Non-motoring > Is it just me.... Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 36

 Is it just me.... - R.P.
or is Paul McCartney just dreadful ?
 Is it just me.... - mikeyb
Was it the Olympic ceremony they wheeled him out for? thought he was rubbish then, but never really liked him anyway.

Showing his age now, more than others of the same era
 Is it just me.... - Robin O'Reliant
Lennon and McCartney as a whole were greater than the sum of their parts. Neither would have been more than bit players in the annals of music on their own and some of Macca's stuff is just plain embarrassing.
 Is it just me.... - sherlock47
Is it only me, or has he startyed to look like Ken Dodd? In the video, from 37s on ?

Give him a wig and he would be a dead ringer:)
 Is it just me.... - No FM2R
I don't think he was ever a *great* singer, but at 71 he really hasn't got better.

Mind you, I can understand how it would be impossible to give up.
 Is it just me.... - Armel Coussine
Lennon and McCartney wrote some of the songs, but only the Beatles - all four of them - could play them properly (with a little help from their friends). None of them is much good on his own. The Beatles were absolutely wonderful at their best.

I claim to have been the first to notice that Paul McCartney is Ken Dodd. Frankly though I can't stand either of them.
 Is it just me.... - Runfer D'Hills
I'm just a bit too young to have been into The Beatles but would concede that some of their stuff is at least pleasant, but nothing McCartney has done since interests me. I just don't like his voice for a start. Too whiney and reedy for me. Can't knock the guy though. Done well for himself !

The Stones though, are still and always were just brilliant.
 Is it just me.... - No FM2R
Funny that, whilst I'm no great fan of the Beatles, some of their stuff is very good. And I really enjoyed Paul McCartney &Wings.

But I simply cannot abide the Rolling Stones. Never have.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Sat 19 Oct 13 at 16:44
 Is it just me.... - Robin O'Reliant
>> The Stones though, are still and always were just brilliant.

The Stones have done little of note since Exile on Main Street in 1972. They've turned into little more than their own tribute band.
 Is it just me.... - Armel Coussine
>> They've turned into little more than their own tribute band.

I heard and saw the Stones before they had been heard of, and once or twice later when they were more or less at their peak. They always swung and most of their numbers are eminently danceable. Of course I wouldn't dream of paying eyewatering money to hear them now. Been there, heard that, got the tee shirt.

The Beatles were far less bluesy and carpkicking and danceable as a rule. But they were heavenly to listen to in their early days. They are still underrated by many. What they played was modern rock-influenced English folk music. That's what I always thought anyway. It was a completely original sound that no one has copied successfully.
 Is it just me.... - Zero
>> or is Paul McCartney just dreadful ?

Yes he is crap.
 Is it just me.... - bathtub tom
Almost as bad as Elton John's become?
 Is it just me.... - Zero
No, he makes Elton sound superb.
 Is it just me.... - Fenlander
>>>Yes he is crap.

Sadly true.... but then I never really got the Beatles... couple of good tunes perhaps but that's about it. Tunes aimed at teans but soon adopted by their mums and lightweight performers (i.e. The Johnny Mann Singers and their type)

Sad to see the Stones recent decline but their back catalogue has some absolute gems.... and for that I forgive them current failings.
 Is it just me.... - Robin O'Reliant
I think you had to be there at the time to really get The Beatles. Everything about them was just so different from anything that had gone before and the way the music developed over a short period was remarkable.

One artiste who has stood the test of time is Rod Stewart. His latest offerings often stand comparison with his early stuff.
 Is it just me.... - Roger.
>> I think you had to be there at the time to really get The Beatles.
I agree - they were of their time.
 Is it just me.... - ....
The the video looks like what I imagine Steven Tyler will look like when he grows up.
 Is it just me.... - No FM2R
>Almost as bad as Elton John's become?

Become? He always was. Gets right up my nose and his music isn't good enough to balance it.

Mind you, there've been some great covers of his hits.
 Is it just me.... - Fenlander
His Goodbye Yellow Brick Road album still stands up to listening even now.... otherwise not a massive fan.
 Is it just me.... - Zero
on the Paul McCartney scale of crap, Elton John does not even get a nomination.

The thing about McCartney is, he is getting worse but the sod wont shut up.
 Is it just me.... - Fenlander
His Goodbye Yellow Brick Road album still stands up to listening even now.... otherwise not a massive fan.

