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Thread Author: VxFan Replies: 109

 Cycling Corner - Volume 4 - VxFan

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More pedal power chat.
Last edited by: VxFan on Sat 14 Sep 13 at 16:45
 Cycling Corner - Volume 4 - Bromptonaut
>>Delamere on a Bromp? Blimey ! Round the lake maybe ok I guess, but respect nonetheless

Just following the shared use family foot/cycle tracks along with friends and their autistic Dalmatian dog!!
 Sprung wheel - bathtub tom

I like the idea, but how much energy will it absorb from pedalling effort?
 Sprung wheel - Crankcase
Hmm. A bit like this one then.
 Sprung wheel - crocks
>> I like the idea, but how much energy will it absorb from pedalling effort?

I'd like to have a trial ride to see how it felt. As well as vertical cushioning there will be some cushioning on the braking and drive.

It also requires hub brakes, as the rims move relative to the frame, so adding further to the cost.
 Out and About - Bromptonaut
A gaggle of Bromptons, Moultons and Dahons in Milton Keynes yesterday!!

Round the redways and old railway out to Newport Pagnell and The White Hart at Sherrington for lunch. Return via Cranfield and its aerodrome cafe.

Vid is ride's arrival at the viewpoint just east of MK overlooking Campbell Park

Nice in the morning but got very wet after lunch!!
 Out and About - Ted

I've been looking around at folders for quite a while now. Things came to a head when I pumped up the tyres on my Raleigh City a couple of weeks ago and lowered the seat to it's max.

A nice traditional crossbar bike, but I found great difficulty getting my leg over ( shut up, BBD ). Having lost my tailgate carrier, or rather the lendee never gave it back to the lender, me ! With a folder I could get out into Cheshire and potter through the lanes on nice days.

I didn't want to spend a fortune so, after a lot of on-line research, I wanted to look at the Raleigh EVO7......good reviews and very little against it. We were buying a new lightweight vac today and called in at Halfords on the same trading estate. I'd love a Bromp or something ultra light, but the EVO seems a good buy at 33kgs. 20 inch wheels, alloy frame and 7 speed Shimono gears. I'll probably fit my Brooks saddle to it....better for the, ahem, larger gentleman.

Any road up, the deed was done at a penny under 200quid, collect it tomorrow, didn't have time today....playday on Friday...if it's not snowing ! Wish me luck !

 Out and About - crocks
Best of luck,Ted.

You're a stronger man than me if your happy to lift around a 33kg bike! ;-)

I heard today, while listening to the Giro d'Italia, that the pro's bikes have a minimum weight limit of 6.8 kg. They are built lighter than that and then ballast is added to comply with the regs.

I'd love to try an un-ballasted one. Then maybe I will be able to get up 20% gradients.... or maybe not.

 Out and About - Bromptonaut
>> Best of luck,Ted.
>> You're a stronger man than me if your happy to lift around a 33kg bike!
>> ;-)

As Crocs probably suspects weight is 33lb not kg - that includes lock and lights according to the reviews.

I see a few of this model around. It's probably one of the best of its genre (wheel size, price point etc). Certainly better than the similarly priced Apollo. If you only need the fold for storage rather than train commute use it will do you well.

A derailleur that close to the ground will pick up a lot of crud and need frequent cleaning and maintenance if it's going to keep working smoothly. Which reminds me, I still need to check the Brommy over after if got a soaking on Saturday.

 Out and About - Ted

>> I still need to check the Brommy over after if got a soaking on Saturday.

Thanks for the tip about the gears Brompy. 33 lbs is right...just testing you and Crocky !

I did post this message yesterday but it seems to have disappeared up it's own thingy.

 Out and About - Skip

>> I didn't want to spend a fortune so, after a lot of on-line research, I
>> wanted to look at the Raleigh EVO7......
>> Ted

I have just reserved one of these to pick up later. The plan is to keep it in the boot of the car and drive out to the local park some evenings and weekends for a gentle ride. It is very hilly where I live and that is too much like hard work for me these days !
 Out and About - Ted
Collected mine this afto. Seems reasonably easy to fold and unfold.

They tried to flog me all sorts of add-ons but I resisted...for now. What I do want is a rear view mirror. I've a bar end one on the City but the EVO has a twist grip gearchange. Yer man showed me one which fits to the frame around the steering headstock. I commented that surely you would only be able to see your right leg but he said they must work 'cos some0ne had designed the thing. Any experiences of this ?

I'm going to see how my mororcycle tank bag would fit and look on the rear carrier before I buy something. I've already got a front bag.

The tyres look rugged enough for moderate off-road, Delamere or similar.

 Out and About - Haywain
About 35 years ago, we owned a folding bicycle. One evening, I decided to use it to go down to the chip shop - only a distance of a few hundred yards. I roared down the hill towards the chippy, slammed on the brakes and, as I reached the shop, the handlebars folded over - and I went over the top. I slid down the road watched in amazement by the queue that extended outside the chippy.

Shortly after that, we sold the bike!
 Out and About - Bromptonaut
Just after I got my first Brommy the bloke sitting opposite me gleefully recounted the tale of a mutual colleague doing same as Haywain.

