Non-motoring > Sun in November? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: legacylad Replies: 23

 Sun in November? - legacylad
I'm going into hosp early Oct for long awaited ops (well, 16 weeks waiting) and been told that I shall be unable to either fly or drive for a minimum 2 to 3 weeks. Or fly and drive for that matter!
One weeks skiing and a week backpacking the SWCP in sunny August mean I have holidays left, and a week in the sun will help my recuperation, I think. Any ideas...not long haul, and I shall be travelling solo. Unfortunately strenuous exercise will be ruled out. More likely round a pool with beer & books.
Plan B is to get fully fit then visit my Stateside friends and really go for it late Nov with margeritas by the bucketful, turkey and maybe some early season skiing in the Sierras. If they will have me back.
 Sun in November? - RattleandSmoke
Would need to travel a long way in November to get some sun [well hot sun!]. Southern Spain might be a good bed e.g the Marbella area and Turkey will probably get plenty of sun too. Any further than that you are really starting to get into the medium and long haul flights.

Of course you really need to go a bit further south still to guarantee the weather in November.
Last edited by: RattleandSmoke on Tue 17 Sep 13 at 17:40
 Sun in November? - Fursty Ferret
Based on personal experience in November when I fight over who does the walk-around in the sun...

* Egypt (Red Sea resorts, anyway)
* Canary Islands
* Dalaman
* Paphos
* Faro

Everywhere else might be sunny but ain't warm.
 Sun in November? - legacylad
Thanks FF.
If you had a 380 for the walk- around you might get sunburnt...
 Sun in November? - Old Navy
In November you need to be as near to the Equator as possible, I would go for the Canaries. The Egyptian Red Sea resorts are a bit too politically unstable for me at the moment.
 Sun in November? - bathtub tom
I agree with FF, but add Madeira.
 Sun in November? - Roger.
>> Would need to travel a long way in November to get some sun [well hot
>> sun!]. Southern Spain might be a good bed e.g the Marbella area and Turkey will
>> probably get plenty of sun too. Any further than that you are really starting to
>> get into the medium and long haul flights.
Can be a bit wet and chill around Marbella in November. We usually had the heating on, at least some days, by then.
 Sun in November? - Dog
I'd gofer the Canaries, having lived there for 3 years, Madeira being further north might be a bit iffy in November.

Paphos could be a goer, as long as you don't mind putting your bum wipes in a separate bin :(

Keep 'em peeled:
 Sun in November? - Telb
A word of caution. Travel insurance may be a bit sticky that soon after an op. Many companies will exclude operation-related conditions for 3 or 6 months after.
 Sun in November? - Bromptonaut
>> A word of caution. Travel insurance may be a bit sticky that soon after an
>> op. Many companies will exclude operation-related conditions for 3 or 6 months after.

Off the shelf policies may well contain such exclusions. There are however specialist policies for people with pre-existing conditions. Got such a thing through Insure and Go for a car/camping trip to France 7 weeks after my bike accident and hip pinning last year. Was asked questions about whether I could sit normally and use of strong pain killers - a still had access to 30mg Codeine at time - but nothing was a show stopper. Also covered my Lad who's occasional blood in urine has led to 'probable' diagnosis of Iga Nephropathy which can also give high st providers the jitters.

Not cheap at £80 for 21 days excluding baggage/possessions but worth it for peace of mind.
 Sun in November? - henry k
>> Not cheap at £80 for 21 days excluding baggage/possessions but worth it for peace of mind.
The price of flying a patient back to UK is several £10Ks.
Not worth taking a chance IMO.
A friend was flown from South America to South African but all paid by insurance.

My daughter is now doing trips as a doctor on such flights.
A recent trip back from North America to the UK appeared to be cheaper to the insurance company than a few days in a hospital over there.