Re Wings... hated them at the time they started but a copy of the 1976 Wings Over America triple album came my way the other week and I have to say it's rather good.
 Is it just me.... - Runfer D'Hills
However, at the other end of the quality scale...( in my humble )
 Is it just me.... - Old Navy
None of them came close to ABBA, real quality is timeless and will always win.
 Is it just me.... - Armel Coussine
>> on the Paul McCartney scale of crap, Elton John does not even get a nomination.

Quite right, Elton John is underrated by many (although you wouldn't care much if you were he). He plays very good blues or stride piano, and can sing a bit too. He swings. Paul McCartney doesn't, when left to his own devices. Old hippie style.
 Is it just me.... - R.P.
Meant to add earlier - big fan of Elton. His zenith was Yellow Brick Road and Captain Fantastic.....still some good later songs, especially on the probably forgotten Blue Moves album....Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me must be one of his best.

Bizzarly I once had a drink with his half brother and John Lennon's son on a bad night out...owned a Honda SuperDream then !
 Is it just me.... - Cliff Pope
It's the hooded eyes. Never trust people whose eyelids taper to a point on the outsides.
 Is it just me.... - Westpig
>> ...owned a Honda SuperDream then !

I think you'll find they were commonly called a 'wet dream'. Dreadful things, I had a 400 and all my mates on 250's could sail past it easily.

I seized it up entering a dual carriageway.
 Is it just me.... - -
My all time favourites of Elton, Someone Saved My Life Tonight, and Daniel.

Never really got the Beatles though can't deny the groups songs were wonderful, became caricatures of born again hippies and i never bothered with any of them solo.

By the time i was 16/17 i'd moved on to Alice Cooper, still there, but not the hits.
 Is it just me.... - Fenlander
>>>moved on to Alice Cooper

Cooper was regarded as a pop artist and then something of a niche cult artist but many of the lesser know songs on the early albums deserve more credit.... they were quite inventive.
 Is it just me.... - -
>> but many of the lesser know songs on the early albums deserve more credit.... they
>> were quite inventive.

Indeed i have a selection of my favourites album tracks on the PC and play them when i need a fix, ranging from the heaviest rock through to questionable or nasty subjects (always tongue in cheek as Vincent Furnier aka Alice never took himself seriously which stood him apart from most) on to some of the finest mixing of classical orchestras/instruments and rock ever made, long before others.

One of my favourite moments is the seamless link from I'm Always Chasing'm Going Home on the Goes to Hell album, you only get the seamless link on an original recording vinyl or CD, copies/downloads always seperate the tracks which ruins the effect.
Last edited by: gordonbennet on Mon 21 Oct 13 at 10:36
 Is it just me.... - Fenlander
>>>some of the finest mixing of classical orchestras/instruments and rock ever made, long before others.

Even on probably his most widely known commercial success, the School's Out LP, there was the unexpected Gutter Cats vs The Jets with a real West Side Story feel.
 Is it just me.... - MD
My Daughter, sings 'Poison' at Karaoke in a well, you know, Karaoke kinda way!
 Is it just me.... - R.P.
Alice Cooper is still around, at least he's not up his own backside like the dreadful ex-Beatle...

Westpig - mine was a 250N - it got me around for a couple of years. I have a photo of the beast somewhere - I remember the wet dream tease. I remember putting a new pair of Koni shocks on it - improved the handling dramatically over the original "FVQ" (Fail Very Quickly) OE ones.
 Is it just me.... - Haywain
My old landlady in West Bromwich was called Alice Cooper. She used to complain that the black cover over my Triumph T21 outside reminded her of a coffin on a bier draped in a black shroud.

How she shrieked when a massive rat had drowned itself in her outside loo ...... but I came to the rescue to fish it out with a pair of coal-tongs.
 Is it just me.... - MD
Rescued her did you. Nudge nudge!
 Is it just me.... - Ted

SWM thinks P.McC is slimy and arrogant. Should give it up and retire. I went to the first appearance in Manchester. Not because I had any great affection for the music...I was on duty.

I volunteered, mainly due to an anticipated great number of screaming and fainting young ladies clad in miniskirts and knee boots. It was hard work, carrying the fainters to the back and laying them down on the carpet.......but we coped !

A definite ' phoooar ' day !

 Is it just me.... - MD
Last week?
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