The 'gotcha' on a B is the main hinge that allows the entire rear triangle to fold under the main frame. If you over brake and lock the front wheel it can fold under you. Only likely if your weight's not on the saddle but will result in an undignified tumble.

Current versions have a catch to allow the triangle to be locked in place, removing the risk.
 Out and About - Bromptonaut

No personal experience of mirrors as I find it easy enough to look over my shoulder but appreciate others may not find that easy. Whatever you fit check it doesn't impede the fold. Bar end items are a prob on Brommys for that reason.

There's something called a mirrycle that fits on the bar end but IIRC it used an expander bolt inside the bar so may be compatible with gripshift change. They're still made and sold in US UK importer used to be Madison but I don't know if they're still around.

EDIT Madison still trading -

Otherwise what about something that clips on your helmet or specs?
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Thu 16 May 13 at 10:54
 Out and About - Runfer D'Hills
>>The tyres look rugged enough for moderate off-road, Delamere or similar.

Yes, you'll be absolutely fine if you stick to the fire trails. The cycle skills or "brain out" area as it's nicknamed might be more of a challenge on a folder !
 Out and About - Ted

Simple stuff for me Hump...I aint no cyclecross enthusiast !

Investigated further today and the gearchange twist grip is only a knurled ring on the inner end of the handgrip rubber sleeve. It looks like I can fit the bar-end mirror off the other bike by neatly cutting the end of the grip I did on the City.

The tank bag is too big, shame really, as the current motor bike doesn't have a tank. The last long trip, to Dijon, I strapped the bag on the pillion for extra capacity. Worked well.

Might get a prop-stand, though. Found a good lock in the garage with one of those coiled, plastic sleeved steel cables.

Got a couple of little jobs tomorrow but if it's dry I'll give it a spin on the Sustrans trail at the back of the house. I'll report back.

 Out and About - crocks
So Ted, how did the Evo go?
 Out and About - Ted

Never got out on it Crocky. Things conspired to keep me at home......people coming, etc.
Today would have been good but SWM decided on a trip into Cheshire to get some caravan bits and have a coffee at Allostock garden centre.

She's out babysitting 3 days this week so I'm determined to use it. I'll let you know. I fitted a mirror, lights and a stand together with my Brookes saddle from t'other bike.

 Out and About - Ted

I went out for a trundle round this morning on the EVO. I've not been on a bike for some months so it took a bit of getting used to but I was fine. I rode up the main road to post an oversized envelope....our local postmaster, Ali, only has a little hole ! Then onto the Sustrans trail which crosses the tram tracks and follows the old Great Central loop line. Did a couple of miles then onto the road for the slightly longer run home via a lady friend's for a cuppa.

Didn't see Rattle on the trip.....probably still in bed. These youngsters.... pah !

Gears nice and easy to change, bum aching a bit but all ok. Thigh muscles were feeling it, which can only be a good thing. A few other cyclists out on the trail, mostly exchanging greetings.

Feel ripped off though.......the bike on display in Halfords had a bell. Mine hasn't ! I'll call in there tomorrow and wreck the place unless satisfaction is given.

 Out and About - bathtub tom
>>Feel ripped off though.......the bike on display in Halfords had a bell. Mine hasn't !

IIRC it's now a legal requirement on all bikes, sold new.
 Out and About - crocks
Thanks for the update Ted.

Back in 2011 the government announced plans to remove the requirement for bells as part of their less red tape proposals.

Probably haven't got round to it yet.

So go back to Halfords, demand a bell, and ask for £200 compensation for them putting your life in mortal danger. ;-)
 Out and About - Fenlander
>>>Back in 2011 the government announced plans to remove the requirement for bells as part of their less red tape proposals. Probably haven't got round to it yet.

I don't have a bell but my brake levers are large and alloy with a strong return spring so make a lovely loud clack if flicked in their free play range. Makes folks look round to see what's dropped on the floor and so gets a result with no hostility.
Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 9 Sep 13 at 01:03
 Out and About - Runfer D'Hills
Very good Ted. Glad you're enjoying your new steed. Re the bell, get one by all means but for Gawd's sake don't ring it if you do. Even if you're just politely warning someone who's walking ahead of you on a designated cycle path that you're coming through (when there's a perfectly good pavement right next to them) they can get all shouty and rude. Better, in my experience anyway, to just call out an audible but cheerful " 'scuse me ! " and smile a thank you when they turn around utterly astonished and offended that there's a cyclist with the audacity to be on a cycle path...

We were at Delamere yesterday coincidentally. We arrived just as the pink T-shirted "Race for Life" cancer charity run was ending and so followed the stragglers for a few yards as we crossed behind them onto one of the minor trails.

I couldn't help a inward chuckle at the irony of the last three, shall we say, really rather large, scouse lasses at the back, doing that thing where they lift their knees a little higher than if they were walking but don't actually move forward any quicker than they would on a gentle stroll while puffing resolutely on their cigarettes...

Aye well, at least they were there and raising money for a good cause. The chiffon tutus were a bit unnecessary though... I was grateful we hadn't recently eaten.

Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Mon 20 May 13 at 17:50
 Out and About - borasport
>> Very good Ted. Glad you're enjoying your new steed. Re the bell, get one by
>> all means but for Gawd's sake don't ring it if you do. Even if you're
>> just politely warning someone who's walking ahead of you on a designated cycle path that
>> you're coming through (when there's a perfectly good pavement right next to them) they can

just move sideways without looking behind them, so they are directly in front of you, as happened to me on the TPT on monday - you wonder why you bother. Then they look surprised when you express a forthright opinion on their awareness of their surroundings :-)
 Out and About - Skip

>> Feel ripped off though.......the bike on display in Halfords had a bell. Mine hasn't !
>> I'll call in there tomorrow and wreck the place unless satisfaction is given.
>> Ted
>> .

Mine came with a bell Ted.

Picked it up Saturday morning, not been far, only round the roads but so far am impressed with how easy it was to ride. Only problem is that it won't fit in the boot of the 207 without dropping the back seats, however new car is on the way so that should sort that out.
 Out and About - Runfer D'Hills
>>their autistic Dalmatian dog...

Only just noticed that Bromp. Erm, how did they spot that?
 Out and About - Zero
Ho Ho Ho, spot the Dalmatian.
 Out and About - Ted

It goes well enough into the Vitara of course, Skip. Haven't needed to try the Note yet but the back seat will roll forwards a bit for more luggage.

Glad you like your's, it seems a well finished off bit of kit. The tyres were almost flat, I didn't notice when I collected it. They run at 35 psi...I stuck 40 in before I went out. Lots of potholes in the edge of the carriageways round here. Fortunately the council have marked a lot of the pavements up for cyclists. The local dual carriageway has the right hand lane on each direction coned off in connection with tramway works.

Too narrow to ride in the open just hold traffic I cycled in the coned off lane. No-one working in it, they're doing the wide central reservation. At my ' non tour de France ' speed I'm not going to cause any bovver !

I enjoyed it but me legs am suffring now !

 Out and About - Runfer D'Hills
>>however new car is on the way so that should sort that out.

Oh now then, you can't keep us hanging like that ! Details required I'm afraid !

 Out and About - Skip
>> >>however new car is on the way so that should sort that out.
>> Oh now then, you can't keep us hanging like that ! Details required I'm afraid
>> !
>> :-)

Hyundai i30.

Yes, I know that it is Korean, but there are very few manufacturers who still make a medium size hatchback with a proper TC auto gearbox. This latest model is a huge leap forward from the old one and I am past the age where I worry about image !
 Out and About - L'escargot
>> A gaggle of Bromptons, Moultons and Dahons in Milton Keynes yesterday!!

Collective names for everything except cycles.

What about a harddoneby of cyclists?
Last edited by: L'escargot on Wed 22 May 13 at 13:18
 Out and About - Bromptonaut
Home to Handley Barn * and back to watch the Red Arrows perform ahead of the Grand Prix.

Just the ride for my Galaxy. 21.6 miles in 1h 57 moving, average speed 11.2. Not bad for somebody who was on crutches 51 weeks ago.

Team as excellent as ever, a full height display only slightly disrupted by a Cessna pilot who'd not read his NOTAMS. Display direction meant the team made several low passes right over our heads. Enough moisture in the atmosphere for wing tip vortices to be visible from time to time.

EDIT - Sorry, the bing link was supposed to be in OS Map view - too late to find an alternative.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Sun 30 Jun 13 at 14:09
 Be careful out there - Manatee
Norwich Police seek driver who tweeted about collision with cyclist
 Be careful out there - Robin O'Reliant
>> Norwich Police seek driver who tweeted about collision with cyclist

Are people born that stupid, or do they learn it?
 Be careful out there - Manatee
>> Are people born that stupid, or do they learn it?

Ha ha! I hadn't got past thinking she was a nasty piece, but you're right - not much between the lugholes there.

I see her employer has distanced itself from her opinions, or something like that. Must be a bit of a career limiting event for trainee accountant.
 Be careful out there - Ted

Acting in my capacity of a pedestrian this afternoon, I got walloped by a cyclist riding quite quickly along the pavement. He came up quietly behind me on a narrow section, about 6ft, and caught my right arm with his left handlebar.

He wobbled a bit, didn't apologise and scuttled off at speed. Pity he didn't wobble a bit more vigorously and get thrown off over the barrier into the carriageway !

Bah !

 Be careful out there - bathtub tom
A steel metal stick (painted white) through the front wheel does the trick.
 Be careful out there - Dog
The 50 best bicyclettes ... up to seven thousan poun FFS!
 jet bike - Focusless
>> More pedal power chat.

It's not the pedals providing most of the power on this one:
Last edited by: Focusless on Thu 13 Jun 13 at 09:03
 jet bike - Ted

Nice little story...Manchester Evening News tonight..........

Man seen by CCTV camera working on a bike with bolt-cutters in an on-street bike parking bay in the city centre. Hue and cry raised but man rides off on liberated bike straight into the welcoming arms of four plain clothes policemen who'd also seen him in action.

12 weeks in the slammer ! Serves him right.

 jet bike - Haywain
"12 weeks in the slammer ! Serves him right."

So, after 6 weeks inside, he'll be out and back to nicking bikes? I'd whip a hand off - that would make him think twice about thieving bikes again!
 jet bike - Londoner
>> . . . straight into the welcoming arms of four plain clothes policemen who'd also seen
>> him in action.
How do plain clothes policemen recognise each other?

