Non-motoring > Poorly Springer. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 14

 Poorly Springer. - R.P.
Got bitten by another dog right in the groin. Ripped a of 50p sized flesh open exposing muscle. An op to insert a drain and stitch the wound under general anaesthetic - then the indignity of wearing a funnel (if you have tiled floors you'll understand how irritating this is for all) Cocker relegated to sleeping in a cage to avoid licking etc. Back today to remove the drain and staple the wound that caused. Been funnel-less since coming home as he does not seem inclined to touch the wound, but will re-install tonight. He is clearly uncomfortable as he has taken to napping standing up resting his head on my lap - which is unusually "cuddly" behaviour for him.

Not too worried as he is still eating healthily and seems to be healing quickly.
Last edited by: R.P. on Sat 24 Aug 13 at 18:04
 Poorly Springer. - Robin O'Reliant
Ouch, that sounds nasty.

Our Beagle is also walking round with a lampshade over her head at the moment having been spayed yesterday. And we have tiled floors in the passage and kitchen.
 Poorly Springer. - Focusless
>> Ouch, that sounds nasty.

...and expensive! Hope he gets well soon.
 Poorly Springer. - Kevin
>Got bitten by another dog right in the groin.

It made the news RP.

Not sure I'd let him rest his head on my lap though.
 Poorly Springer. - Zero
Nasty, but dog will be fine. Surgery done under a general? it knocks dogs out for days. they are really dopey for a longish while after.

 Poorly Springer. - MD
A bit like my Plumber today!!
 Poorly Springer. - R.P.
Yes Zeddo - he's finally relented now and succumbed to sleep on his bed - he's been sleeping upright for the last hour or so fighting it. Your name came up in conversation today - washing machine packed up. Think I got it working again. Mrs RP said "Zero would know" guess she reads more in here than she lets on.
 Poorly Springer. - Zero
Funnily enough, nicole told me how to fix our washing machine using nowt but a cable tie!
 Poorly Springer. - MD
Get the other owner to pay.
 Poorly Springer. - No FM2R
And threaten to set your dog on him if he doesn't pay up promptly.
 Poorly Springer. - R.P.
The other one would. All very embarrassing a friend of my wife's
 Poorly Springer. - Dog
Sorry to hear that Pugley (I hate that!) what breed was the other beast?
 Poorly Springer. - R.P.
 Poorly Springer. - MD
>> Labrador.
How dare you x 3:)
 Poorly Springer. - Zero
>> Labrador.

It was hungry.
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