can leave a bit out of my statement, quote it out of
>> context, and then steal the bit you left out and claim it as your own
>> insight.
>> Nicely done. You should go into politics.

My apologies. I didn't leave even a full stop out of your statement though, so I:

1. didn't leave a bit out; and
2. cannot therefore have quoted it out of context.

And I thought you were answering for No FM2R as to why it was dying, which is the way you were presenting it. I am very sorry if I misunderstood and am even sorrier you think I misinterpreted you.

I bet Facebook don't really care that people under 18 don't use/need it. When they need to organise their lives, they'll join as the small Fenlanders suggest. I might be proved wrong. I don't think this state of affairs will continue for ever; it never does. At the moment, Facebook shares look like a buy (for no sound economic reasons, but for emotional reasons).
Last edited by: Mapmaker on Tue 28 Jan 14 at 14:21
 Alternative to Facebook... - Alanovich
Never been on Faecesbook. I've got enough things to help me procrastinate at work already.

My Mum's always nagging me to join: I don't see what I'd get out of it. I'm in touch with the people I want to be in touch with at the level I want to be already.
 Alternative to Facebook... - No FM2R
Facebook is not very good software. Its not been written with discipline and doesn't have a very good technology strategy for correcting that.

Its success has been because of the hype over reality. This hype has cause loads and loads of people to join in. However, the flaws in the model are starting to show, which means in about another 12months the media will be making much of it. The problem with building on hype is that you remain vulnerable unless you can replace that hype with genuine relevance.

Its too big & disciplined for the kids. They want to use something lighter, faster and more anarchic. They want something less spoken about and less visible. They don't want to be told how many accounts they may have, what name they must use and nor do they want a huge infrastructure pushing them in the direction that the provider wishes to go. Of course this is far from conscious thought, but it is the gradually accelerating direction.

Those 30 - 50 are becoming increasingly aware of their visibility and this seems to be making them uncomfortable. Communication is getting more restricted, but the individual's lack of control is becoming more obvious. They are starting to pull back from it. Of course, not all or even most, but it is beginning.

Equally it is dawning that you will be checked up on my prospective employers, managers or partners, that essentially you cannot delete anything as it'll still be referred to somewhere, and no one wants to be reminded of what they did / said / thought 2 years ago as they change and develop.

Older people are currently a growth audience, but not a very useful one. We tend not to throw our money around, we install ad blockers, we resist transient trends etc. etc.

There is much more around trends, quality, sustainability and behaviour, but it is a) boring and b) subjective.

Assuming one is a reasonably aware person, then it is quite a useful barometer to consider your own behaviour or that of your friends. And I, and others, are leaving or considering leaving. But it is a long time since I knew someone who joined with excitement about this new idea.

So, my belief is that 3 - 5 years from now Facebook will be about as significant as Friends Reunited or MySpace. Well, perhaps more than that, but a long way from where they are now.

I also believe that shares are a buy but only a short term hold. And I don't think they'll stay a buy very much longer. If I had any of their shares, and I don't, then I'd be moving away soon. However, note that I am cautious and prefer the surer profit rather than the panic and stress of going for the possible higher profit.

Of course I might be wrong, but I bet I'm not.
 Alternative to Facebook... - PhilW
Don't do "anti-social media" but have posted photos on "Photobucket".
Found it good in that I can post photos available to anyone (photos of WW1 sites which can then be accessed by people from a WW1 Forum I occasionally frequent) but can also post photos accessible only to family to whom I send a link.
Otherwise I just attach to emails to whoever I want to get the photos - but then I'm a bit of an old-fashioned technotit.
 Alternative to Facebook... - MJW1994
Younger brother uses Facebook quite a lot but he accesses it on his smartphone or tablet. He has a PC and a laptop in his bedroom but I don’t think he uses them much for the internet now.

I can’t be bothered with it all, I spend my working day at a computer so I don’t really want to spend my spare time doing the same. I would rather be outside doing sport with my friends or various other activities with girlfriend. In the winter when it’s hard to get out then we might be indoors more but in the better weather I feel like a caged animal if I’m inside too much. I used to have a Facebook account but I deleted it a while ago, I found I was hardly ever looking at it. I find it all a bit too like Round-robin letters – if I know someone well and see them often then I will know what they are up to; and if I don’t then I’m not interested anyway.

I always know what my closest friends are up to since we text each other. That’s our main method of communication. Girlfriend is a bit of a luddite and her favoured method of communication at the moment is to leave Post-it notes around the house, reminding me of things I’ve forgotten to do or to ask me to pick something up from the shops; or if I’m lucky an arousing message as well.
 Alternative to Facebook... - Armel Coussine
>> if I’m lucky an arousing message as well.

