Non-motoring > What annoys you? - Volume 2 Miscellaneous
Thread Author: VxFan Replies: 29

 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - VxFan

This follows on from the other thread.

No doubt it annoyed some people because it had reached over 200 replies and was slow to load.

Last edited by: VxFan on Fri 1 Nov 13 at 01:11
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - No FM2R
>> it had reached over 200 replies and was slow to load.

Dave, when we originally had that concern it was because a fair amount of our contributors were on dial-up. Is it really an issue these days?
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - commerdriver
>> >> it had reached over 200 replies and was slow to load.
>> Dave, when we originally had that concern it was because a fair amount of our
>> contributors were on dial-up. Is it really an issue these days?
It has started to become an issue again as people have started using different devices to access the forum. I know I don't know a lot about using my android tablet but I have not found any quick way to get to the most recent, or at least the bottom, posts in a thread.
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - Zero
yeah its not the speed, its the scrolling agro on touch devices.
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - Crankcase
I sometimes use an alternative browser on the iPad that lets you triple finger tap to jump the bottom of the page. A double finger tap takes you to the top. It's all configurable. There must be something similar for all touch devices surely.
Last edited by: Crankcase on Fri 1 Nov 13 at 09:00
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - Zero
and the name of this alternative browser is......

And of course that does not help when, due to the layout of this forum, updates are often in the centre
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - Crankcase
>> and the name of this alternative browser is......

Atomic web browser. Not been updated for ages but seems to work well enough for what I want, especially the multi touch thing. Has an ad block kind of thing built in if you want it too.

I think you get 5 multi touch option in the free version (never used that version), or 8 configurable ones in the paid one. I paid the money and configured it my way.

You can make it jump to the top/bottom of a page by a two fingered swipe or something if you prefer.

 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - VxFan
>> And of course that does not help when, due to the layout of this forum, updates are often in the centre

If you click onthe word "new" at the end of the subject line, it will take you to the first new posting within the thread.
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - VxFan
>> I sometimes use an alternative browser on the iPad that lets you triple finger tap
>> to jump the bottom of the page. A double finger tap takes you to the top.

The arrows next to the time/date stamp also do that.
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - Crankcase
>>The arrows next to the time/date stamp also do that.

Good point, but not so easy on a phone though, where they are a micron wide.

Often I'm wandering about the net on a phone or tablet and it offers me something called "Tapatalk" when I try to get to a forum.

Not sure what that is, but seems to imply it's something the forum software itself does to make it easy to read on a small screened device. I guess that's not something available here though as it doesn't get offered.

 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - VxFan
>> Good point, but not so easy on a phone though, where they are a micron wide.

Pinch and zoom to make bigger.

>> something called "Tapatalk" when I try to get to a forum.

A few people use it on the Vectra-C forum.

>> I guess that's not something available here though as it doesn't get offered.

This forum is different to others in that it uses a bespoke platform and not one out of the box, such as vBulletin.
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - Cliff Pope
>> its the scrolling agro on touch devices.

Perhaps you can explain why the standard convention on scrolling works in the opposite direction to a real scroll?

If you are looking at a scroll of paper wound on two rollers, to read DOWN the page you have to scroll UP. It's obvious. So why was it decided to make computer scroll arrows work backwards?

Just curious.
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - Alanovich
The fact that we live in a, politically speaking, backward country in which a church is established, bishops sit in the second chamber by right and "God" appoints our Head of State whenever he sees fit, and yet we don't get All Saints' Day as a national holiday, unlike more advanced, properly secular nations like France.

Bah. Could really have done with a lie in this morning after walking miles trick or treating with the small ones last night.
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - Roger.
Oh dear - a post from Alanović with which I agree - the world has turned upside down :-)
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - Alanovich
Even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day. :-)

(I'm referring to myself, btw.)
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - Roger.
Annoying:- "seperates" !
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - Crankcase
We offer treats when they come a-knocking for trick or treat. We were observing last night that when we started doing that in 1998, when we moved in, kids would come around unaccompanied. These days you'd probably be arrested for even thinking that was possible.

 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - henry k
After, a few years ago, suffering eggs thrown at my car and the front door plus not realising it until latter the next day when the sun had baked them on I sort of hide from the event.
Car moved and house lights off... Bah! Humbug!!

The good news and the bad news.
Those with a pumpkin with a candle in it, on the front doorstep, are deemed to be happy to be involved and are good for a treat.
It certainly seemed to be enacted in my street. Hopefully this will make me almost exempt next year.

