Non-motoring > Rosy cheeks Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Focusless Replies: 44

 Rosy cheeks - Focusless
I'm expecting some top notch gardening puns here:

Any c4p-ers thinking of having something similar done?

Last edited by: Focusless on Sun 25 Aug 13 at 14:01
 Rosy cheeks - No FM2R
She'll need to be careful of pricks.
 Rosy cheeks - Robin O'Reliant
Is she being stalked?
 Rosy cheeks - Zero
>> She'll need to be careful of pricks.

Its a thorny problem.
 Rosy cheeks - -
Too garish, not pretty, but then a tattoo is a very personal thing.

My Celtic Cross took about 2 hours, if she was really there 15 hours in one sitting that must have been exhausting.
 Rosy cheeks - Roger.
She'll have to watch out for the fertiliser ;-)
 Rosy cheeks - Robin O'Reliant
Tattoos are all well and good while one is young with a smooth tight skin, but the ageing process can make them look hideous.

If Cheryl Cole should ever morphs into a graceful old age like this former beauty she'll live to regret the ugly mess on her wrinkled and sagging cheeks -

 Rosy cheeks - Ted

Shame about CK. Stunner in youth...looks like she's been in a fight with a Bear now.

Perhaps Annette will do it for you !

 Rosy cheeks - Dave_
Frankie Boyle had something to say about this last night (not for the easily offended):
 Rosy cheeks - Zero
>> Shame about CK. Stunner in youth...looks like she's been in a fight with a Bear
>> now.

She's in better nick than Brigadier John Dennis Profumo, CBE
 Rosy cheeks - Focusless
>> Shame about CK. Stunner in youth...looks like she's been in a fight with a Bear
>> now.

Nice comment (2nd highest rated) - "71 year old woman looks 50 years older than she did at 21 - amazing journalism - well done DM!" :)
Last edited by: Focusless on Sun 25 Aug 13 at 16:58
 Rosy cheeks - CGNorwich
Bit of a naff design. Not exactly contemporary is it? Must be based on her mum's three piece suite.
 Rosy cheeks - crocks
>> Must be based on her mum's three piece suite.

Is that a euphemism?
 Rosy cheeks - Zero
It was an Ercol I think. May have been G-Plan.
 Rosy cheeks - madf
I'd watch out for the black spot which affects all roses in humid weather...
 Rosy cheeks - smokie
Roses grow on you
 Rosy cheeks - Runfer D'Hills
My brother-in-law got a tattoo. He feels it says something about him. I can't help but agree with that actually...
 Rosy cheeks - zippy
Gives a hole (sic) new meaning to "Smell The Roses".
 Rosy cheeks - Ambo
Instantly detumescencing.
 Rosy cheeks - Zero
>> My brother-in-law got a tattoo. He feels it says something about him. I can't help
>> but agree with that actually...

So mister "runfer" what happened to your 'bro, Humph?
 Rosy cheeks - BobbyG
>>So mister "runfer" what happened to your 'bro, Humph?

Must have found those old trainers I left for him in Vegas.....
 Rosy cheeks - SteelSpark
I don't have tattoos myself, but the advice that "they'll look terrible when you're old and wrinkly", has always amused me.

In our image conscious world, people think that old, wrinkly people look terrible anyway...cue laughing at an aged Christine what difference does a tattoo make?

Do you think she'd get less dates if she had a tattoo?
 Rosy cheeks - Ambo
>>so what difference does a tattoo make?

It's visual pollution.
 Rosy cheeks - BiggerBadderDave
I fell in love with Ridley Scott's Alien back in the early eighties. We had a video club at school and they showed Alien and I must have been about 15. I was hooked on it, the whole franchise.

Then in 2000, wife became x-wife and I decided to have what I'd always wanted but wasn't allowed - an Alien tattoo. I started to sketch out a few ideas, I wanted it crawling with it's tail wrapped around my arm and I found a fantastic (female) Australian tattooist in Soho. She completely re-drew it, absolutely amazing and I took it back just to redraw it's tail and a couple of other little bits. The process took a month and the tattoo took about 6 hours in the chair. It was all about something close and personal and not something I would suddenly hate. I was a celebration of a new part of my life, old wife gone, time to find a new one.

When I was sitting in that chair I watched people walking pass the shop, suddenly notice a tattoo parlour, walk in and look at the 'catalogue'. "Oh I'll have that one". Within 30 minutes they're permanently marked with something utterly irrelevant. A fad. I was lying on the sunbed by the pool on holiday seeing some absolute, total crap. Suddenly men are covering themselves in those awful 'celtic' symbols. They're not celtic but I can't describe it. It takes no skill from an artist and means nothing at all - a poor copy from a famous footballer. I want to ask them 'what does that mean to you, what symbolises your heritage or personality, what drives you'. 'Duh, I saw it on the telly so I want one like his'.

