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Thread Author: devonite Replies: 16

 Mick Aston - devonite
Sad to read that Prof Mick Aston (Time Team) has suddenly died aged 66. In my opinion he always seemed to make Archeology understandable in everyday terms. Although Time Team itself seems to be based very much on speculation, it wont be the same without him.
Last edited by: devonite on Wed 26 Jun 13 at 14:23
 Mick Aston - FocalPoint
I enjoy Time Team when I catch it, but I don't follow it closely.

I understand Mick resigned a while back in acrimonious circumstances, accusing the programme of dumbing down. His successor also resigned recently. Apparently the programme is due for the chop later this year.

He seemed a good member of the team to me - erudite without being stuffy, and amiably eccentric.
Last edited by: FocalPoint on Wed 26 Jun 13 at 14:55
 Mick Aston - Crankcase
Already chopped and done with. Only a couple of "specials" to come now. Shame about Mick and shame about the programme.

Still, got to make space for more repeats of Deal or No Deal somehow I suppose.
 Mick Aston - Duncan
>> I enjoy Time Team when I catch it, but I don't follow it closely.
>> I understand Mick resigned a while back in acrimonious circumstances, accusing the programme of dumbing>> down.

Dumbing down?

The whole concept of the programme is that it is dumbed down. From start to finish.

"We will pretend that we have only got three days to do the work".

"We will a nice friendly, professor who wears funny jumpers."

"We will have an eccentric bloke doing the digging." "Oh, by the way, could he wear a funny hat? Oh, and could he have a very strong accent"? "I suppose there's no chance he could have long hair, is there"?

"We will a little, excitable man coordinating things, he will rush around, waving his arms about, pretending that something of great moment has just been discovered"

"Yes, that should do it"

"No one will think that the programme is being dumbed down, will they?"

Give me strength!

I am very sorry to hear that Professor Mick Aston has died.
Last edited by: Duncan on Wed 26 Jun 13 at 15:29
 Mick Aston - Lygonos
None of what you mention above I would really class as "dumbing down", Duncan.

Real speed archaeology would be insanely tedious so it is perhaps more "sexed up" a la Alistair Campbell.

What I think Time Team managed to do was to show the public that archaeology is not just about finding "stuff", but more about putting the stuff into the context of human existence in the past.

American Time Team (if it existed) would no doubt focus on artifacts and their monetary value which truly would be "dumbed down" archaeology.

Not an avid watcher by any stretch but interesting to see the techniques used being described in layman's terms.
 Mick Aston - R.P.
He was featured on a radio programme a few months ago - there was an archive recording of him as a youth chatting on about archaeology -of utmost interest to me at one time when I was a kid - I was a member of a local group.....loved the programme (only watched it when the subject matter was of interest to me to be honest) - it popularised the science in my opinion - which is great.
 Mick Aston - MD
And the Triple?
 Mick Aston - helicopter
Not really a fan of Time Team but watched the dig on Lindisfarne near to where I grew up.

I have been out of the country and read his obituary in the Telegraph and nearly keeled over myself when I read that they had given Tony Robinson a Knighthood.... Nice enough bloke ..... but why ?
 Mick Aston - AnotherJohnH
>> ...given Tony Robinson a Knighthood.... Nice enough bloke ..... but why ?

so he can finally "Lord it" over Blackadder? (who got a CBE)
 Mick Aston - neiltoo
For services to the Labour Party (or Equity)
 Mick Aston - zookeeper
shame they didnt find richard 111.s bones...that would have been a coup
 Mick Aston - Haywain
I'm with Duncan on the dumbing down. There seems to be very little factual stuff left on t.v. that hasn't been dumbed down.

Sorry, of course, to hear of the professor's death.
 Mick Aston - No FM2R
Its a fine line between dumbing down and de-mystifying.

Equally removing pompous and irrelevantly complicated language and words can be perceived as dumbing down.

As far as I can see there was a compromise between being acceptable to the TV company and making the science more accessible which he supplied pretty well.
 Mick Aston - Lygonos
>>Equally removing pompous and irrelevantly complicated language...

Well this is what separates all professions from the plebs, be it archaeology, medicine, law, accountancy, etc, etc.

There is a vested interest in all profession in making it appear inaccessible to the lay person to justify the extra £££ and kudos afforded to that profession.

In medicine, I believe I am worth my money not by befuddling others, but in having 20 years of experience and education focussed full-time on my subject: I don't need to talk latin and greek to be worth the bhuna.
 Mick Aston - Rudedog
On one of their digs of a big London church (can't remember the name), they said that because of the cut backs to the budget in the national archaeology schemes they were the only group capable of doing it and also claimed to be the biggest single company(?) funding digs at that time.
 Mick Aston - Haywain
"Its a fine line between dumbing down and de-mystifying."

Personally, I find that all the arm-waving, coloured jumpers, zany graphics and, generally, over-production, is a distraction. Mind you, if you talk to any teachers, they will tell you that concentration span is diminishing; I'm not sure if the arm-waving etc is leading to this, or a response to it.

To resort to "pompous and irrelevantly complicated language' is arrogant and rude.
 Mick Aston - Zero
TimeTeam provided access to bits of History you and I would not normally have seen in any other circumstances. Whats to moan about?
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