Non-motoring > If you had a million pounds Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Crankcase Replies: 10

 If you had a million pounds - Crankcase
...would you give it to these guys?

I think we've done most things here, but don't remember aliens.

Good idea to search, big science, most important thing ever, so on and so forth, or money poorly spent, you could save ten thousand lives with that money, so on and so forth?

In this case, I'd rather not bother with the search, not at that price. Dare I say, who cares?
 If you had a million pounds - Dog
Great news! - what's a million pounds anyway, my owse'll be worth a million pounds, eventually.

I particularly like the idea of this ere Square Kilometre Array thingy that could detect an airport radar on an alien world 50 light-years away, neat.

Maybe it could even pick up some arf decent alien TV programs, of course we wont be able to understand what they are saying, but it can't be any worse than the crap TV on planet Earth!
 If you had a million pounds - Crankcase
Well if they're 50 light years away, Dog, does it worry you that they are currently getting their cultural impressions of earth from I Love Lucy.
 If you had a million pounds - Dog
Better that than corrie or enders, Cc.
 If you had a million pounds - helicopter
A million pounds these days is really not a Dog says , property value in London and South East can mean you could not afford a two bedroom terrace in some areas....

I had a cousin who won £75,000 in the 60's on Vernons Football Pools which set him up comfortably for life....
 If you had a million pounds - Mike Hannon
>>my owse'll be worth a million pounds, eventually.<<

Not to you it won't, pal. Or to your heirs as long as they have to live somewhere. ;-)
 If you had a million pounds - Dog
Howl's about this one then pal, arthur mill for a 1.5 bedder almost in Peckham!

Y'all can get a plaice with land down ere for that amount of notes!
 If you had a million pounds - AnotherJohnH
I'd expect to be able to find aliens much nearer than several light years away - many taxi drivers for a start... ;-)

(Men in Black)?
 If you had a million pounds - Alanovich
I'd love them to discover intelligent alien life just so that I could see the look on the faces of the religious. Chosen ones, indeed. Worth a million, and more.
 If you had a million pounds - Manatee
>> I'd love them to discover intelligent alien life just so that I could see the
>> look on the faces of the religious. Chosen ones, indeed. Worth a million, and more.

Now you know that wouldn't faze them one bit.

All those bipedal lizards and triffids would also be part of His flock, whether they wanted to be or not. I told the vicar a few years ago that I was a hardened atheist, and he said it didn't matter - He would still look after me.

I've always thought the exclusive monotheists (the different varieties) haven't really thought it through, but it seems not to worry them at all.
 If you had a million pounds - Alanovich
Sigh. You are right, of course.
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