But I saw some stunners too. Phenomenal body art. I saw an Indian girl and her whole torso was covered with a beautiful, elegant kind of pattern, probably to do with her heritage but also because her dark skin complimented the ink. Fantastic.

I do love tattoos, I think it's time to do another. An Alien Queen perhaps crawling around the other arm.

Last edited by: BiggerBadderDave on Mon 26 Aug 13 at 13:31
 Rosy cheeks - MD
Her tattoo is not all it's cracked up to be.
 Rosy cheeks - Dog
Wouldn't mind seeing your tattoo Bad Dave, a few of my mates had tattoos of red English lions on their upper wrist/lower forearm area, and swallows on their hands between their thumbs and their index fingers, they were a few years older than me but I always admired the tattoos and meant to have them done, but never did.

I'm 61 (next month) but it wouldn't bother me now in the slightest, if I had gorn and had them done, back then, like.
 Rosy cheeks - corax
>> But I saw some stunners too. Phenomenal body art. I saw an Indian girl and
>> her whole torso was covered with a beautiful, elegant kind of pattern, probably to do
>> with her heritage but also because her dark skin complimented the ink. Fantastic.

I thought these were good.

Very quick to draw up too.

 Rosy cheeks - sooty123
Never really got tattoos. I don't think I've seen one I think looks good. Each to their own ho hum.
 Rosy cheeks - Zero
Yes, its permanent, so the ink needs to mean something to you. I am probably going to have a pic of fifi tattooed on my my right shoulder blade when she dies.
 Rosy cheeks - Armel Coussine
Never fancied one myself but a lot of the young go in for them. My youngest daughter, who is an artist, has one of her own abstract doodles tattooed on one shoulder. Looks OK.

I wonder if ON has an anchor on one forearm and a lascivious-looking mermaid on the other... or perhaps the modern matelot has a cruise missile or similar.
 Rosy cheeks - BobbyG
I personally don't like tattoos especially on females but have no objection whatsoever to anyone who does want them.

I do however get confused when people say that they get a tattoo of something that is important etc and then get it done on their back or shoulder or bahooky where they can't actually see it!

Oh and I really hate names for tattoos - you have kids, big deal, no need to plaster their names over your arms!!
 Rosy cheeks - No FM2R
>> I am probably going to have a pic of fifi tattooed on my my right shoulder blade when she dies.

For a tenner I'll slap your shoulder with a wire brush a couple of times and just tell you that you've got a tattoo of the mutt. Its not like you'll actually be able to see it anyway.
 Rosy cheeks - Zero
She has spent most of her life looking over her shoulder to check we are following on walkies. It seems appropriate somehow.
 Rosy cheeks - Zero
>> >> I am probably going to have a pic of fifi tattooed on my my
>> right shoulder blade when she dies.
>> For a tenner I'll slap your shoulder with a wire brush a couple of times
>> and just tell you that you've got a tattoo of the mutt.

I have heard thats the limit of your artistic prowess.
 Rosy cheeks - BobbyG
Re old folk and tattoos, a nurse I know had to deal with an older lady with boob implants.
Now that was apparently a disgusting sight!!
 Rosy cheeks - BiggerBadderDave
There were so many hot mature bikini beauties on the beach last year that I had to nip up to the cliffs for a quick ham shank but wifey caught me and took a photo. Ignore my 'I've just come' face and check out the tattoo.
 Rosy cheeks - devonite
Oh Aye! - wot u been up to then??? (3rd photo in)!
 Rosy cheeks - Dog
Blimey! - THAT'S a tattoo.

 Rosy cheeks - Armel Coussine
Wouldn't have minded seeing the rest of the tattoo. No doubt the forearm and hand had to be cropped for reasons of modesty.

Isn't that second photo a candid shot of Zero's jalopy? Or Perro's of course.
 Rosy cheeks - Armel Coussine
And incidentally BBD, I know you like them old and characterful, but thousand-year-old oviparous parasites along the lines of the ichneumon fly seem just a shade radical even for you.

But perhaps you have understated your mother-in-law's charms in earlier posts here. Out of modesty no doubt. You are a very modest cat I notice.
 Rosy cheeks - Robin O'Reliant
The only times I've ever considered a tattoo it would have been a West Ham badge on my arm. You can change wives, disown parents and children etc, but a football club is for life. It's the one display a true fan would never regret having.

Unless he found himself in a pub with a load of Millwall supporters, of course...
 Rosy cheeks - Focusless
Ms Cole's tatt is certainly impressive (as is BBD's), but they don't appeal to me I'm afraid. But at least I can see how they might, unlike the lip/nose/tongue/etc. studs that quite a few young people seem to wear these days. Ugh...
 Rosy cheeks - Dog
>>Unless he found himself in a pub with a load of Millwall supporters, of course...

Or, even worse - Glasgow Rangers sup porters!!
 Rosy cheeks - VxFan
I wonder how many people would prefer Cheryl to turn around so they can see her tulips instead?
 Rosy cheeks - Dog
Her what lips??
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