I know flights are out of the question for OP but a good friend is a doc on one of the Cunard Queens and the medical facilities appear to be much more limited than I imagined.
On a smaller ship ???
 Sun in November? - legacylad
Many thanks for bringing the insurance aspect to my attention. It had never crossed my mind!
I have an annual, worldwide multi trip policy, which includes winter sports, and as and when I get the ok to fly I shall contact my insurers, and read the small print in the policy.

At the moment my preferred option is an Egyptian Red Sea resort. Pretty much guaranteed sun there I would think, but will look into it before I make the last minute booking. A friend has an apartment in Ibiza where I could stay, but it means travelling to London City (extra expense) and the weather will be iffy that time of year.
 Sun in November? - Rudedog
I thought you weren't allowed to fly? How are going to get to Egypt?

I'm presently off work after having surgery back at the beginning of August, I'm not 'allowed' to drive until my deep wound has healed and I get the OK from my GP, very very frustrating being stuck indoors for so long so I can feel for your need to get away to somewhere sunny!
 Sun in November? - legacylad

I've borrowed a camel from Chester Zoo.

Seriously, I cannot fly/drive for 3 weeks (or so) and will be stuck at home on SSP. I would far rather be working, but as my job entails being on one's legs for 9 hours at a time its a big no no from the consultant. Once signed off the sick, and the legs have recovered sufficiently, then I shall fly & drive again using my remaining holiday allowance.
 Sun in November? - smokie
Just back from a Med cruise and one of the trivia quiz questions was which is the only role the ship is not allowed to sail without - answer was a doctor. I suppose that says nothing about the quality...

In my experience of sun holidays in November, Malta was full of old people going for cheap long term holidays, Egypt was warm while the sun was up but you need to be on the lounger at 7 and sun is much less warm from about 13:00 to sundown (?17:00 darkness IIRC) - also a relatively long flight and of course unrest at the moment. The Canaries was a better balance, any of them are good, my personal favourite being Gran Canaria
 Sun in November? - CGNorwich
If you want a winter sun sit by the pool holiday then the Canaries or possibly Madeira (slightly cooler) are your best bet . choose your island and resort with care though!
 Sun in November? - Zero
>> Just back from a Med cruise and one of the trivia quiz questions was which
>> is the only role the ship is not allowed to sail without - answer was
>> a doctor. I suppose that says nothing about the quality...

Given whats happening in Italy right now, I would be quite happy to leave the Captain at home.
 Sun in November? - smokie
Funnily enough the Concordia went down on the second night of a previous cruise, and started being raised on the third day of this one...
 Sun in November? - Alanovich
Your best bet for warmish sun in November on mainland Spain is the Costa de Almeria. I recommend Agua Amarga in the Cabo de Gato National Park for total peace and quiet. Gets cold at night though, so make sure accommodation has central heating.

We spent a few November weeks there a few years back, it was 20-25C every day and very sunny. Most hours of sunshine anywhere in Spain, I believe.
 Sun in November? - legacylad
Whilst looking at my work rota for Nov I spotted a 5 day gap, Sunday till Thursday. And by coincidence Jet2 operate flights from LBA on those dates, with sociable flight times. Only a 4 hour hop, so all I need do now is decide which hotel to stay at in Costa Teguise.
The only criteria are a healthy breakfast, gym & heated pool to swim laps. Weather should be ok late Nov...if it rains I gym, if sunny swim.
Do I need to go and buy a football shirt?
 Sun in November? - Zero
For winter sun, was planning to do Cuba at Christmas, that plan fell through, and now SWMBO has finally nagged me into doing a cruise round the Canary Islands, Madeira, and Agadir in Feb.
 Sun in November? - bathtub tom
>>doing a cruise

Free norovirus thrown in?

 Sun in November? - Crankcase

>> Free norovirus thrown in?

A spot of not unexpected intemperance and it might just be the second two words.

 Sun in November? - Kevin
>For winter sun, was planning to do Cuba at Christmas, that plan fell through,

We'll be there in December. Again.

For the 9th time Mrs K informs me.
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