Have they got special signs, like the masons?

 jet bike - Westpig
>> How do plain clothes policemen recognise each other?
>> Have they got special signs, like the masons?
Yellow daffodil
 jet bike - Old Navy
A house brick sized mobile phone with a big aerial. :-)
 jet bike - Armel Coussine
>> How do plain clothes policemen recognise each other?

They just know each other by sight. There's no single style.

I know I've posted this before but I'm a bore so I'll post it again. Around 1960, when I was in my early twenties and lived near Paddington station, up late trying to write a jazz review, I went round to the station buffet about 2 am for coffee and fresh air. Two plainclothes fuzz suddenly slid into the chairs at my table and interrogated me briefly. They were pretty frightening geezers.

One was a grim, grey-faced rawboned big geezer aged 60ish dressed like a middle-aged nonce in raincoat, dark blue serge trousers and huge black shoes. The other was a rent boy lookalike as young as me or younger, in gym shoes, black jeans and a denim jacket. They weren't at all nice or pleasant.

There's always a lot of activity round the big stations. Not far from there in Praed Street I once tried to pawn my typewriter. The pawnshop wouldn't take it because I hadn't got a bill of sale for it. When I emerged two plainclothes fuzz shut me in a phone box while checking my details. They weren't particularly nasty but I was surprised by their vigilance, misplaced in my case of course. I reckon they were hanging about the pawnshop for pickings. I suppose typewriters then were the equivalent of laptops now.
 insanity - -
Dear Lord, i know there's some nutters about but this takes the biscuit.

There's a thread just started on one of the truck forums where the regular reliable poster has witnessed a cyclist pulling the air shift parking brake fitted to articulated lorry trailer 'on' whilst the lorry was waiting at traffic lights.

In the latest incident the lorry was stopped at the traffic lights on a slight left turn, so whilst the driver wasn't looking the cyclist after pulling the brake then apparently tried to pull the trailer securing handle out which would cause the trailer to drop off the tractor as he pulled away...fortunately he failed as there wasn't enough time for the half wit to get the safety dogclip out.

New Cross station mentioned.

Criminally insane or what, perish the thought what could happen if one managed to pull the pin unnoticed.
Last edited by: gordonbennet on Sat 15 Jun 13 at 21:27
 insanity - Zero
>> Dear Lord, i know there's some nutters about but this takes the biscuit.
>> There's a thread just started on one of the truck forums where the regular reliable
>> poster has witnessed a cyclist pulling the air shift parking brake fitted to articulated lorry
>> trailer 'on' whilst the lorry was waiting at traffic lights.
>> In the latest incident the lorry was stopped at the traffic lights on a slight
>> left turn, so whilst the driver wasn't looking the cyclist after pulling the brake then
>> apparently tried to pull the trailer securing handle out which would cause the trailer to
>> drop off the tractor as he pulled away...fortunately he failed as there wasn't enough time
>> for the half wit to get the safety dogclip out.
>> New Cross station mentioned.
>> Criminally insane or what, perish the thought what could happen if one managed to pull
>> the pin unnoticed.

The cyclist is in the know tho isn't he, I wouldn't know how to do that.
 insanity - Bromptonaut
>> The cyclist is in the know tho isn't he, I wouldn't know how to do
>> that.

Me neither. I've never seen even the hotheads on cycle forums advocate 'guerilla' action in any form.

Practical joker or part of a criminal plan.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Sun 16 Jun 13 at 10:47
 insanity - L'escargot
>> I've never seen even the hotheads on cycle forums advocate 'guerilla' action in
>> any form.
 insanity - Fursty Ferret
>> >> The cyclist is in the know tho isn't he, I wouldn't know how to
>> do
>> >> that.
>> Me neither. I've never seen even the hotheads on cycle forums advocate 'guerilla' action in
>> any form.
>> Practical joker or part of a criminal plan.

Someone I know once pushed the emergency engine stop on the back of a bus that nearly ran him over. What he didn't realise was that it activated some sort of mechanical lock inside the fuel pump, stranding the bus in the middle of the road for some considerable time. Not that I'd advocate that sort of action, of course.

The incident described above sounds truly moronic, though. Presumably if it was unhitched and the tractor pulled away, the air brakes would lock on the moment the hose pulled out?
 Bye-bye old bike. - Ted

Me and 'er have decided it's time to clear some stuff we've been hoarding for ages.

Tried my hand with the Raleigh City bike last night. Something about not having a Paypal account was blocking me submitting the EBay ad. So, I turned to Gumtree. much more simple and extra photos for free.

Within less than 5 minutes from submitting the ad, I got a text from ' Dimitris ' asking where I was. A gave him a rough idea and asked him to call or txt in the morning as we were going out shortly. He texted at 1030 and was round by 1130 with a pal. Nice lads, students, probably. Pal said he had a bike and Dimitris was looking for one.

Delighted when I showed him the City with it's mirror, saddlebag, pump and security registration documents.......oh, and the digital bell as well.

Offered full asking price, deal done, and off they went...excitedly ! Result !

So, a Silver Cross pram, a BSA Bantam and a Georgian bow-fronted corner wall cupboard next.....hopefully.

