I had a Qashqai and quite liked it but my wife liked it much more and now has one of her own. It's probably a girl's car.
My E Class estate ( according to her ) is definitely a man's car although I have seen women driving them and not particularly looking out of place. An E Class saloon though, that's really not feminine for some reason.
I feel it's also a function of age. A young guy wouldn't look unusual to me in a Mini but an older bloke might.
My favourite subject ( estate cars ) are I think less prone to being gender specific, they tend just to be run by people who for whatever reason need or want the practicality.
MPVs are a bit girly in my view along with small / medium SUVs. Mummy wagons.
Anything convertible is a dodgy prospect for a bloke unless it has 6 or more cylinders and even then it's debatable.
Coupes are an odd one too. Women can look great in them but if you're a fella, then it has to be a seriously expensive one or you just look like a lounge lizard who might secretly favour grey shoes.
Then there's the Beetle, especially the convertible. If you're a bloke you just can't drive one.
Some of these comments concern me, so I put it to the panel.
When I was 28 (and had far more disposable income....) I treated myself to an Audi A4 Cab. It was the 3.0 V6. Is the V6 element enough to redeem me, or is it a part of my past I should deny?
Current V60 is the r-design model so it has the body kit and 18"wheels - think it makes it look a bit more manly and more of a blokes car
Sorry Mikey but the A4 Cab, even the S4 cab let alone the V6, is a girlie car. Even Humph thinks a beer drinking bloke like myself is a bit iffy driving a 330 soft top.
Anyway, a Westfield is a soft top, and it doesn't even have 6 cylinders. So there.
Is an R8 soft top ok? Or does that have too many cylinders? Just wondering mind. Wouldn't want any nasturtiums being cast in future so better get it sorted now.
>>Anyway, a Westfield is a soft top, and it doesn't even have 6 cylinders...
Granted, but there are always exceptions to prove every rule. Westies are definitely men's cars. Often quite odd men I'll admit, but usually men nonetheless.
>> I hesitate to mention what some may consider a very non PC topic, but do
>> people think these days such things still exist?
No, with a few exceptions. Low end newish BMWs have become very female for some reason. Ditto Audis. Maybe the brand is more important than the toys, which add too much to the price for male user-chooser reps and junior managers.
I knew a (female) hairdresser once who had a dusky pink XR3i cabriolet with a white hood. Not sure whether that made it a ladies car, or a hairdresser's car.
I've never worried about it much. MINIs are girly I think, but I'd have one now I've got over them not being Minis.
I am related by marriage to a much younger couple who have one of those Golf-Beetle convertibles, and I've often wondered why he allowed it to be bought and how he can bear to be seen driving it. He doesn't seem to mind at all. Weird.
Still, I can't talk. My own car is a pastiche woman's fashion victim car I often think. Herself likes it although I fancy her in a svelte US army WW2 truck... But I'll drive anything me. Couple of drinks and I'm anything's.
>> I knew a (female) hairdresser once who had a dusky pink XR3i cabriolet with a
>> white hood. Not sure whether that made it a ladies car, or a hairdresser's car.
A few weeks ago I was hanging around the channel tunnel waiting for my call. Into the car park came a BMW Z3 in PINK!!! Definately not pink, but PINK!!!
Never have I seen such a garish colour on a car. If it had been any louder it would have been served a noise abatement order.
Driven by a girlie of course. Even hairdressers would have thought twice about that one.
One of my French colleagues had until recently a Porsche 911 cabriolet. Now under most circumstances one would probably make an exception to the "rag-top = girl's car" for a 911, but this one was in an unfortunate off-grey colour which we christened "homosexual mauve"....
The guy that dealt with the concrete beams for my 10' wide garage suspended floor (damn building control) carried them down my drive with one on each shoulder.
I don't know how he got those shoulders inside the pink Fiat Ceicento he drove!
OK, will prob be regarded as a sexist, misogynist pig, but here goes!!
Women's cars:-
anything pink
those KA convertible things
Pug 207 (esp CC)
VW Eos
Mini cabriolet
MB C class coupe
Fiat 500
Micra CC
Audi A1
anything else CC
But then, at school starting and ending times women's cars suddenly become
Range Rover
Audi Q7
Eh, actually, when I think about it and, speaking from experience of having worked on over 10,000 customers cars,
if there's one single-solitary-car that stands out (to me) as a womans car, it is a VW Golf cabriolet, Especially if it is white with a white hood.
On my morning commute I pass the time glancing into cars that pass me or I pass them. Lots of cars going off the Island that time of morning seem to be occupied by single (occupancy) young women and they seem to be the usual mix of hatches. Men around here seem to be in works vans or higher powered saloons (in the traditional sense) - There was quite a glamorous woman in a fully marked up Subaru WRX - very one off - Invariably the ones tailgating me in lane two at 70+ speeds are women in recent Hatchbacks....I find them very threatening, so I let them pass.
>> On my morning commute I pass the time glancing into cars that pass me or
>> I pass them. Lots of cars going off the Island that time of morning seem
>> to be occupied by single (occupancy) young women and they seem to be the usual
>> mix of hatches. Men around here seem to be in works vans or higher powered
>> saloons (in the traditional sense) - There was quite a glamorous woman in a fully
>> marked up Subaru WRX - very one off - Invariably the ones tailgating me in
>> lane two at 70+ speeds are women in recent Hatchbacks....I find them very threatening, so
>> I let them pass.
I'm going to incur the wrath of Pat here, but in my experience as a cyclist and motorcyclist of many decades standing women have a terrible attitude to anything on two wheels.
Thinking about it, every single topless Mercedes except the frightening 300SLR is a bit girly.
That said, I drove someone else's 190 SL alone and quickly from London to Colchester and back one slippery night, and it was damn good, safer than I deserved really and just as well, nice motor and willing.
Around here women drive small cars, you rarely see them driving anything butch like a 4x4. But then, the French are still trapped in gender stereotyping and from birth, it appears. Toy shops and catalogues are sharply divided into boy and girly sections - the latter full of pink plastic rubbish.
As an aside, my convertible has 12 cylinders and I still have a (grey) hairy chest.
My Honda Accord, on the other hand, is definitely an android's car. If Kryten was a motorist it would be his choice.