Non-motoring > Roosting Falcon - identification? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: henry k Replies: 8

 Roosting Falcon - identification? - henry k
 Roosting Falcon - identification? - Roger.
Greater spotted rust-bucket.
 Roosting Falcon - identification? - MD
Been done before I think H.
 Roosting Falcon - identification? - madf
Yeee Haah

A misplaced Knights of Hazaard jump.
 Roosting Falcon - identification? - Alastairw
Thought it said roasting falcon at first - someone pushing the xmas boat out?
 Roosting Falcon - identification? - Runfer D'Hills
You know those big blue motorway junction signs which are attached to two upright poles? Usually the poles are about a small car's width apart.

Well, anyway, years ago, I came across a Hillman Imp stuck between two poles but about 6 feet off the ground as if it had been launched from a ramp or something. Stuck fast and wedged it was. Pale blue non-metallic for anyone interested...

Couldn't see if there was anyone still in it as I was passing too quickly and was also considerably lower than it but it occured to me that the occupant/s might have had at least a tricky time getting out as both doors would have been held shut. I want to think though, ( anorak time ) that Imps had an opening back window.

In any event, it wouldn't have been a fab day for whoever was in it at the time. how it got there remains to me at least, a mystery to this day.
 Roosting Falcon - identification? - Armel Coussine

>> In any event, it wouldn't have been a fab day for whoever was in it at the time

I dunno Humph... they might have realised that if they had hit the poles (obviously very strong indeed) a foot or so one side or the other of dead centre they might have been killed, instead of coming to an admittedly abrupt but slightly cushioned stop.

That's the thing that occurs to me. I don't want to seem argumentative or anything.
 Roosting Falcon - identification? - Cliff Pope
Perhaps someone parked the car and forgot it, and the tree grew under it?
Like that old bicycle at Beddgelert that is embedded in a tree, because someone left it leaning there (allegedly).

Or for serious fans:
 Roosting Falcon - identification? - henry k
>> Or for serious fans:
Shows it is a very old activity :-)
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