Non-motoring > electric towel rails Miscellaneous
Thread Author: legacylad Replies: 14

 electric towel rails - legacylad
I promised my old Mum I would improve the heating in her bathroom, which currently just has one small rad connected to her CH system. There is a fused spur on the wall, so in theory it should be easy to connect up a electric towel rail.
I have just found out there are two types...'dry technology' where the electric heating element is fitted inside a vacuum, and the other where the inhibitor solution, whatever that is, contains a heating element.
Just off to measure up now, but from memory the bathroom is approx. 90sq ft. One outside wall, one small window.
Any recommendations please, or does one size fit all?
 electric towel rails - R.P.
Why not swap the existing radiator for a proper modern one designed as a towel rail as well..?

 electric towel rails - legacylad
Don be such clever dicky

Never even crossed my mind. Far too simple a solution. Going to measure up now, but existing small rad is tucked up very close to washbasin.

Thanks for that.
 electric towel rails - Mapmaker
Electrical work in bathroom, can you do it?
 electric towel rails - Zero
An electric towel rail won't add anything to heating the bathroom.
 electric towel rails - Alastairw
When my aunt wanted a warmer bathroom she started using one of those infrared heater/light units. The advantage being the heat was only on when the room was occupied.
 electric towel rails - legacylad
I wasn't planning on wiring it up myself, but why wouldn't it Z?

Whilst appreciating that the towel(s) would absorb most of the heat, surely some of it would escape into the room? Probably an expensive way of adding some heat, and linking a second rad in the bathroom onto the CH system could prove problematic as the floor is tiled.
 electric towel rails - Zero
T>> I wasn't planning on wiring it up myself, but why wouldn't it Z?

They are not designed to heat space, very little surface area and very poor convection properties. They are designed to heat up the air between towels folded over them.
 electric towel rails - Manatee
We have a 160W one that is the only heat in the bathroom, left on all the time. It's warm enough. Just.
 electric towel rails - Dulwich Estate
"An electric towel rail won't add anything to heating the bathroom"

Well, to echo Manatee......

We have a 500W one that is the only heat in the bathroom of an old uninsulated holiday house, left on all the time. It's plenty warm enough.

Fitted it myself - Part P - pah!
 electric towel rails - Lygonos
We have a 500W one that is the only heat in the bathroom of an old uninsulated holiday house, left on all the time

12kWh per day x 365 days = 4380kWh/yr

4380kWh x £0.13 = £570 pa to heat the bathroom alone.

..... it likely cuts in and out with the thermostat so likely a fair bit less :-)

The bathroom in our cottage is about 9'x6' - it has a radiator and a heated towel rail (electric) rated around 130W. If it is left on for a couple of hours it makes a marginal difference to the heat in the bathroom... unless it is covered in towels in which case you get nice toastie towels.
Last edited by: Lygonos on Wed 6 Nov 13 at 19:32
 electric towel rails - bathtub tom
I've seen a towel rail connected to the CH system that also had an electrical heater in it. I got the impression the electrical heater was something that could be added to any radiator.

It was useful in the summer for drying towels when the CH wasn't running.
 electric towel rails - Stuartli
My quite large bathroom with a single glazed main window only has one small central heating radiator, yet it proves more than adequate to heat it up even in the depths of winter.
 electric towel rails - rtj70
>> I've seen a towel rail connected to the CH system that also had an electrical heater in it.

I've seen one too - it's in our bathroom. Not tried to use it on electric to be honest - it's only a small inline unit which would take a while to heat such a large (i.e. tall) radiator.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Wed 6 Nov 13 at 20:45
 electric towel rails - Dulwich Estate
"12kWh per day x 365 days = 4380kWh/yr

4380kWh x £0.13 = £570 pa to heat the bathroom alone.

..... it likely cuts in and out with the thermostat so likely a fair bit less :-)"

The actual case is that of course it comes on and off with the thermostat, it isn't used a lot in summer and the entire annual bill for the 86% nuclear generated electricity for the whole house comes to less than €500. Let's call it £425 pa.

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