 Bye-bye old bike. - Ted

>> So, a Silver Cross pram, a BSA Bantam and a Georgian bow-fronted corner wall cupboard
>> next.....hopefully.
Update.....put the pram on Gumtree a couple of days later at £95......wanted £85. A couple more days and I was getting txts and emails from a couple locally. They came round in their Freelander, gave me the £85 that they'd haggled me down to and took it away.

Lovely couple in their 40s. It was for their 11 yr old daughter who has Downs. They said she was mad on dolls and babies. They emailed to say she was delighted....nice !

>> Ted
 Cycling Corner - Unusual Sightings - Bromptonaut
Boris bike in Gordon St this morning. Nothing unusual in itself but the luggage basket was occupied by a massive (four foot or so in length) toy tiger.

Guy in front of me nearly fell off his bike laughing.
 Cycling Corner - Unusual Sightings - Ted

The Babylon have been out on the A34 in the university/colleges/hospitals area of Manchester pulling cyclists on this popular and busy route.

The Evening News reported that 400 had been reported or FPNed for offences from dangerous cycling and unroadworthy bikes to jumping lights and ped crossings.

That was over a 10 day operation.

 Got one today ...ouch ! - Ted

Or, rather, she got me.

Just arrived home after collecting one of the firm's VW vans for delivery to Leeds tomorrow.
Parked it correctly on the road, no wheels on the footpath, outside the house and went round the back to check the loadspace wasn't full of rubbish.

Locked it up with the remote and stepped onto the pavement to be instantly mown down from the right by a lady cyclist at some speed. She knocked me over and I hope she wasn't offended by my colourful language. She came off worse, however. As her left handlebar hit me she took on a severe wobble and landed up on the bitmac with considerable grazing to her arms and knees. The main thing is, I was alright! I managed to get my hands down as I fell...just a little grazing to my palms and a bruise...... from the brake lever..I imagine.

SWM called the police.....Injury RTA......and we cleaned the lass up a bit. She declined hospital, the police took all our details and left.

I don't know what'll happen now, she probably won't be insured. They cycle on the footpath here because of the speed humps. The newish bitmac footpath is nice and smooth. I nearly got the same treatment a few weeks ago when I was walking near the house. A woman with a kiddy on the back came silently up behind me as I was going to change direction into our drive. It was school opening time and she had a child on it's own bike with her. Looked like the ' knit your own yogurt ' brigade.

One day someone will perish !

 Got one today ...ouch ! - Pat
Bromp must have had an early night!.....4 hours and no reply;)

 Got one today ...ouch ! - Bromptonaut
>> Bromp must have had an early night!.....4 hours and no reply;)
>> Pat

Plenty of cycling practices I'll explain or excuse. I have no time at all though for pavement cyclists still less those riding too fast to avoid an accident.

Harsh speed bumps are a pain, but you just slow down, maybe take some weight on feet/hands and flex yourself as you cross.

Flat topped speed pillows just need a bit of caution. You can cross them faster than a car can.
 Got one today ...ouch ! - Haywain
Hitting a pedestrian on a 'pedestrians only' footpath is unforgivably bad form and it's against the law to cycle there.
 Got one today ...ouch ! - Zero
Sue her for every spokes she's got.
 Got one today ...ouch ! - Ted

Most of the busiest main roads round here are marked out for pavement cycling. I use them myself. I have noted that very few of these cycle lanes are where houses are situated.

You'd be a fool to cycle on the A5103, the main road in from the M56/M6. The pavement is marked for cyclists alongside the cemetery and playing fields. There doesn't seem to be any signs as to where the cycle lanes end so I guess people will make the wrong assumptions and just carry on.

Took the van to Leeds early today and brought back a brand, spanking new Peugeot Expert. Shame, really. I was looking forward to coming back on the train via Hebden Bridge...a good scenic route.

 First Boris Bike Fatality - Bromptonaut
BBC report that the female rider of a Boris Bike using one of the Cycling Superhighways was fatally injured in an accident near Aldgate East Station last night.

Other reports suggest she was only 17.

Difficult to be sure from picture but looks, once again, like a construction/demolition industry fixed wheelbase truck.

First fatality on a Boris Bike in three years and over 15 million hirings
 Tour de France - Robin O'Reliant
You wait over a hundred years for a British Tour winner and we could well be seeing two come along at once. A great ride from Chris Froome today and a performance from a (hopefully) post doping era Alberto Contador that shows the true worth of the one time superchampion.
 Bike workstand - Manatee
Lidl has a bicycle workstand on Thursday 11th July for £30.

It looks identical to the Black Dog Bikes one I paid £40 for last year. Not exactly professional spec but works OK, even on a Brompton with a bit of experimentation.
 Bike workstand - Bromptonaut
Aldi have a near identical offer. Picked mine up earlier today but no time to try it out until weekend. So long as it's good enough to support our fleet of mid range urban MTB's it's good enough. Holding the Bromptons will be a bonus.
 Bike workstand - Alanovich
>> mid range urban MTB's

Huh? Isn't that a bit like driving a Chels*a Tractor on the school run? Eek.

 Bike workstand - BobbyG
How high does it hold the bike? Enough to store another bike underneath it?
 Bike workstand - Manatee
>> How high does it hold the bike? Enough to store another bike underneath it?

