Non-motoring > Destination / Holiday Advice Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Zero Replies: 19

 Destination / Holiday Advice - Zero
Going on a Bear Hunt Cruise (not a cruze) and need some destination hints

Port of Call 1 - Santa Cruz de la Palma - 6 hours there

What to do? what to see?

Port of Call 2 - Funchal - I know my way round Madiera so no help needed there.
Port of Call 3 - Agadir - ditto no help needed there.
Port of Call 4 - Arricife Lanzarote - ditto no Help needed there.

Port of call 5 - Santa Cruz Tenerife

Got 12 hours there, What to see, what to do. Car hire not out of the question.

Port of call 6 - Las Palmas. Sorted there as well.

So its 1 and 5 I have no idea about.


 Destination / Holiday Advice - Kevin
Isn't there a Weatherspoons?
 Destination / Holiday Advice - Zero
the whole boat is a weatherspoons.
 Destination / Holiday Advice - smokie
Is that with Thomsons? Done it a few times (or very similar). Also did a similar one with Celebrity.

But I can't advise what to see as we're usually making the most of the all-inclusive :-)
 Destination / Holiday Advice - Zero
>> Is that with Thomsons? Done it a few times (or very similar). Also did a
>> similar one with Celebrity.
>> But I can't advise what to see as we're usually making the most of the
>> all-inclusive :-)

Yes and I feel I will have the need to get off the boat.
 Destination / Holiday Advice - henry k
>> Yes and I feel I will have the need to get off the boat.
Maybe GO AWOL at PoC 1. Sat Nav failed ?

How on earth did you sign up for this??
Fortunately SWMO, like me, hates the idea of a prison ship trip.
 Destination / Holiday Advice - Zero

>> How on earth did you sign up for this??

Ten years of "I want to go on a cruise"
 Destination / Holiday Advice - henry k
>> >> How on earth did you sign up for this??
>> Ten years of "I want to go on a cruise"
Boy done well defending then !!

A possible down side of retirement ? :-)
 Destination / Holiday Advice - CGNorwich
Spent a fortnight in La Palma for the past couple of years. Its a beautiful island but 6 hours doesn't give you time to get outside Santa Cruz. I'd just potter round the old town which is an easy stroll from the cruise port. Plenty of bars for a drink and I'd have in meal in "La Placeta". Get a table outside if its warm enough.
 Destination / Holiday Advice - BobbyG
Tenerife - you been up Mount Teide yet? Think its maybe an hour or so drive away ?
 Destination / Holiday Advice - Meldrew
I guess you will be offered a coach trip round Timanfaya National Park in Lanzarote (Fire Mountain). I would recommend it. There was a vast eruption there in 1630s and they still use the hot air from the underground hot rocks to barbecue food in the restaurant! Weird volcanic craters and scenery, check it out out on Google maps. Reviews here
 Destination / Holiday Advice - Zero
>> I guess you will be offered a coach trip round Timanfaya National Park in Lanzarote
>> (Fire Mountain). I would recommend it. There was a vast eruption there in 1630s and
>> they still use the hot air from the underground hot rocks to barbecue food in
>> the restaurant!

Dun it. One day all that chicken fat that's been pouring down the crater is going to erupt.
 Destination / Holiday Advice - Westpig
>> Tenerife - you been up Mount Teide yet? Think its maybe an hour or so
>> drive away ?


Pretty obvious I know, but take a thick oody hot at the bottom, but snow at the top.
 Destination / Holiday Advice - Haywain
What are your plans for Agadir, Z?

The trouble is that cruise ships act like magnets to the local 'traders'. Both in Agadir and in Tangier, half the folks stayed on board - while other half came back very quickly.
 Destination / Holiday Advice - Zero
>> What are your plans for Agadir, Z?
>> The trouble is that cruise ships act like magnets to the local 'traders'. Both in
>> Agadir and in Tangier, half the folks stayed on board - while other half came
>> back very quickly.
Yeah figured as much seen it happen from the shore side.

Plan is to hire a bike and cycle 2 km along the sea front to a beach.
Done the souks in Marakech and Tangier so no plan to do that again
 Destination / Holiday Advice - Dog
The Museum of Man and Nature in Santa Cruz would be interesting (to me)

Hire a car and drive to: (if you've got the stomach for it)
 Destination / Holiday Advice - FocalPoint
"(if you've got the stomach for it)"

Of course he has. Anyway, it's not that bad. But if you go, don't stop at Taganana, press on to the coast at Almaciga - lovely drive by the sea.
 Destination / Holiday Advice - FocalPoint
As for Santa Cruz - it's an un-touristy, messy city, much of which is unattractive. However, we easily spent and enjoyed a day there. There is the stunning modern architecture of the Auditorio on the sea front, a short way south of the docks where I imagine cruise ships tie up. The Museo Naturaleza y el Hombre is midway between the two.

The Museo is in the Old Town area, which is very pleasant, and occupies the banks of the Barranco de Santos (the outlet for storm water).

There are some impressive shopping malls, (e.g. the Meridiano, just inland from the Auditorio) with international brands and lowish prices, due to the light rates of taxation on the Canaries (lower than mainland Spain, for example).

Santa Cruz sprawls up on to the higher ground inland and merges with the city of San Cristóbal de La Laguna (commonly known as La Laguna), which is visually much more attractive.
 Destination / Holiday Advice - BobbyG
Dont mention Laguna in front of Zero........
Did someone else mention a bus tour???
 Destination / Holiday Advice - Zero
Ho Ho Ho Green Giant.
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