Motoring Discussion > Dashboard lamps. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: TeeCee Replies: 39

 Dashboard lamps. - TeeCee

Too easy really, they should have put BMW's "mimsing lamp" (as mentioned here some time ago) in there to seperate the men from the boys.
 Dashboard lamps. - Crankcase
The best one is "you've dropped your key in the sea". Most amusing.

 Dashboard lamps. - sherlock47
The Telegraph has obviously dumbed down the content and arithmetic ability of the staff since I last picked one up!

PS did anybody else get awarded 90% but 10/10 correct answers? Maybe I used the wrong coloured ink?

How many people know the 'meaning' of the symbols but do not know what to do?

I still think the best dashboard indicator was the the Large red sign that just said STOP as fitted to Citroen BXs. I wonder who would get that wrong?

 Dashboard lamps. - TeeCee
>> I still think the best dashboard indicator was the the Large red sign that just
>> said STOP as fitted to Citroen BXs. I wonder who would get that wrong?

I like the big, red triangle with an exclamation mark in it that the Prius has. I think of it as the "URK!" lamp.
 Dashboard lamps. - henry k
>> I still think the best dashboard indicator was the the Large red sign that just
>> said STOP as fitted to Citroen BXs. I wonder who would get that wrong?
I agree. It was also fitted on the SM

I do not recall what the 14 lights around the rim of the big red STOP were for:-)
 Dashboard lamps. - henry k
>> I still think the best dashboard indicator was the Large red sign that just
>> said STOP as fitted to Citroen BXs. I wonder who would get that wrong?
I agree. It was also fitted on the SM

I do not recall what the 14 lights around the rim of the big red STOP were for:-)
 Dashboard lamps. - L'escargot
I only scored 70%. It said "Look, you're rubbish with cars. Try public tansport." Well, at least I know how to spell transport.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Wed 31 Jul 13 at 09:02
 Dashboard lamps. - DP
Apparently a red cog with an exclamation mark in it is a "powertrain malfunction"

Who knew?!
 Dashboard lamps. - madf

Never got powertrain.. no car I have has that.

 Dashboard lamps. - Manatee
Yep, DT fails the maths test. 9/10 right, score 80%. But one of the correct answers wasn't bolded, so maybe I didn't click hard enough.

Never seen some of those, including the side airbag switched off one, or the "powertrain problem", presumably a feature of those pointlessly complicated and heavy DSG things.
 Dashboard lamps. - Fursty Ferret
>> Yep, DT fails the maths test. 9/10 right, score 80%. But one of the correct
>> answers wasn't bolded, so maybe I didn't click hard enough.
>> Never seen some of those, including the side airbag switched off one, or the "powertrain
>> problem", presumably a feature of those pointlessly complicated and heavy DSG things.

100%. So there.

I think most newer cars can tell you specifically what's wrong, but you'll still get idiots that continue to drive even when they present a risk to other people. I suspect that's why most serious problems will now trigger the so-called "limp mode" to force people to get the problem fixed. (ie

Of course, in America drivers aren't trusted - or aren't capable - to interpret warning symbols so they're replaced by text.
Last edited by: Fursty Ferret on Wed 31 Jul 13 at 09:54
 Dashboard lamps. - jc2
Also America has ONE language,unlike the EU!
 Dashboard lamps. - Alanovich
>> Also America has ONE language,unlike the EU!

 Dashboard lamps. - No FM2R
yaa' ta' sai'?
 Dashboard lamps. - Armel Coussine
Say what mo'fo'? Kiss mah ass...
 Dashboard lamps. - VxFan
90%. Says I'm rubbish with cars. Try public tansport.

I've no idea what tansport is. Perhaps it's a sunbed olympics?

The last one isn't what they reckon according to my handbook.

"There's a problem with the brake hydraulic system."

In my handbook it says that symbol is for low brake fluid and / or to inform the handbrake is on.

Seems the Telegragh don't know their spanner from their screwdriver and should stick to riding a cibycle

 Dashboard lamps. - Slidingpillar
I didn't bother completing it. There is not, to my knowledge, a standard for such things so there is no substitute for reading the book and seeing what meaning "Bloggs Motors" assigns to the symbol.

Although the principle is red means stop, and amber caution, the oil pressure light is often amber - and if it lights when the car is in motion, the true meaning is generally simple, you've wreaked your engine. For that reason, the 4/4 had a high pressure switch that went off at 25psi rather than the standard 7 or 8psi. And the warning lamp was changed to red.
 Dashboard lamps. - movilogo
Very easy - scored 100%

But never seen many of those symbols.

My car doesn't have indicator for:

low brake fluid
side air bag deactivate
powertrain malfunction
low coolant level

Power steering problem is indicated by EPS in dashboard and not by steering diagram.

 Dashboard lamps. - Dog
My jamjar has loadsa cymbals but I don't look at any of em ... unless they come on whilst driving,
then I'd get the ole book out to suss em out, like.
 Dashboard lamps. - Robin O'Reliant
70% as I've not got a car new enough to have a few of those. If I had I'd make sure I did know.
 Dashboard lamps. - VxFan
>> My car doesn't have indicator for:
>> low brake fluid

I thought that was one of the compulsory ones that an MOT tester checked that the warning light worked.

