Non-motoring > How stressed are you? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Westpig Replies: 55

 How stressed are you? - Westpig

5/32 for me
 How stressed are you? - Manatee
 How stressed are you? - Mike H
>> 12/32
 How stressed are you? - Meldrew
6 for me. lack of sleep is more to do with prostate/bladder problems than stress in my case!
 How stressed are you? - Crankcase
20, but I backed off some of the answers as I knew it was going to put me higher than that.

 How stressed are you? - Bromptonaut
I'm not gettin a result, probably due to local IT issues.

Would score pretty low now but I had a stress episode in 2008 and would have ticked most of the high value boxes then.
 How stressed are you? - Alanovich
15. Oh dear.

Oh well, at least I might win this thread.


Edit: posted before I saw Crankcase's score. I didn't win this thread, which now makes me more stressed.

;-) again.
Last edited by: Alanović on Wed 6 Nov 13 at 15:24
 How stressed are you? - Haywain
9 for me.

One of the questions could have been "Who do you bank with?".
 How stressed are you? - sherlock47
7 for me - other alternate questions could include
who is your energy supplier?
how may cold / PPI calls per day do you receive?

 How stressed are you? - Fenlander
6 for me... but I have just been out relaxing watching trains haha.
 How stressed are you? - Crankcase
I can't imagine how you folks are getting such low scores!
 How stressed are you? - Mapmaker

 How stressed are you? - Robin O'Reliant
 How stressed are you? - Stuu
 How stressed are you? - legacylad

would have been lower if only I could make a decision about the next car....
 How stressed are you? - Pat

 How stressed are you? - madf

My wife says I cheated..
 How stressed are you? - Lygonos
 How stressed are you? - crocks
Very un-stressed. Only 4 for me.
I'm sure avoiding the arguments on here helps.
 How stressed are you? - Robin O'Reliant
A certain amount of stress is good for you.

 How stressed are you? - crocks
Tried it when I was working. Didn't like it. Gave it up.
 How stressed are you? - Roger.
 How stressed are you? - Zero
not filling that out, too stressful.
 How stressed are you? - -
 How stressed are you? - Ted

3,,,,beatcha Crocky !

 How stressed are you? - Skip

After the day I have had at work today I am surprised that it wasn't 50/32 !
 How stressed are you? - VxFan
16 out of 32
 How stressed are you? - Bromptonaut
Having got it to work 10/32. I think some answers mislead though. Lacking appetite is just me, I often get by on breakfast and dinner with no lunch. The offspring say I'm related to a camel. I've also always been a bit nocturnal so problems sleeping were no surprise.

When I had an episode I had an inability to focus while at same time being convinced the project I was running at time (a conference I had done umpteen times before and in reality could deliver with my eyes shut) was doomed to fail.

The loss of rational perspective was the killer, together with the sudden panic seconds after waking in the small hours.

Fortunately my boss was understanding and my immediate junior competent to step in when I eventually wobbled off on sick for a fortnight until Citalopram restored my equilibrium.
 How stressed are you? - Stuartli
5, but that's before the text from Nigella telling me she's unavailable tonight...:-( :-)
 How stressed are you? - Armel Coussine
17, for what it's worth. Several of the questions seemed almost meaningless to me.

I was born fairly stressed, and still am. Sometimes on the verge of apoplexy. Or do I mean often?

(Where have you been Stuartli? Is bellboy there, not to mention Perro and one or two others?)
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Wed 6 Nov 13 at 20:38
 How stressed are you? - zippy
29 :-(
 How stressed are you? - R.P.
Perro is having IT problems.
 How stressed are you? - MD

Now Bog off and leave me alone!!
 How stressed are you? - movilogo
 How stressed are you? - BobbyG
 How stressed are you? - Stuartli
>>(Where have you been Stuartli? Is bellboy there, not to mention Perro and one or two others?)>>

I've been posting quite regularly...:-) Mostly nonsense...:-) :-)
 How stressed are you? - Clk Sec
A very reasonable 9 here.
 How stressed are you? - Duncan
>> (Where have you been Stuartli?

