Non-motoring > Bank account hackery Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Crankcase Replies: 6

 Bank account hackery - Crankcase
Bank contacted me by post to say there might have been some fraudulent transactions. Went through it with them, and there was one (12p, in the States), which they had refused. As soon as I said I didn't recognise that one they cancelled my card, and a new one is on the way.

All well and good so far. However, that card is used for all sorts of online stuff. It seems, as I'm now going to have to change it anyway, that it would be sensible to separate the online stuff from the main bank account.

I think there are cards you can get that you pre-load with just the right amount of cash before making an online purchase or something, and then it's empty should it get hacked? Maybe that's wishful thinking these days. Probably only a terrorist could possibly want such a thing.

Has anyone used that kind of thing, or can recommend a supplier?

 Bank account hackery - Fenlander
Why bother... the banking system is quite good at pre-empting online fraud of this type as they have demonstrated in your case. Even if the fraud happens to any serious degree they will refund.

I guess they told you the 12p was likely a tester transaction to check your card was live before plundering it for a larger amount.
 Bank account hackery - sherlock47

Should meet your needs. I originally opened it when Ryanair accepted it without charge. Long gone advantage. I should really look at transfering my Paypal and Amazon accounts to it.
 Bank account hackery - sherlock47
I have just read the terms and conditions - I think thay may have changed from when I took the card out. It was taken out as a prepaid cashcard - but now although you cannot have an 'overdraft', it would appear that they can charge you £10 for a debit transaction (which will not be completed) but would take you into the red IF paid!

Anybody with an alternative view?

I think I may cancel it! Have look at
Last edited by: pmh on Fri 21 Jun 13 at 09:19
 Bank account hackery - Crankcase
Ah, that's a good lead pmh. They key as ever, is knowing the term "prepaid card".

I take Fenlander's point though. It's just that it could be hassle if thousands disappear and whilst I'm arguing with the bank, or at least going through the undoubted hoops the mortgage bounces and all that.

 Bank account hackery - L'escargot
On more than one occasion, a few hours after ordering something online, my online balance has been £1 less than it should have been. I queried this with my bank and they said it was a test transaction to prove to the payee that my account existed, and it was quite normal and legitimate. The £1 was returned to my online balance after about a week. It never appeared in my list of transactions and was never a "cleared" amount. I now accept that it can sometimes happen.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Fri 21 Jun 13 at 09:31
 Bank account hackery - Mike H
I use one of my credit cards for online transactions, and that's normally all I use it for. If it gets hacked, I can live without it while I wait for a replacement, unlike my debit card.

These fraud detection systems are all very well but can cause problems in themselves. I tried to book two train journeys, same route same amount, I just split the outward & return legs. The first was accepted, but the second was rejected because it was the same amount and submitted within minutes of the first! To be fair, the card issuer (M&S) was on the phone within minutes which mightily impressed me.
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