Motoring Discussion > Dumb Pathetic British Police Cause Accident Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Zero Replies: 16

 Dumb Pathetic British Police Cause Accident - Zero

Its called.

More like, had you not been doing over the ton, in the fog and wet, you might have stopped.

Mind, not sure that copper did a very good personal safety risk assessment
Last edited by: Zero on Sun 5 Jan 14 at 23:28
 Dumb Pathetic British Police Cause Accident - ToMoCo
And it just so happens we have video from all angles? Hmmn...

I dunno, wouldn't want to stage that though.
 Dumb Pathetic British Police Cause Accident - swiss tony
>> And it just so happens we have video from all angles? Hmmn...
>> I dunno, wouldn't want to stage that though.

Some bikers do have a few cameras fitted.. but they were going far too fast for the conditions..
 Dumb Pathetic British Police Cause Accident - MD
Shame he stopped really.
 Dumb Pathetic British Police Cause Accident - Fullchat
Is it the Isle of Man?

Where's his patrol car?

Static camera crew??????
 Dumb Pathetic British Police Cause Accident - Fenlander
>>>And it just so happens we have video from all angles? Hmmn...

Indeed. Not what it seems. I was puzzled by the large camera mounted on the rear of the first bike. A little digging and I found the source from some 6yrs ago.

View a longer version uploaded by the guy who crashed... Stuart Peters the freelance broadcaster, radio presenter and video producer from IOM.... who was making the film this footage came from...

If you can't handle the comedy FF to about 2min.
Last edited by: Fenlander on Mon 6 Jan 14 at 09:54
 Dumb Pathetic British Police Cause Accident - R.P.
That explains it. The Officer was part of the set up, the second bike failed to stop because of a muppet moment. Move on I think !
 Dumb Pathetic British Police Cause Accident - Haywain
I couldn't clearly make out the speed, but it looks like a case of dumb copper AND dumb biker.
 Dumb Pathetic British Police Cause Accident - sooty123
I think a lesson about stopping distances was learnt there.
 Dumb Pathetic British Police Cause Accident - R.P.
It looks like part of the IoM circuit. The first rider stops safely without drama. The second rider locks his rear will and skids. The second bikes cockpit camera shows speeds of 90mph. He's riding too quick for the conditions and is probably outside his skill envelope. An idiot. Bike one rides to a near perfect halt. As does bike three - Rider two is needs lessons.
Last edited by: R.P. on Mon 6 Jan 14 at 09:12
 Dumb Pathetic British Police Cause Accident - MD
He's had the first one. F.O.C.!
 Dumb Pathetic British Police Cause Accident - retgwte
Copper was an idiot, I have seen them doing the same on the M4 totally suicidal.
 Dumb Pathetic British Police Cause Accident - Fenlander
>>>Copper was an idiot

See my post at 0952. The three bikers and the copper were making a film. The bikers knew the copper was there and would stop them. Biker 2 who crashed apparently been away from bikes for 30yrs. Biker 2 was the film maker too... his fault in every way.
 Dumb Pathetic British Police Cause Accident - R.P.
Bike rider was the idiot.
 Dumb Pathetic British Police Cause Accident - madf
Rider should be persecuted for being on a bike...
 Dumb Pathetic British Police Cause Accident - Lygonos
>> Rider should be persecuted

 Dumb Pathetic British Police Cause Accident - Dog
It's probably a Zionist tactic.
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