Non-motoring > John Newman [music review] Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Dog Replies: 23

 John Newman [music review] - Dog
Friend of mine who works for the late Rick Wright (Pink Floyd) asked my opinion of these 2 songs.

I've never heard of him, being I'm more into The Incredible String Band and Canned Heat, but I quite liked these:
 John Newman [music review] - Zero
Never heard of him? Only no1 in "the hit parade pop pickers" a month or two back.

He'll make a fabulous blues singer when he gets older and drops all this pop crap.
 John Newman [music review] - Dog
>>Never heard of him? Only no1 in "the hit parade pop pickers" a month or two back

Ah well, I never was a pop picker ;)

>>He'll make a fabulous blues singer when he gets older and drops all this pop crap

It's that voice isn't it, the name Otis Reading was mentioned in one of the comments.
 John Newman [music review] - Dave_
I'm a big fan of Love Me Again and his new release, Cheating. He did some vocals on a dance track by Rudimental not so long ago too.

Radio 2 have picked up on him, which is unusual for them given his musical style.
 John Newman [music review] - Ateca chris
<<< He did some vocals on a dance track by Rudimental not so long ago too.>>>

I like that track sounds great in the car but being 42 i suppose i shouldn't. I was a radio 1 listener up to last year until they had a shake up and told me im to old to be listening, so now a radio 2 listener and as Dave said they have picked up on him now.
 John Newman [music review] - Dog
Thanks for the replies, I'll pass them on to her, I never listen to music on the radio, strange but true, I don't know why she asked me what I thought of John Newman, I assumed he was the new kid on the block, but obviously not.

I liked those 2 songs though, enough to listen to them again
 John Newman [music review] - Haywain
He manages to successfully combine bleating like a lamb with quacking like a duck. Remarkable - truly remarkable!
 John Newman [music review] - Dog
The 2nd one of the 2 is better (according to er indoors!)
 John Newman [music review] - legacylad
The lad is doing a 'gig' here in Settle on Oct 3rd prior to a short nationwide tour. At the Albert Hall (its actually the Vic Hall but we call it otherwise). Half the venue seating was already taken by agents and other music industry folks. Friends who know the lad tell me the remaining seats. all 100 of them, sold out within the hour by locals queuing outside. Most unusual for sleepy Settle. A pal got me some tickets but I just swapped them to listen to Al Hinkes talking at Gigg School tomorrow evening.
Good for him. Local lad done well.
 John Newman [music review] - Dog
Cheers me dears, I pass the goss on.
 John Newman [music review] - legacylad
Having spoken to volunteers who help out at our small local venue, the young lads 'management' require 2 minders to escort him down the 6 steps from t'stage to t'dressing room, and 4 security people on the door. The first time we have ever needed any sort of security.
My next door neighbour offered to go along with his elderly snappy GSD in lieu, 4 bottles of beer would be fine, plus a bowl of water, but the offer was declined.
 John Newman [music review] - Dog
Fame comes with a price then it seems, it's just as well that fame has passed me by, so far!
 John Newman [music review] - Duncan
>> Having spoken to volunteers who help out at our small local venue, the young lads
>> 'management' require 2 minders to escort him down the 6 steps from t'stage to t'dressing
>> room, and 4 security people on the door. The first time we have ever needed
>> any sort of security.

What happened when the theatre management told them to get stuffed?
 John Newman [music review] - legacylad
Lots of red tape and hoops to jump though apparently. Big kudos for a tiny theatre. Really nice of him to return to his home town to kick off the short tour.Brings music & entertainment people into the town, and puts the small theatre into the spotlight. Lots of ex classmates & locals want to see the local lad do his stuff on stage. Sell outs are good for both the theatre, local pubs and accommodation. Almost wish I hadn't swapped my tickets now!
 John Newman [music review] - Fenlander
>>>being I'm more into The Incredible String Band and Canned Heat

Dog have I ever asked you if you have the Canned Heat concert DVD Live at Montreux (1973)?

Truly remarkable music and great clarity of video. It all looks so 70s...

A snippet in low quality...

With a decent size TV hooked up to a hi-fi there's a very enjoyable 73mins of guys playing music with no hype.

 John Newman [music review] - Dog
I've just ordered it orf ebay Fenlander, thanks.

Quite raw their music of the time, I like raw though, early Elvis (cant stand that later big-band stuff), same with Cream, Jack Bruce, Ginger Baker, and God, what more can one ask for :)
 John Newman [music review] - Focusless
>> Quite raw their music of the time, I like raw though, early Elvis

Happened to be watching this last night - who needs Elvis :)
 John Newman [music review] - Dog
 John Newman [music review] - Focusless
BTW you mentioned the price of fame earlier - stepson's band have found a good way to get a few headlines, but it's not cheap:

They're ok, busy ringing up travel insurers etc. working out how to get home :(
 John Newman [music review] - Dog
Glad to hear they're on the mend Focus, must have been very worrying when you first got the news :(

Reckon I play the guitar better than any of the Canned Heat guitarists, but I could learn a thing or two from Eric ;)
 John Newman [music review] - Focusless
>> but I could learn a thing or two from Eric ;)

Oh yes:

 John Newman [music review] - Dog

 John Newman [music review] - Dog
THIS is raw:

I bet they must have a chuckle when they look back on those (were the) days.
 John Newman [music review] - Fenlander
>>>Quite raw their music of the time, I like raw though

Yes indeed. After the over production and shiny gloss of this current music age that Canned Heat concert is very much like going to see the band my mate had playing large village/town halls in the 70s.
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