Well, he has posted 8 times this month, so he has been around.
 How stressed are you? - Cliff Pope

But then it omitted to ask "Have you recently had any dealings with BT ?"
 How stressed are you? - Clk Sec
And I'm fairly certain that my score would have been considerably higher than a very reasonable 9, if I was still subscribing to Waffle Waffle or British Bas.
 How stressed are you? - bathtub tom
>> But then it omitted to ask "Have you recently had any dealings with BT ?"

Sorry, didn't realise I'd upset anyone.

 How stressed are you? - Ambo
15. Are posters who agree they are stressed able to identify their main source of stress? Mine is being caught in a large, expensive house (don't ask me why as that would give an easy 32 score) when I am knocking on and would be much happier in a small bungalow.
 How stressed are you? - Crankcase
No. If only it were that easy. For me I have all the symptoms but no idea of the cause - I have no reason (right?) to be stressed out, but exhibit all the classic signs. Tried various "therapies" over the years, none have been the slightest use.

I think I'm just built this way.
 How stressed are you? - No FM2R
Perhaps you're worried about your stress levels?
 How stressed are you? - Crankcase
Say that to my face and I'll punch your lights out.

Oh sorry, a momentary red mist, as usual. :)
 How stressed are you? - No FM2R
I was kind of being semi-serious. I have known people (actually one person) who worried about their own mental health so much it was ridiculous.

She eventually had a stress and alcohol driven breakdown.

I've never been sure whether that proved she had been correct to be so worried, or that being so worried caused the breakdown.
 How stressed are you? - Zero
I've been so stressed, I that I was stressed about letting it show.
 How stressed are you? - Manatee
I'm just a worrier. My father was the same.

My wife, on the other hand, is an ostrich. Hardly a care in the world.

In my less rational moments I want her to worry more, because I feel I'm doing more than my share.

Now that I am out of the hamster wheel, and just about sustainably solvent, I am much less stressed than I have been.
 How stressed are you? - henry k
>>I'm just a worrier. My father was the same.
Many years ago I read the following:-
" Worry is like a rocking chair, keeps you busy , gets you no where"
I avoid rocking chairs.

>>Now that I am out of the hamster wheel..."
I can smile at things even more.
I saw the latest wonder improvement in the old company:-)
Yes- that's what I put in writing 15+ years ago and was not accepted but nowt in that area has changed in the meanwhile yet it is now implemented.

I was able to run away with a bag of swag from several " plonkers" of senior managers who decided that "Your role is no longer required."
Telling one of them to his face that he was not telling the truth was a great de-stresser :-)
Oh how I miss the BS.
 How stressed are you? - Cliff Pope

>> My wife, on the other hand, is an ostrich. Hardly a care in the world.

I don't think ostriches are carefree. Sometimes they just can't face the world.

 How stressed are you? - Manatee

>> I don't think ostriches are carefree. Sometimes they just can't face the world.

Perhaps that was the wrong metaphor. She's not in denial, she just doesn't see the point in worrying and seems able to avoid it generally. She's also a Stoic, so it's not always easy to tell.

She is a very busy person who does a lot of community and voluntary stuff. I don't suppose ostriches do that.
 How stressed are you? - DP

 How stressed are you? - bathtub tom
A work colleague once told me he thought I was so laid back as to be near horizontal.

I'm much less stressed now I've retired.
 How stressed are you? - Cliff Pope
>> She is a very busy person who does a lot of community and voluntary stuff.
>> I don't suppose ostriches do that.

They do, apparently.

They lay their eggs in a communal nest, and do a lot of friendly nuzzling to show mutual support.
 How stressed are you? - Manatee

>> They lay their eggs in a communal nest, and do a lot of friendly nuzzling
>> to show mutual support.

Definitely the wrong animal then. Doesn't waste time on gratuitous communication.
 How stressed are you? - Ambo
The stressed are hard to cheer up. A couple of days before filling the questionnaire out I won two prizes in the Premium Bond draw :) but they were only £25 each:(
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