It will probably get the crossbar a bit more than 5 feet off the floor, more if you push the feet in a bit. I wouldn't think it's very practical for that purpose though. Hooks on the wall will be a lot better.
 Bike workstand - BobbyG
Ok cheers
 Le Tour - Bromptonaut
Incredible win by Froome on the Ventoux today.

Looked as though he'd gone too early to catch/beat Quintana or gain a definitive break from Contador. He did both. Now leading both CG and King of the Mountains
 Le Tour - Robin O'Reliant
A week to go and some tough stages, but it's his to lose now. He's got another time trial stage where he should gain more time on Contador.
 Another killed - -
 Another killed - Zero
right outside brompies office.
 Another killed - Bromptonaut
>> right outside brompies office

Came down Southampton Row/Kingsway about 35 mins before it happened this morning.

More here: including a picture of the aftermath.

That section west of Proctor St before the station, where High Holborn goes one way, and traffic is sequencing itself to go left, right or straight on at the Kingsway lights requires care by a cyclist. I go through every day turning right into S'oton Row then dodging via Museum and Malet St to appraoch Euston on west side

Apart from the big Crossrail site in Fisher St there's any number of building projects in area.

A truck rounding the curve from Proctor St or worse, coming from Gray's Inn and crossing to turn right by the station could easily take out an unlucky/unwary cyclist. There are 40-50 riders through that junction on each light sequence at peak - no excuse for claiming you didn't know they were about and taking extra care.
 Another killed - Bromptonaut
HH still closed to motor traffic west of Grays Inn Rd at 16:30. Cyclists were allowed at least as far as Red Lion St.

 Another killed - Kevin
Six motorcyclists have been killed on Hampshire roads in the last week. (Basingstoke Gazette)
 Another killed - Bromptonaut
Yesterday's accident was the third cyling fatal in London in as many weeks. There was a car hit/run in Loampit Vale Lewisham in late June and the French lass killed on Boris Bike near Aldgate. The latter also involved a tip/skip vehicle.

London Cycling Campaign are holding a protest ride tonight

I'm not a great fan of LCC who've been hi-jacked by the 'seperate provision' fanatics to the virtual exclusion of vehicular cycling. I'm hoping to go along though provided I can get another family member to collect the 'lingo which is with Tony Brooks (Cit Indy) for its 140k service.
 Another killed - Ted

Another sad day......

 Another killed - BobbyG
I have started cycling the commute again in preparation for a sponsored cycle ride on 31 August.
I happened to come across some videos on youtube of some nutter on a bike in London and although its hard to judge speeds etc with the helmet cam, it struck me that he was going full on for every maneouvre, every possibility etc - there was very little margin for error.

I ride totally different, I am always aware of whats going on around me, wear hi-vis, don't jump lights etc.

No idea at this stage what caused the accident in Manchester but there definitely is an argument that says that cyclists and vehicles can't share the same space safely.
 Drivers to become automatically liable? - Crankcase
Our local MP is proposing that in any given collision between a cyclist and a car, the car driver should automatically be liable unless it can be proved otherwise. He is also proposing to bring it up at the LibDem Conference next month with a view to getting it adopted as policy.

I'd like to say "you read it here first" but I bet others around the country are proposing something similar.

Link to Cambridge News.

Last edited by: Crankcase on Thu 8 Aug 13 at 14:14
 Drivers to become automatically liable? - Focusless
Reported yesterday in DM:

"Now Lib Dems want drivers blamed for every crash with a cyclist and fined if a car strays into a bike lane"
Last edited by: Focusless on Thu 8 Aug 13 at 14:17
 Drivers to become automatically liable? - SteelSpark
It doesn't seem to be official Lib Dem policy, just an idea tabled by a single MP (seems to be Julian Hippert, the one who claimed he was being bullied by other MPs).

>> "Now Lib Dems want drivers blamed for every crash with a cyclist and fined if
>> a car strays into a bike lane"

Now Julian Hippert wants drivers blamed for every crash with a cyclist...

Doesn't have the same ring, does it?
Last edited by: SteelSpark on Thu 8 Aug 13 at 14:29
 Drivers to become automatically liable? - Crankcase
Huppert, dear boy, Huppert. Rhymes with, oh I don't know, Muppert?

 Drivers to become automatically liable? - Focusless
Not a new idea:
not DM :)
 Drivers to become automatically liable? - Crankcase
Aside from the slightly annoying designation of "The UK" as a country, I genuinely didn't know this:

The UK is one of only five European countries that do not currently have the law, known as "strict liability".

Thanks for the link. Interesting.

 Drivers to become automatically liable? - Armel Coussine
I've heard this sanctimonious idea from quite a few people who ought to know better.

Cycle lanes painted on the road are designed to be driven over. If they weren't they wouldn't just be painted on but separated by a kerb. Many such lanes are too narrow to be any use anyway.

If bicycles can't be segregated from motor vehicles they are simply at risk a lot of the time. Perhaps they should be banned from the roadway and made to ride on pavements or footpaths, which many do anyway. Then they could automatically be held liable for collisions with pedestrians unless the peds were proved to be at fault.

