Non-motoring > Storm in a bin-cup Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Crankcase Replies: 24

 Storm in a bin-cup - Crankcase
Ah, trivial Friday stuff is always fun. Do skip by if you want anything intellectual today, you won't find it in this thread.

Video, at Youtube below, shows binmen locally "not dealing with the bin and deliberately overloading it so they don't have to empty it".

There's much outrage being vented, and Council say disciplinary action will be taken and so forth.

But is it just me - it looks as if it's overloaded before they start.

I'm with the bin men on this one.

Have your bin men ever refused your bin? Mine wasn't emptied once but no reason given, and when I rang to ask they apologised and picked it up the next morning, which I thought was good service. And told them so of course.
 Storm in a bin-cup - diddy1234
Never had that around my way but then I do work on a huge science park (in Cambridgeshire).

maybe this is the new definition of 'land fill' !
 Storm in a bin-cup - Meldrew
On my estate one bin was rejected as too heavy, even for the machinery! It had been filled with bricks and concrete. Some recycling bins are rejected for having the wrong stuff in them.
 Storm in a bin-cup - Slidingpillar
I'm currently wondering if I'm being naughty putting the wrong type of card out for recycling.

Not helped by one bit of publicity picturing cereal boxes as good, and another in words naming them as bad.
 Storm in a bin-cup - Meldrew
Where I am the Council have a vast machine that sorts everything and anything that can be put into the recycling bins. However this is not common, in many areas one can have a supermarket pack of meat, the cling film can be recycled and the polystyrene tray can't. EU rules are being suggested, the the effect that we shall have to sort our rubbish at home thus negating the usefulness of my council's machine. When I lived in Germany we had three different bins just for glass, sorted by colour!
 Storm in a bin-cup - bathtub tom
I re-tiled a bathroom and they refused a bin with the bits of broken tiles and sweepings. I knew they wouldn't accept the majority of the tiles and I'd stored them separately to take to the tip.

I had a conversation with someone from the council who claimed ceramics could damage their refuse lorries. He even stated he would take a mug with a broken handle to the tip rather than bin it!
 Storm in a bin-cup - henry k
" When I lived in Germany we had three different bins just for glass, sorted by colour!"
In the UK there used to be three bins deployed at supermarkets and car parks etc.
IIRC glass is often used for road fill.
Recycled glass is also being used to make kitchen work tops.
 Storm in a bin-cup - Bromptonaut
Only rejectin I've ever had is for putting out wrong bin or box under a fortnightly collection system.

We've just this week gone over from householder sorted recycling boxes to a single wheely bin for all recycling plus a food waste container. Experimenting with it at present, glass still boxed for now as (a) there's a lot and (b) it's not crushable. Will add it to bin on collection day.

Interesting to see how it goes.

 Storm in a bin-cup - Pat

 Storm in a bin-cup - helicopter
My next door neighbour had his green bin rejected as too heavy by the bin men . It was full of hedge clippings but not overflowing.

He is 84 and had wheeled it round from the back of his bungalow to the roadside unaided....
 Storm in a bin-cup - paulb
>> Interesting to see how it goes.

If it's anything like the similar system we have round here (in which our recycling is now generally double the amount of our landfill) you will find it a great deal easier. Wheel the bin out every fortnight, containing everything recyclable, including glass, and job done.
 Storm in a bin-cup - FocalPoint
"But is it just me - it looks as if it's overloaded before they start.

I'm with the bin men on this one."

The bin was overloaded, but the bin men put more stuff in it and a bag on top - then appeared to photograph it.

Six of one and half-dozen of the other, with the bin men being the more devious.
 Storm in a bin-cup - SteelSpark
All the binmen that we have ever had, in various location, have always been excellent.

I think that I can remember just one occasion when they didn't take a cardboard box that I had perched on top of recycling bin.

But aside from that, I often leave out extra bin bags, and loads of cardboard with "please recycle" on, and it has always been taken.

All of our binmen (refuse and recycling) typically come before I leave for work and I have never seen them even look inside a bin.

They also always wave to my son, when he is watching.

They can take their sweet time to get the lorry out of the way, but nobody's perfect, eh?
 Storm in a bin-cup - rtj70
Ours bins need to go out and not be overfilled. Once I had an extra bin bag and put it in and the lid was not closed. Needless to say the came and slapped a notice on it saying they couldn't take it.

Luckily I was in because general waste is taken every two weeks and it was full! So I took out the bag and ran after them dragging/pulling the bin. They took it but I must have looked a bit stupid (and hot and bothered).

Took the extra bag to landfill.

This week I thought they'd missed our glass/plastic pickup and was all set to phone up and complain (they went past). But we live on the corner and I could hear them on nearby streets. Checked other bins and they were to be emptied too... I did spot one neighbour had filled this bin with cardboard so went out to tell the bin men to avoid it.

Back to the original story... with the bin men but they should have just reported it as it was without loading on more rubbish! The other bin next to it was also overfilled.
 Storm in a bin-cup - Fursty Ferret
My bins are emptied but as part of a "rolling convoy", so I get to enjoy a stroll down the road to collect my bin from wherever it's been abandoned that week.
 Storm in a bin-cup - zookeeper

no mess no waste, and no heavy lifting
 Storm in a bin-cup - R.P.
We had a finger wagging for trying to re-cycle some PET 2 plastic that wasn't bottle shaped. They are awfully messy around here.
 Storm in a bin-cup - R.P.
I was riding home late one evening along the A55 - I was on the Kwaker, I became aware of being boxed in by some of these idiots - they seemed to be acting in concert, managed to out run them in the end - not a nice experience - they all seem to be rather fat with bad complexions around here.
 Storm in a bin-cup - PhilW
Colleague recently got train to Newcastle on Tyne , lengthy journey. Walked out of station, stood round the side of station with several other guys and lit a fag. Smoked fag, looked for bin for tab end and couldn't see one but saw several hundred (he says) other tab ends on floor, drops tab and stamps it out. Was then approached by a chap in uniform who asks for his name, address etc. Our guy says that he hasn't got time for this, has Metro to catch, so doesn't give name etc.. Two weeks later gets a letter via our company (he was wearing badged shirt with company name on it). Fine of £400, victim compensation £40, legal costs £80, total £522. For dropping a tab end.
Now, I'm not trying to defend him, and nor is he, except that he says, on apprehension, that he looked down and there were loads of tab ends there and lots of other smokers standing there, but £522 does seem a little excessive for dropping a tab end?
Or am I totally wrong?
 Storm in a bin-cup - R.P.
80 quid would have seemed excessive...
 Storm in a bin-cup - Bromptonaut

How much would it have been if he'd not 'done a runner'?

While £522 is a hell of a lot I've some sympathy with enforcement against dog end droppers. Round various doorways near work and round the station taxi rank they lie literally in hundreds. An area that should only need sweeping once a week is a major part of station cleaner's workload.
 Storm in a bin-cup - sooty123
>> Colleague recently got train ...

I guess he's learnt 2 lessons here; don't drop his tab ends on the floor and don't travel in company uniform.
 Storm in a bin-cup - Zero
>> >> Colleague recently got train ...
>> I guess he's learnt 2 lessons here; don't drop his tab ends on the floor
>> and don't travel in company uniform.

Three actually, - Don't travel by train.
 Storm in a bin-cup - Dog
>>no mess no waste, and no heavy lifting

And no near neighbours, hopefully.
 Storm in a bin-cup - Roger.
Bit of a kerfuffle this recycling stuff, innit?
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