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Thread Author: CGNorwich Replies: 22

 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - CGNorwich
She's going to make a lot of new friends in Fort Leavenworth over the next few years.
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - Robin O'Reliant
Manning is quite big news round these parts as he went to school in Haverfordwest and his mother still lives there. No sympathy for him really, any member of a country's armed forces who did the same would suffer the same fate.

Bit of a strange lad really, clearly unsuited to his chosen career.
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - Crankcase
Lass, surely.
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - Zero

>> Lass, surely.


Funny how trannies always choose exotic names, never 'jane" or Janet. He will wear his heels too high, his skirts too short, and his fake tits will be hoiked up too far.

After he gets out of Levenworth, they ain't gonna let him dress there.
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - Robin O'Reliant
>> Funny how trannies always choose exotic names, never 'jane" or Janet. He will wear his
>> heels too high, his skirts too short, and his fake tits will be hoiked up
>> too far.
BBD will be breaking out in a sweat if he reads that.
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - Alanovich

>> Funny how trannies always choose exotic names, never 'jane" or Janet.

I dunno. I used to work with a Mike who turned up as Michelle one day. the op followed some years later.

I reckon the name Manning has chosen is just about the best possible clue as to his mental state, and it's not good. But then I would say that, wouldn't I. He hasn't even got the excuse of not knowing what it means in the UK, as he's more than familiar with our side of the Atlantic. Funny how no-one calls themselves or their daughter Rotherham or Grimsby.
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - Roger.
>> Funny how no-one
>> calls themselves or their daughter Rotherham or Grimsby.
...........or Scunthorpe
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - Bromptonaut
>> >> Funny how trannies always choose exotic names, never 'jane" or Janet.
>> I dunno. I used to work with a Mike who turned up as Michelle one
>> day. the op followed some years later.

I dunno either. Ours at work was Barry who became Heather. In his sixties by then so too late for the short skirt and too much lippy phase.

Actually probably quite convincing if you didn't know, certainly got the voice tone and mannerisms just about right. A real woman with that voice would have sung contralto but none of the give away croaking of some transexuals.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Tue 27 Aug 13 at 14:31
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - No FM2R
There used to be a bloke in Caversham who walked around dressed as a woman - in his 50s, I should think.

However, seemingly made no attempt to look like a woman other than wearing a dress and high heels. Most peculiar.
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - Alanovich
>> There used to be a bloke in Caversham who walked around dressed as a woman
>> - in his 50s, I should think.
>> However, seemingly made no attempt to look like a woman other than wearing a dress
>> and high heels. Most peculiar.

He's in Chile now, I hear on the local grapevine.

(sorry, couldn't help it.)
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - Robin O'Reliant
>> There used to be a bloke in Caversham who walked around dressed as a woman
>> - in his 50s, I should think.
>> However, seemingly made no attempt to look like a woman other than wearing a dress
>> and high heels. Most peculiar.

Some years back I answered the door to a guy wearing a sleeveless dress and high heels, whether he was canvassing at election time or carrying out a survey on something or other I can't remember. His five o'clock shadow spoilt the effect somewhat. Having mixed with weirdos of various sorts during my life I was able to keep a perfectly straight face while I spoke to "him", though Mrs RR and her mother were in stitches behind the lace curtains.
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - CGNorwich
"Funny how trannies always choose exotic names, never 'jane" or Janet. "

Well I'm not dumb but I can't understand
Why she walked like a woman and talked like a man
Oh my Lola lo-lo-lo-lo Lola lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - Alastairw
I used to work with a chap called John. After an extended holiday he came back to work known as Helen. On meeting her in the lift for the first time my only thought was 'she's tall!'

The only issue in the office that I can recall was over which loo she should use - I think it was decided that she should use the disabled one to save aggravation.
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - Dog
I would be more-than prepared to drink tea with Manning, and have a chinwag about his experiences while serving his country in Iraq but, especially about the murders of Iraqi civilians carried out by the American military.

Last edited by: Dog on Fri 23 Aug 13 at 11:22
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - Zero
>> I would be more-than prepared to drink tea with Manning, and have a chinwag about
>> his experiences while serving his country in Iraq but, especially about the murders of Iraqi
>> civilians carried out by the American military.

We could always instead discuss the bombing of Mosques by other muslims, which is happening as we speak.

He joined the military, he didnt need to, no-one forced him to, it was his own choice, and you know if you break the rules you get hammered. Tough sheet no sympathy.

He is, no more no less, than a sad git attention seeker.
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 23 Aug 13 at 11:25
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - Dog
He joined the military to fight insurgents, not to murder innocent civilians, which he witnessed and, thankfully, told the world about.
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - Zero
Ok I see!!! we dont want to talk about Muslims blowing up Muslims.... Of course you cant attach the "Great Satan" tag to it can you.

I despise American foreign policy as much as you, but in war sheet happens - on both side - he didn't tell us anything we didn't know, but int he process revealed himself to be an untrustworthy prat.
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - Dog
>> but int he process revealed himself to be an untrustworthy prat

Yes, he certainly is a bit of one it seems, the 35 year sentence wouldn't be so bad if he had actually managed to change 'things', but no, life, and indeed death, goes on.
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - SteelSpark
>> Yes, he certainly is a bit of one it seems, the 35 year sentence wouldn't be so bad

I read that he may well be out in 7...but he could even have avoided that...

His problem was that he couldn't just be a whistleblower...he had to be seen to be a whistleblower, too.

Just another wannabe celebrity. Just, in this case, he wants to be an Assange, rather than a {insert latest Big Brother temporary celebrity}
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - No FM2R
>>t he couldn't just be a whistleblower...he had to be seen to be a whistleblower

Exactly. He could have just passed on the organisation information and then gone quiet. At least then the "moral" motivation would have some credibility.

But in fact it was the good old "hero" complex.
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - Bromptonaut
>> Exactly. He could have just passed on the organisation information and then gone quiet. At
>> least then the "moral" motivation would have some credibility.
>> But in fact it was the good old "hero" complex.

An anonymous whistleblower might as well be silent. Whistle also needs to be backed up with evidence and credible evidence is usually traceable.
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - No FM2R
>>Whistle also needs to be backed up with evidence

Not in this world. Rumour will do for most things.

>>credible evidence is usually traceable

Not really. And in any case, in this case that wasn't how he was caught.

Who was that bloke at the FBI, Mark Felt I think?. He managed to supply information without evidence for many years.

This particular guy would seem to have a deep seated need for attention. Just you wait, when the "I wanna be a girlie" story has died down there'll be something else that he hopes will get him back in the limelight..
Last edited by: No FM2R on Fri 23 Aug 13 at 13:38
 It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world - Ambo
He won't get far with his sex change. I believe America, even in civilian jails, does not allow the necessary surgery and hormone and other therapies, such as that to change the voice register.

(For life in an American army jail read "From Here To Eternity".)
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