I've saved the lives of a good few half-witted kamikaze invisible carphounds on bikes. Best response I've ever had is a moronic resentful pout. And if just one of them had succeeded in riding under the front of my car my life would have been made a misery. Stupid twits, some of them. And cycling is fashionable, so they are breeding and multiplying. Perhaps something could be put in their energy water to lower their fertility. Something of the sort needs to be done.
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Thu 8 Aug 13 at 15:20
 Drivers to become automatically liable? - Robin O'Reliant
As someone who until fairly recently was a lifelong cyclist I have to say that if the average standard of driving was the same as the average standard of cycling the road death totals would be horrifying. It's only a minority of cyclists who are dangerous loons, but sadly it is quite a large minority.

I gave up riding mass participation events known as Cyclo Sportives a few years back because the antics of many riders was simply embarrassing. And I'm sure I'm not the only long term cyclist who thinks that the current cycling boom has been a pain in the 'arris, the whole thing was much better when it was a minority pursuit. People knew how to handle their bikes before the "New Golf" brigade took over.
 Drivers to become automatically liable? - SteelSpark
>> As someone who until fairly recently was a lifelong cyclist

Sorry to hear of your passing.

How is the internet connection up there?
 Drivers to become automatically liable? - Robin O'Reliant

>> How is the internet connection up there?


And that wasn't me who put the scowl, I can take a joke.
 Drivers to become automatically liable? - SteelSpark
>> Angelic.

Good to hear.

>> And that wasn't me who put the scowl, I can take a joke.

Perhaps somebody found it offensive to suggest that they'd ever let you into Heaven ;)
 Drivers to become automatically liable? - Robin O'Reliant
>> Perhaps somebody found it offensive to suggest that they'd ever let you into Heaven ;)

My idea of heaven is a weekend in Brighton with Peaches Geldof.
 Drivers to become automatically liable? - zippy
>>Perhaps they should be banned from the roadway and made to ride
>> on pavements or footpaths, which many do anyway. Then they could automatically be held liable

Why is it that motorists always seem to want cyclists of the roads. It seems to be the same with horses.

Both horses and cycles were around well before cars and therefore would seem to have more of a case to use the road than cars!
 Drivers to become automatically liable? - sooty123
>> >>Perhaps they should be banned from the roadway and made to ride
>> >> on pavements or footpaths, which many do anyway. Then they could automatically be held
>> liable
>> Why is it that motorists always seem to want cyclists of the roads. It seems
>> to be the same with horses.
>> Both horses and cycles were around well before cars and therefore would seem to have
>> more of a case to use the road than cars!

And people walking were around well before we rode horse and bicycles, thus having more of a case perhaps they should be invited unto the roads too.
 Drivers to become automatically liable? - CGNorwich
"thus having more of a case perhaps they should be invited unto the roads too."

Walkers don't have to be invited onto the road they have an absolute right to be there along with horses and bicycles. Doesn't take much effort to slow down and give vulnerable road users a wide berth.
 Drivers to become automatically liable? - sooty123
>> "thus having more of a case perhaps they should be invited unto the roads too."
>> Walkers don't have to be invited onto the road they have an absolute right to
>> be there along with horses and bicycles. Doesn't take much effort to slow down and
>> give vulnerable road users a wide berth.

Don't worry CGN I wasn't serious, merely responding in kind.
 Drivers to become automatically liable? - Armel Coussine
>> Doesn't take much effort to slow down and
>> give vulnerable road users a wide berth.

Actually CGN it takes more and more effort as more and more none-too-competent cyclists flood the roads, often flaunting their vulnerability like goddam bullfighters.

The sooner the damn things and their suicidal pilots are segregated from proper traffic the better.
 Drivers to become automatically liable? - zippy
>>The sooner the damn things and their suicidal pilots are segregated from proper traffic the better.

I know what you mean. On the way home tonight in dimming light (9PM) a black bike with a cyclist wearing black with no lights went right across the mini roundabout that I was already on.

Nevertheless cyclists are vulnerable. Hitting one is not the same as hitting a car. The results are likely to be much more serious.

Until segregated paths exist then drivers need to be careful around cyclists.

(In The Netherlands I noticed that many roads had totally segregated cycle paths and they appeared to be widely used.)
 Drivers to become automatically liable? - CGNorwich
I suppose I'm lucky AC. Living in a very boring, inconsequential and uncomfortable sort of place I don't seem to encounter the sort of problems that so enrage you. Perhaps you should move to this neck of the woods. :-)
 Drivers to become automatically liable? - Armel Coussine
>> the sort of problems that so enrage you

Really CGN, who said anything about rage? They're a great nuisance and you have to pussyfoot round them and keep an eye open for the loose cannons among them. But you wouldn't want one messing up the underside of your motor would you? I'm a reasonable man. Haven't quite dome one in yet.

And do stop going on about Norwich. It's probably all right when you know a few natives. Even the most forbidding places can be.
 Red Lights - A Confession - Bromptonaut
Over many years on my old commute from Euston to Lincoln's Inn/Chancery Lane I'd cured myself of the red light jumping habit. I don't mean blatant barging through stuff but rather the sneaky kerbside turn or ignoring over long all red pedestrian phase. The only gain was to get to the red light it was unsafe to jump a few seconds sooner.