The yobs are still active. Sadly the press reported ( a nudge to the thickos) that when after a knock on the door was answered their pumpkin exploded due to a firework having ben lit and placed in it.
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - Clk Sec
Not had any T or T youngsters around for a few years now, but I still make sure that I have a few bob in my pocket in anticipation of a knock on the door.

No objections here, as I was young myself once and rarely missed an opportunity to earn a bit of extra cash.
Last edited by: Clk Sec on Fri 1 Nov 13 at 12:54
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - Runfer D'Hills
In my defence for my intolerance of the trick or treaters, my problem ( and I accept it is my problem ) is not to do with the giving of a few sweets to some kids who are dressed up and having fun, far from it, but to do with the fact that when working from home one of my busiest time slots is from 17.00 onwards.

Quite a lot of what I do is in cooperation with a Los Angeles based company and with the time difference the email and phone activity really heats up around 5.00 (when it's 09.00 in California.)

I was alone in the house early last evening and the room I have converted into an office is right next to the front door. Having that door knocked on by kids every few minutes for 3 hours was the problem when I was trying to work on some fairly complex stuff which couldn't wait. Of course I could have ignored the knocks but then you look like some mean spirited old curmudgeon.

I did at one point think of sticking a notice on the door saying something like "I'm working, leave me alone !" but then I'd still have looked like a mean spirited etc...

 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - Crankcase
Sign on door saying "Busy, but please help yourself to a treat" and a bucket full of sweeties on doorstep?

Too naive in today's world?
Last edited by: Crankcase on Fri 1 Nov 13 at 13:42
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - sooty123

>> I was alone in the house early last evening and the room I have converted
>> into an office is right next to the front door. Having that door knocked on
>> by kids every few minutes for 3 hours

Popular round your way then? ;-) Luckily we havn't had a trick or treater to our door in years. Not sure whether it's not popular or not trusted or everyone is tight. Whatever the reason quiet as mouse every year.
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - Runfer D'Hills
It's Cheshire. Anything which involves "shiny things" is popular !
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - Cliff Pope
One advantage of living out in the sticks is that no one ever calls casually. Apart from Jehovah's Witnesses of course, who will always get through.

A pity in a way. One of my fantasies is to have the biggest most powerful water pistol available hidden behind the door, and then when someone says trick or treat I'd respond with TRICK ! and let fly with a drenching burst.

Just joking. I'm a kindly friendly old geezer really.
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - Fenlander
Not much really annoys me for long... but I'm currently being more than a little tested in that area by trying to get a good fit on a pattern exhaust.
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - No FM2R
I used to have similar frustrations with pattern body parts.

It is entirely beyond me why a pattern part wouldn't be made to fit. Surely if a part is to be copied it;s as easy to make it the right shape as it is the wrong shape?
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - Fenlander
If money no object OE exhausts save a lot of hassle. As you say why make a copy that isn't.

This one had all three hanger lugs too small so the system flopped about against the spare wheel well, one hanger lug was missing completely, there was a poor match of diameters mid pipe to silencer and it was about 1" too short in a crucial area.

I noted it all down as I fitted... to email the supplier then once it was on nicely couldn't be bothered and threw the notes away.
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - Harleyman
>> One advantage of living out in the sticks is that no one ever calls casually.

Same here Cliff. Only got bothered once since I've lived here, when a distant neighbour took his grandson to my door, knocked loudly, and woke up the previous Mrs HM's Rottweiler which promptly played hell. Had a full-length glass door at the time and of course the dog launched itself at the glass, which thankfully held but scared the kid. We were at work at the time.

Following day the bloke had the cheek to complain to me about this, as you can imagine he got very short shrift from me!

Last edited by: Harleyman on Fri 1 Nov 13 at 20:36
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - Robin O'Reliant
>> In my defence for my intolerance of the trick or treaters, my problem ( and
>> I accept it is my problem ) is not to do with the giving of
>> a few sweets to some kids who are dressed up and having fun, far from
>> it, but to do with the fact that when working from home one of my
>> busiest time slots is from 17.00 onwards.

I have a similar problem in that I'm often delivering during the evening. On Halloween I don't bother because no-one will open their door, assuming I'm a trick or treater.

We put a notice on our own door now, "Sorry no trick or treaters". I'm a mean spirited old git and happy to be one.
 What annoys you? - Volume 2 - borasport
Things made unnecessarily difficult

On the last Octavia, to remove head restraint, depress catch with one hand, remove restraint with the other. On the new one, depress catch with one hand, use screwdriver (blade < 5mm) to depress hidden catch with second hand whilst removing restraint with third hand.
I suspect this has been implemented on some safety grounds but I cannot concieve of any real benefit to anyone
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