'Hope your pot of grout hasn't gone soft again... see you later XX.' Something along those lines MJW?
 Alternative to Facebook... - MJW1994
They're usually a bit more explicit than that.
 Alternative to Facebook... - Mapmaker
>>Facebook is not very good software. Its not been written with discipline and doesn't have
>>a very good technology strategy for correcting that.

Does anybody know, notice or care? Speaking as a regular user, I don't know what you mean. I don't have to edit their code.

>>But it is a long time since I knew someone who joined with excitement about this new idea.

Because everybody is on who wants to be. Certainly in my social circle, and people I've known who've left have returned. I'm not aware of any of my friends leaving recently; but I am aware of some who've previously left having return.

>>Older people are currently a growth audience, but not a very useful one. We tend not to throw our money around,

So if youth have no money, and older people don't throw it around, are you saying that all advertising is a waste of time - other than to pester-power children? (It always astonishes me that there's any money at all to be made in advertising.)

>>Those 30 - 50 are becoming increasingly aware of their visibility and this seems to be
>>making them uncomfortable.

I think I'd agree with the first half. On the other hand, I think I disagree with the second half; Facebook works much better than an anonymous forum like this as people are much less likely to get into a silly row with somebody they or their friends know, than through an anonymous forum.

Look at blogs. If you look at the discussion part at the bottom, huge numbers of people use google+ etc. and are therefore identifiable real people.

It's my view that the life of the anonymous forum is limited; rather than that of Facebook-type places.
 Alternative to Facebook... - Zero

>> (It always astonishes me that there's any money at all to be made in advertising.)

And me, till Youtube paid me 700 quid last year just for allowing adverts to be displayed with videos of trains,
 Alternative to Facebook... - rtj70
>> And me, till Youtube paid me 700 quid last year

Google must have made more than the £700 then. A nice income for a hobby that you'd probably be doing anyway..... Do you need to declare that to HMRC?
 Alternative to Facebook... - R.P.
Zero is a law abiding citizen !
 Alternative to Facebook... - PeterS
There's surely a way that Z can offset some of his expenses against that. Cameras, software, broadband, mileage etc etc. In fact, it sounds like a tax loss to me ;-)
 Alternative to Facebook... - Zero
does not even cover travel costs....
 Alternative to Facebook... - rtj70
I was hoping you didn't have to pay tax on it!
 Alternative to Facebook... - No FM2R
>> >>Facebook is not very good software.......................
>> Does anybody know, notice or care?

It makes is expensive and unreliable. Also difficult to evolve.

For the rest, let's rejoin the discussion 4 years from now to see who was right.
 Alternative to Facebook... - Bromptonaut
>> It makes is expensive and unreliable. Also difficult to evolve.

it's evolved constantly, though not always intuitively, during my membership. Mucking about with a system the users are at ease with is a trap for site owners. The existence of this place and in far greater numbers CycleChat, are evidence of that.

>> For the rest, let's rejoin the discussion 4 years from now to see who was
>> right.

It's worked OK just now for me and others joshing around the Murkeyside Derby but in four years who knows.
 Alternative to Facebook... - No FM2R
>>it's evolved constantly

I didn't say impossible, I said expensive and difficult.
 Alternative to Facebook... - rtj70
I don't use Facebook and not looked into the technicalities. But with what it offers I am surprised the service needs to much hardware. That is likely because it was not developed to scale out like it has been - very inefficient. Probably using poor choice/implementation of database that has not scaled, poor choice of language etc.

But for the likes of Zuckerberg it does not matter. It got the attention of the masses, there was an IPO and they made billions.
 Alternative to Facebook... - rtj70
The company in the online space that still is doing well outside what they are most well known for IMO is Amazon. I'm thinking Amazon Web Services (AWS). They are in the IT for the long game and are building themselves a powerful empire/infrastructure. An example of a good service using AWS is Netflix.

Amazon turns over lots of money but shows little or no profit. That's because of the investment in the likes of AWS, Kindle, etc. Bezos is a smarter chap than Zuckerberg IMO.
 Alternative to Facebook... - DP
I like Facebook.

Just don't put anything on there you care about anyone else seeing or reading, and you can't go too far wrong. Same rule applies to all social media.

Anyone who puts anything sensitive, insulting, abusive etc on there under any illusion that it is private or confidential is an idiot and deserves everything they get.
 Alternative to Facebook... - Mapmaker
My; how right we were, No FM2R when we said Facebook was currently a buy.

The question is, when will there be nothing left of it - like Yahoo!, Friends Reunited or Blackberry.
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