I'm afraid riding to new office in Westminster I've relapsed. At three locations either crossing or joining a major thoroughfare I'm finding either the bike won't trigger the lights (Strand) or I'm staring at an empty road with traffic held at a another red further back (High Holborn and Bloomsbury Way). Nip through on strength of observation as I would without the benefit of the lights.

If I get caught by a Copper I'll just have to pay the fine but no harm is being done to anyone and I'm perfectly safe.

Just like car drivers speeding.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Fri 6 Sep 13 at 19:58
 Red Lights - A Confession - Ted

Coming out of the City at 1630 today I really got the irrits with a cyclist . I was in the inside lane at the front of the queue when the lights changed to green. He shot past me on the inside and proceeded to pedal along in front of me. I couldn't pass him 'cos of heavy traffic on my offside.

He had a perfectly clear, dedicated cycle lane on his left, even separated from the road by a kerb and fence. Why the hell didn't he use it ?

I caught him later blocking a queue of cars going up the inside of a load waiting to turn right !

He beat me three miles to the junction where I turned off but then I didn't jump any of the 9 sets of lights on the way. Nor would he have if he was carrying a trolley jack, jump leads, tool box and compressor as I was ! day he won't be so lucky as to have motorists keeping him alive !

 Red Lights - A Confession - swiss tony
>> He had a perfectly clear, dedicated cycle lane on his left, even separated from the
>> road by a kerb and fence. Why the hell didn't he use it ?

Why the hell should he?
He has a legal right to use the road.... (idiot cyclist....!)
 Red Lights - A Confession - No FM2R
Have you noticed how a London cyclists needs a good 4 - 5ft width of road when he's cycling along, but when he's undertaking you he can do it in about 18in?
 Red Lights - A Confession - Bromptonaut
>> Have you noticed how a London cyclists needs a good 4 - 5ft width of
>> road when he's cycling along, but when he's undertaking you he can do it in
>> about 18in?

Being clipped by a car doing thirty is a very different experience from clipping one at walking pace.

Filtering down the inside at more than walking pace is a mugs game though. Aside from the usual gutter hazards of rubbish, poor surface, slippy thermoplastic paint etc you're vulnerable to doors opening or peds stepping off the pavement.

Much more sensible to filter on the offside where people expect overtakers to be and you've got time/space to deal with pedestrians who don't look.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Sat 7 Sep 13 at 08:50
 Red Lights - A Confession - Armel Coussine
>> I caught him later blocking a queue of cars going up the inside of a load waiting to turn right !

If I have understood you Ted, I got one of those in the Smoke today or yesterday. Not on the Islington ridge, whose road is narrow, with bends, many speed bumps and chicanes, so narrow that the cycle lane takes up half the carriageway in each direction and has to be 'shared': cars have to get past cyclists without killing them, and they often can't. I must have gone up or down it three or four times in the last 48 hours. At bicycle speed basically.

No, it was at a big roundabout somewhere else: a goddam cyclist intending to turn right on the nearside instead o in the middle of the road! So everyone had to wait for the carphound.

Of course he was nothing compared to the mimsing waddling half-asleep obstructive mumhumpers driving cars and even vans. People doing 40 in 60 limits or even 35. Only when it got dark and we reached actual Sussex did things free up a bit.

I have many other moans and complaints but I won't burden you with them. There's enough misery on this site already. But this nursery piddling driving, generally accepted these days it seems - even approved and applauded - does depress the hell out of a chap. 'Not the end of the world,' herself says soothingly. 'I know! I know!' I reply in a semi-hysterical scream. 'Look at that! Absolute (lady's front bottom)! Where do they find these people?'
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Fri 6 Sep 13 at 23:01
 Red Lights - A Confession - Bromptonaut
>> He had a perfectly clear, dedicated cycle lane on his left, even separated from the
>> road by a kerb and fence. Why the hell didn't he use it ?

Not exactly in the farcilitiy class Ted but it's (a) v narrow for a two way bike lane (b) requires cyclist to give way to motor vehicles at every junction*. It's also, as the streetmap picture shows, subject to incursion by pedestrians.

A cyclist wanting to make progress might well use the road.

*Giving the cycle lane priority is no panacea. Drivers find the observation required difficult, understandably so when both road and bike lane are busy - see the Tavistock Way route in London.
 Red Lights - A Confession - Alanovich


That's the first Google streetview screenshot I've seen with raindrops on the camera lens. Ah, Manchester.
 Red Lights - A Confession - L'escargot
In our town, cyclists never jump red lights ~ they all ride on the pavement!
 Red Lights - A Confession - Armel Coussine
>> like car drivers speeding.

... or jumping red lights in the same spirit. A lot of people do it perfectly safely. I do.

But the onus is on the jumper to get it right. You'd feel a frightful prat if you jumped one deliberately and caused an accident. You'd be in trouble too.
 Red Lights - A Confession - corax
>> But the onus is on the jumper to get it right. You'd feel a frightful
>> prat if you jumped one deliberately and caused an accident. You'd be in trouble too.

I got three points for running a red light with camera by 0.8s. Damn I thought. Fast forward to around three years and the points soon to become invalid. Then I did it again at the same traffic lights. Another three points.

Well it keeps up the tally you see.

They've changed the timing sequence now so it doesn't seem to catch you out in the same way.
Last edited by: corax on Sun 8 Sep 13 at 11:56
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