Non-motoring > Just for Rattle! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Roger. Replies: 20

 Just for Rattle! - Roger.
 Just for Rattle! - legacylad
Coincidentally I took my 95yo Aunt for F & C at Yeadon today. We watched some interesting arrivals after lunch when it was still blustery. Almost as interesting as my departure ex Innsbruck last week with Austrian Arrows. Nice mountain up close views, well worth requesting a window seat.
 Just for Rattle! - Armel Coussine
I was in a Viscount, some sort of propjet, that landed sideways like that - but perhaps not as sideways as that - at Belfast in the sixties. The aircraft fishtailed down half the runway before the pilot got it running straight enough to apply reverse thrust, and the final braking was a bit hairy and almost off the end of the runway.
 Just for Rattle! - lancara
More his style:
 Just for Rattle! - sherlock47
More his style:

Maybe a new opportunity for a '5 Mile long club'?
Last edited by: pmh on Fri 19 Apr 13 at 08:12
 Just for Rattle! - Crankcase
I've never heard the word "onesie" before. If it hadn't been for the pictures of what looks like some sort of tracksuit I wouldn't have known what it was. Are you supposed to sleep in it? I think that would feel very constricting.
 Just for Rattle! - Zero
You missed the "onesie" thread?

 Just for Rattle! - Crankcase
Must have done. I'll have a trawl.

Don't miss many threads here, how sad is that. Perhaps I should do an iffy and get my life back.
 Just for Rattle! - hawkeye

"See it all! Wobbly plane coming sideways into Emley Moor,.."

When did they build an airport at Emley Moor ?

 Just for Rattle! - AnotherJohnH

>> "See it all! Wobbly plane coming sideways into Emley Moor,.."

>> When did they build an airport at Emley Moor ?

perhaps they stopped using it when they knocked the old mast down (and blamed the ice)
 Just for Rattle! - Zero
Report on the collapse

But this this one is now in the way
 Just for Rattle! - sherlock47
AnotherJohnH - perhaps closer to the truth than you thought?

Maybe they knew something!

"The BBC reported in July 2006 that for up to two weeks it would broadcast analogue and digital signals at a lower power than usual, or shut down between 0900 and 1500 BST on weekdays from late July until 4 August to allow aircraft warning lights to be fitted and repairs carried out." (Wikipedia)
 Just for Rattle! - Bromptonaut
>> "The BBC reported in July 2006 that for up to two weeks it would broadcast
>> analogue and digital signals at a lower power than usual, or shut down between 0900
>> and 1500 BST on weekdays from late July until 4 August to allow aircraft warning
>> lights to be fitted and repairs carried out." (Wikipedia)

They must have been replacement aircraft warnnig lights. The mast in both it's pre 69 and later forms were visible from my primary school and it's surrounds. A cone of red lights delineated it's shape in darkness.
 Just for Rattle! - Bromptonaut
>> When did they build an airport at Emley Moor ?

Indeed. Has anyone noticed the remarkable resemblance between Ms Moor and Leeds Bradford International (aka Yeadon) Airport?

Are they by any chance related.
 Just for Rattle! - Dog
Any Tom, Dick, or Harriet could land a modern fly-by-wire plane in those conditions.

Pilots these days are little-more than machine minders IMO

 Just for Rattle! - Fursty Ferret
>> Any Tom, Dick, or Harriet could land a modern fly-by-wire plane in those conditions.
>> Pilots these days are little-more than machine minders IMO
>> :-))

Meh. I can make it seem difficult on a nice calm day.
 Just for Rattle! - Dog
Hehe! I thought you would find that amusing Fursty.

 Just for Rattle! - Stuartli
>> Any Tom, Dick, or Harriet could land a modern fly-by-wire plane in those conditions.
Pilots these days are little-more than machine minders IMO :-))>>

Been in small six to 12 seater aircraft in such conditions when landing and turning the plane sideways on the approach (depending on the wind direction) is common. The first time I experienced it was when we were landing at Newcastle and, to a man, we applauded the pilot's skill after we had got down safely.
 Just for Rattle! - helicopter
Madeira is the place for buttock clenching landings ....... see attached.

The runway which is on a mountainside also used to be very much shorter , now extended out over the sea on pile supports.....
 Just for Rattle! - Zero
>> Madeira is the place for buttock clenching landings ....... see attached.
>> The runway which is on a mountainside also used to be very much shorter ,
>> now extended out over the sea on pile supports.....

I was quite disappointed, when I went it was a very mundane landing. Gibraltar is much better, that is very short!
 Just for Rattle! - helicopter
I have flown into Gib many times Z. It is quite difficult due to wind shear off the rock and the short landing strip.

SWMBO and I used to go sailing from there and our boat was moored in Shepards Yard which was close to the end of the runway..... look left at the end of the clip to see how close.... many memories of happy times there but that was twenty / thirty years ago now.
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