Non-motoring > rude awakening Miscellaneous
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 rude awakening - -
thismorning about 4.30am, woke up and could hear and feel a noise/vibration in or around the house.

Got up and had a poke about, all OK, then noticed our driveway security light was on, so donned me boots and went out, all seemed quiet so came back in and got back into bed.

2 minutes later the vibration is back, then noticed the driveway light was on, our bedroom backs onto the drive so opened the curtains to see a european registered Leon right down our steep drive by the house powering away up the road...our driveway is straight drive through from the end of the cul de sac, didn't manage to get his number, possibly Polish but couldnl't swear.

Assumed he was playing silly blighters and or drunk, so i got up got me steel toe caps on and waited for him up the drive, didn't come back again and no sign of anything untoward in the two roads here.

The noise was caused by him hitting and moving heavy planter and the bench out the front into the bedroom wall, so hopefully he's caused some damage to his car.

Anyway, my thoughts are he was drunk and trying to find his way out of the road, found a drunk Polish geezer sitting in our garden once, if you were a half wit you might think you could get out of the road via our drive.

SWM is a bit concerned they could be staking the joint out for other reasons.

Given the circs and the fact i didn't get a number is it worth a phone call to the local nick for intelligence purposes, maybe tie in with another incident (he might have left paint on the bench or planter), or am i thinking 20 years in the past when such a phone call might have been answered by a real copper who's mind might just twig something?

I wasn't going to ring up at silly oclock, firstly the local nick shuts, secondly i have no regn number and nothing really to report.

PS...SWM slept through all this, and the dog who's also in the bedroom just lay quietly, so don't ever get a Viszla as a guard...;) a home made stinger likely to end up with me nicked should this happen again?
We will bring forward plans for serious gate, but in the meantime?
Last edited by: gordonbennet on Sun 20 Oct 13 at 09:32
 rude awakening - Mike H
I'd ring the boys in blue. Is it possible he was hiding in your drive with lights off? The worst they can do is to listen politely and not do anything, but your info may be useful.
 rude awakening - -
>> I'd ring the boys in blue. Is it possible he was hiding in your drive
>> with lights off? The worst they can do is to listen politely and not do
>> anything, but your info may be useful.

Hadn't thought about hiding, possible that the security light foiled that, but why return?

Local nick opens at 10am on Sundays, will it me manned by a copper or a plastic copy i wonder.
 rude awakening - Old Navy
I can't see a home made stinger on your own property being a problem, no worse than forgetting to put the garden rake away.

I guarantee that it will be one of your family fleet that gets stung. :-)
 rude awakening - Duncan
Could you drag a garden bench, or similar, across the bottom of the drive when you are all in, or would that get too much of a fag?
 rude awakening - -
>> Could you drag a garden bench, or similar, across the bottom of the drive when
>> you are all in, or would that get too much of a fag?

That would be easy enough until we get the gate sorted, which won't be an easy one due to angles and position and probably why those who built/lived in the house before us didn't fit one years ago.

''I guarantee that it will be one of your family fleet that gets stung. :-) ''

Yes can almost guarantee that, or the parcel bloke impales himself...hmm maybe not such a good idea after all.
Last edited by: gordonbennet on Sun 20 Oct 13 at 10:05
 rude awakening - -
Reported, duty done, put through to control room, details taken to be passed on to local force in case anything ties in.

Probably just an incompetent drunk, but Mike H's thoughts made us think.

 rude awakening - Runfer D'Hills
A friend of ours bought a small house ( his first ) in a slightly dodgy part of Edinburgh. After a couple of minor break-ins and a bit of vandalism he was understandably getting fed up with it but at the time couldn't afford to move.

Now no one knows whether this is what made the difference to his fortunes but here's what he did and never had any more bother in the three further years he lived in that house...

He had a fairly amateurish poster made up which he stuck in the window offering the services of a 3rd Dan black belt karate instructor for private tuition and a contact telephone number.

He wasn't a karate instructor at all but he cleverly used the phone number of someone he knew who was so that if anyone actually did follow it up they would be speaking to someone who genuinely could advise them.

As stated, no one can say whether this made a difference to his property security but he never had any bother after he used that poster !

 rude awakening - Ambo
As well as normal security lights, I am wondering if flashing ones, to simulate cameras even if there are no cameras, might be an added discouragement. Our 4 normal lights are expensive to run as they react to numerous cat, fox and badger intrusions.
 rude awakening - -
>> As well as normal security lights, I am wondering if flashing ones, to simulate cameras
>> even if there are no cameras, might be an added discouragement.

To be fair where we live is quite tucked away, and crime hasn't been an issue which was part of the reasoning to buy, lets hope it stays that way, some really nice elderly neighbours here so we tend to keep an eye on things.

Hoping it was an idiot, not a criminal.
 rude awakening - No FM2R
>>That would be easy enough until we get the gate sorted,

If you're more worried about preventing cars, rather than pedestrians, then you can use one of those lift up and lock posts in the centre of the drive, if you know what I mean.

Might be easier than a gate.

Like this...
 rude awakening - Old Navy
>> Might be easier than a gate.
>> Like this...

A possibility, I have seen a car reversed into one, (too low to be seen), and end up with it wedged under the car with the rear wheels about a foot off the ground.

Another family fleet trap I suspect.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Sun 20 Oct 13 at 14:23
 rude awakening - Dutchie
We live in a quet cul de sac,good neighbours and we keep a eye on each other properties.I have a security light covering the drive and a light for the backgarden.This cul de sac is a dead end.Most of the break ins around here is the shed.Simulate camaras are ok for amateurs,proper systems are the best.The chap who checks our burglar alarm once a year fixes them. About £400 for a decent system.I wanted it fitted my better halve said no need.>:)
 rude awakening - -
Starting new thread re burglar alarms.
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