Non-motoring > Face recognition in Tesco Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Crankcase Replies: 30

 Face recognition in Tesco - Crankcase
Tesco are introducing cameras that perform face recognition on shoppers in queues, then target ads at them according to their age and sex.

The article also says that it's possible now for shops to recognise you from an online picture of you and target stuff individually. Of course, even if you don't have Facebook that doesn't stop someone else putting your named picture online, so no escape there.

Do you give a fig about all this stuff or does it make you uncomfortable?

Link is to Daily Telegraph.
 Face recognition in Tesco - Zero
I would find it annoying enough to prevent me from shopping in Tesco ever again. If I ever did in the first place.

But on the whole, if you have your mush on Stalkbook, and you are daft enough to plaster your self all over the web, then you are merely reaping the seeds wot you sewed init.
 Face recognition in Tesco - henry k
>> I would find it annoying enough to prevent me from shopping in Tesco ever again.
Me too. I hope it is not extended to cover their car park which I use when waiting for flight arrivals :-)
 Face recognition in Tesco - Cliff Pope
>> Tesco are introducing cameras that perform face recognition on shoppers in queues, then target ads
>> at them according to their age and sex.

Beauty treatments, wart removers, hair restorer, that kind of thing?
 Face recognition in Tesco - Old Navy
It will probably work better than government IT systems, Mrs ON seems to get a load of targeted vouchers in the post every few weeks, so it is only an update of an existing system. I top the car up while she is doing the weekly shop and the vouchers from that keeps my beer stash topped up. :-)
Last edited by: Old Navy on Mon 4 Nov 13 at 08:35
 Face recognition in Tesco - Manatee
In truth it's pretty harmless if there's are no personal data used or stored. Ads have ways been targeted according to what people read or watch, and where they are.

It seems very gimmicky and not very efficient. Allowing that the quote from Simon Sugar is probably mangled, he sounds a bit of a dope.
 Face recognition in Tesco - Boxsterboy
Won't trouble me, as I never venture onto their forecourts (it's filling stations only at the mo), and rarely into their shops. It all seems a bit unnecessary to me.
 Face recognition in Tesco - -
Make no difference to me, i only ever pop in to see if they have any loss leader offers not available elsewhere.

Spotting know shoplifters? can't say i blame them for protecting their business any way they can, more likely the real reason behind it IMO.
 Face recognition in Tesco - Manatee
>> Spotting know shoplifters? can't say i blame them for protecting their business any way they
>> can, more likely the real reason behind it IMO.

Based on what they are saying it will do, no. The only outputs are supposedly values for male/female and age.

The thin end of the wedge argument is the most obvious. But it's everywhere in much more precise form if you carry a mobile phone, which can (and is) also used to manage delivery of fully personalised SMS advertising.

A perspective on the Tesco/Sugar thing from New Statesman -
 Face recognition in Tesco - Bromptonaut
It'll have to work quicker than the automated passport gates at East Midlands did on Thursday. If not I'll be on the M1 before 'my' targetted ads get played.
 Face recognition in Tesco - Mapmaker
>> It'll have to work quicker than the automated passport gates at East Midlands did on
>> Thursday. If not I'll be on the M1 before 'my' targetted ads get played.

Bound to as:

1. 100% accuracy is not important.

2. Privately funded, not public money...
 Face recognition in Tesco - Old Navy
>> Spotting know shoplifters? can't say i blame them for protecting their business any way they
>> can, more likely the real reason behind it IMO.

From a previous life I can assure you that the major supermarkets have camera systems that can read the labels on the shelves when zoomed in and track customers from entering the store to leaving it, (which they practice on unsuspecting innocent shoppers). They also have instantly available reference photos of suspected shoplifters. If they see someone shoplifting they have to ensure the person takes the stolen object out of the store and has not dumped it before leaving to be able to prosecute them and to avoid being sued for false accusations.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Mon 4 Nov 13 at 13:19
 Face recognition in Tesco - VxFan
>> The article also says that it's possible now for shops to recognise you from an online picture of you

Easy enough to find online pictures:

Google has a reverse image search

You can also do it via tineye

Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 4 Nov 13 at 10:34
 Face recognition in Tesco - Cliff Pope

>> Google has a reverse image search

I couldn't resist putting in a picture of myself, and it came up with a a picture of a member of the Chinese government opening a factory.
There are obviously hours of fun to be had here.
 Face recognition in Tesco - Zero

>> There are obviously hours of fun to be had here.

Oh yes. Just uploaded a picky of me from about 1975.

Google says I am Leo Sayer.
 Face recognition in Tesco - VxFan
>> Google says I am Leo Sayer.

## you've got a cute way of talking
 Face recognition in Tesco - Alanovich

>> ## you've got a cute way of talking

Earworm duly installed for the day. Thanks.

 Face recognition in Tesco - Armel Coussine
I often shop in Tesco having little choice. But I wouldn't notice advertisements aimed at me or anyone else at the checkout, any more than I would notice what was on the flickering screens of TV sets in the window of a shop. There's a sort of automatic filtering process.
 Face recognition in Tesco - madf
>> I often shop in Tesco having little choice. But I wouldn't notice advertisements aimed at
>> me or anyone else at the checkout, any more than I would notice what was
>> on the flickering screens of TV sets in the window of a shop. There's a
>> sort of automatic filtering process.

I have a negative correlation factor as well...I would not take kindly to adverts for bras...
 Face recognition in Tesco - VxFan
>> I often shop in Tesco having little choice. But I wouldn't notice advertisements aimed at me or anyone else at the checkout

The advert TVs are going to be in the fuel station kiosks, not the store.
 Face recognition in Tesco - Cliff Pope

>> The advert TVs are going to be in the fuel station kiosks, not the store.

There's a rather limited range of things to tempt you with there. surely?

It may assess you as the sort of person likely to buy cases of wine and a trolley-load from the organic section, but all it will be able to offer is some engine oil and a Yorkie bar.
 Face recognition in Tesco - Focusless
The real reason they're doing it:
 Face recognition in Tesco - ....
If it bothers you buy a Burqa and wear it when you fill up.
 Face recognition in Tesco - Boxsterboy
>> If it bothers you buy a Burqa and wear it when you fill up.

Excellent idea!
 Face recognition in Tesco - zippy
It detects sex, age etc.

It'll be a real embarrassment when it shows a razor blade advert to a woman who has just come in from a gale and isn't looking her best!
 Face recognition in Tesco - Pat
I bet they wouldn't make you take a burqa off like they do a crash helmet at our local Tesco forecourt.

 Face recognition in Tesco - Zero
>> I bet they wouldn't make you take a burqa off like they do a crash
>> helmet at our local Tesco forecourt.
>> Pat

You local tesco has yet to be robbed by someone wearing a burqa.

(yes I know its happened at least once elsewhere, but the crash helmet robbers are leading 100 -1 so far)
 Face recognition in Tesco - Cliff Pope
Do bike-riding burqa wearers wear it over or under the helmet?
 Face recognition in Tesco - Crankcase
>> Do bike-riding burqa wearers wear it over or under the helmet?

Dunno, but I bet there's a good tongue twister in there somewhere about blokes on the back of bikes in burqas. And so forth.
 Face recognition in Tesco - Pat
I fully understand and support why they do it....but use the local village petrol station instead at the same price!

 Face recognition in Tesco - Roger.
Why not try it Pat?
At least you are the sex which (normally, unless legging it from custody!) wears a burqa
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