Non-motoring > So Why Not On The Sex Offenders Register? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Robin O'Reliant Replies: 11

 So Why Not On The Sex Offenders Register? - Robin O'Reliant
A woman who pleaded guilty to making a false claim of rape against a taxi driver has been quite rightly jailed - but no report of her name being added to the Sex Offenders Register.

Surely the woman is a far greater sexual danger to men that some poor sixteen year old who hops into bed with his 15yo girlfriend? Apart from losing two grand in earnings the poor taxi driver must have been nearly suicidal with the prospect of up to ten years in jail where he would be an automatic target from other inmates.

She got off very lightly in my opinion.
Last edited by: Robin Regal on Fri 9 Aug 13 at 19:48
 So Why Not On The Sex Offenders Register? - Bromptonaut
Because the conviction is one of false allegations, albeit of a sex offence, so not in scope for the Sex Offenders Act which is about force or abuse of advantage.

And when did a 16yo bedding his 15yo GF last get on the register?

If the girl was under 13 or lacked mental capacity to consent then maybe but ordinary teenage fumbling no way - unless she was the Police Commissioner's daughter!!!!
 So Why Not On The Sex Offenders Register? - Robin O'Reliant
>> Because the conviction is one of false allegations, albeit of a sex offence, so not
>> in scope for the Sex Offenders Act which is about force or abuse of advantage.
Then in my opinion the act needs looking at. I'd certainly class her as a sex offender, or someone whose future behaviour needs to be monitored.
Last edited by: Robin Regal on Fri 9 Aug 13 at 20:10
 So Why Not On The Sex Offenders Register? - -
More insulting to the taxi driver to suggest he might have been tempted, have you clocked it yet., strewth:-)

Seriously though this is a terrifying scenario for men, not as bad as being falsely accused as a kiddie fiddler, but given many peoples thoughts of no smoke without fire probably almost impossible to ever be completely exonerated.
 So Why Not On The Sex Offenders Register? - zippy
>>probably almost impossible to ever be completely exonerated

There seems to be a lot of instances of these sort of claims and some people get suspended sentences and some get jail.

I think the sentence for people that do this should be the equivalent to the sentence that the original accused could have got. I.e. For false accusations of rape then the potential sentence should be life as it has the potential to deprive an innocent person of their life!

 So Why Not On The Sex Offenders Register? - zippy
And another one:
 So Why Not On The Sex Offenders Register? - Crankcase

Must be the heat.
 So Why Not On The Sex Offenders Register? - VxFan

"The crime is being treated as a serious sexual offence, which had left the children's mother shocked. The 33-year-old victim took two photographs of the suspect when she ran away."

Obviously she wasn't very shocked if she managed to get her camera out to take some photos. Hopefully the police won't charge her with using her mobile phone (if that's what she used to take the photos) while at the wheel of her car?
 So Why Not On The Sex Offenders Register? - Focusless
>> "The crime is being treated as a serious sexual offence

As I've said in the other thread, I can't see how this can be classed as 'serious' compared with the some of sexual stuff the police have to deal with these days. Unless it's just a sort of 'we will be taking it seriously' meaning?
 So Why Not On The Sex Offenders Register? - No FM2R
>>The crime is being treated as a serious sexual offence, which had left the children's mother shocked.

I;d charge the children's mother with Failing to Get Over Herself.
 So Why Not On The Sex Offenders Register? - Dog
Who in their right mind would want to give her a portion anyway!

 So Why Not On The Sex Offenders Register? - Armel Coussine
Loose women are sometimes known, when riled, to flash their much-abused attributes at those they are riled with. I've seen it a few times.

Psychologically it's quite interesting in a tragic sort of way. A gesture that would be one of seductive, intimate mischief in a respectable girl is used unthinkingly as an insult. Wires crossed somewhere.
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