EDIT - it is

A brake fluid warning lamp may be a combined lamp for other aspects, such as worn brake pads or parking brake applied.

Method of Inspection
Check that the brake fluid warning lamp is not illuminated or defective.

Reason for rejection
A brake fluid warning lamp is illuminated or inoperative.
Last edited by: VxFan on Wed 31 Jul 13 at 12:39
 Dashboard lamps. - Zero
100%. Sometimes I wonder if you lot should be allowed behind the wheel of a car.

I so need a "You need to stop for coffee" warning light.
 Dashboard lamps. - PeterS
>> I so need a "You need to stop for coffee" warning light.

You need a Merc then - most come with "attention assist"!!

Last edited by: PeterS on Wed 31 Jul 13 at 13:50
 Dashboard lamps. - henry k
>> >> I so need a "You need to stop for coffee" warning light.
>> You need a Merc then - most come with "attention assist"!!
The next time I see sheep jumping the fence in the dark
Reminder - "Should have gone to MB! " :-)
 Dashboard lamps. - PeterS
 Dashboard lamps. - VxFan
>> My car doesn't have indicator for:
>> low brake fluid

Thinking some more on this, it probably the shares the same warning light as the handbrake.
 Dashboard lamps. - AnotherJohnH
>>>> My car doesn't have indicator for:
>>>> low brake fluid

>> Thinking some more on this, it probably the shares the same warning light as the handbrake.

That used to be the case with little old FIATs - I was puzzled for a while why the handbrake light came on mid corner, as I didn't think they normally gave driving hints.

Topped up brake fluid - OK (after RTFM).
 Dashboard lamps. - Slidingpillar
Thinking some more on this, it probably the shares the same warning light as the handbrake.

My 1972 Morgan had that. Good reason pre ECUs they share the light as it gets a check every time you put the handbrake on. Simple to wire, and a good checking system.
 Dashboard lamps. - Old Navy
Our car must have a warning light that is exclusive to Mrs ON. It is a "Kettle boiling " light. It is amazing how often she lands on the drive just as I am making a brew.

One dark night she phoned me having stopped our new Focus, the problem was a red warning light described as "Two blobs with a diagonal stripe" and a chiming sound. Telling her to shift her bag off the passenger seat fixed it. At least she had the sense to stop and phone. :-)
 Dashboard lamps. - MJW1994
Got 10/10 but did my test 2 years ago so no excuses really!
 Dashboard lamps. - henry k
Check this list out.

It does not show some of my warnings :-(
 Dashboard lamps. - Zero
You know what? I had all of those on after the battery went flat on my terrible touran, It was deeply impressive and entertaining. I simply drove along till they all went out one by one.
 Dashboard lamps. - Slidingpillar
Years ago, the Germans fitted a range of warning lamps to a TV transmitter to get over the language problem. No one had any idea what they meant and some poor soul got the job of going through the manual and making stick on labels with nice English words! You'd think page 1 of the manual would list all front panel indications but no such luck. Transmitter was the Siemens 1 kW transmitter at Reigate.

What is one persons obvious symbol is another's meaningless hieroglyphic.
 Dashboard lamps. - Mike Hannon
Whoever compiled the 'quiz' has never seen the warning lights on a Honda, which don't seem to correspond to anything listed. And there's lots of them.
Why doesn't the 'airbag turned off' symbol feature a picture of an airbag somewhere, rather than a fat person wearing a seatbelt?
 Dashboard lamps. - CGNorwich
"What is one persons obvious symbol is another's meaningless hieroglyphic."

On a philosophical note can a symbol or hieroglyphic by definition be meaningless?
 Dashboard lamps. - madf
>> "What is one persons obvious symbol is another's meaningless hieroglyphic."
>> On a philosophical note can a symbol or hieroglyphic by definition be meaningless?

Linear B and Sumerian spring to mind.
 Dashboard lamps. - Crankcase
They're not meaningless. We've just (perhaps temporarily) forgotten their meaning.
 Dashboard lamps. - R.P.
Well at least I was honest enough to cough I didn't know what the "mimser" warning light meant. At least BMW bothered to fit one, just in case and were discrete enough not to mention it in the handbook. Not seen it since....!
 Dashboard lamps. - Zero
>> >> "What is one persons obvious symbol is another's meaningless hieroglyphic."
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On a philosophical note can a symbol or hieroglyphic by definition be meaningless?
>> >>
>> Linear B and Sumerian spring to mind.

Dont forget Klingon.
 Dashboard lamps. - Bromptonaut
>> >> My car doesn't have indicator for:
>> >>
>> >> low brake fluid
>> Thinking some more on this, it probably the shares the same warning light as the
>> handbrake.

Does on the Berlingo but a brake fluid issue also causes the STOP light (Cits still have those!) to flash while a Beep, Beep, Beep tone sounds. Mine's done it a few times in last fortnight in Pyrennees, usually on long descents. On and off again in a few seconds. Nothing wrong with fluid level and brakes feel 100% normal - diagnosed as an issue with the sensor.

On the deferred list to be dealt with back in UK.
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