Non-motoring > Boston marathon explosions Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Fursty Ferret Replies: 62

 Boston marathon explosions - Fursty Ferret
Looking increasingly like a terrorist attack if the news is to be believed. Suppose it was only a matter of time.
 Boston marathon explosions - zookeeper
YEAH.. poor souls
 Boston marathon explosions - Zero
Video here

Smallish device from the look of it, badly timed too, Looks amateurish.
 Boston marathon explosions - Armel Coussine
>> Smallish device from the look of it, badly timed too, Looks amateurish.

Those are the best (least bad) ones as a rule. So, good.

People who do things like that, even inefficiently, are damn monkeys in my book whatever they may be claiming.
 Boston marathon explosions - Dog
“whatsoever a man soweth, that he shall also reap”.
 Boston marathon explosions - Armel Coussine
Whosoever diggeth a pit
Shall fall in it
Fall in it
Yes whosoever diggeth a pit
Shall bury in it!
Bury in it!

(Bob Marley in Biblical and sanctimonious mode)

But I mean, poor innocent health freaks and spectators maimed without warning... lousy behaviour.
 Boston marathon explosions - Stuu
Lets hope all the injured pull through. Awful business, reminds you how vunerable we still are to such things.
 Boston marathon explosions - Harleyman
>> “whatsoever a man soweth, that he shall also reap”.

Harsh but interesting perspective from a former Army colleague, a native of Belfast;

"Maybe the residents of Boston will think back and remember that the money they gave to Noraid had exactly the same effect 25 years ago in Belfast.
Not a nice feeling eh !!!"

Two wrongs have never made a right but it's easy to see where he's coming from.

Other comments I've noted concern the gun lobby; people saying that this incident proves that banning or controlling firearms will not curb mass killings. Again, one has to wonder; would the nutters substitute bombs for bullets?

I hold no brief for either argument BTW.
 Boston marathon explosions - Cliff Pope

>> Two wrongs have never made a right but it's easy to see where he's coming
>> from.

He's not saying two wrongs make a right - he's saying two wrongs make an even bigger wrong, and that some of the good people of Boston might perhaps have unwittingly been part of it.
 Boston marathon explosions - Old Navy
Another twist I heard reported this morning was that there was some sort of tribute to the 26 victims of a recent school massacre at the 26 mile point, just short of the finish line. Some of the families were victims of one of the explosions.
 Boston marathon explosions - Harleyman

>> He's not saying two wrongs make a right - he's saying two wrongs make an
>> even bigger wrong, and that some of the good people of Boston might perhaps have
>> unwittingly been part of it.

 Boston marathon explosions - Harleyman
Bombs in Boston, now an earthquake in Iran.

Proof that God IS an American?
 Boston marathon explosions - Dutchie
Last week in Afghanistan 12 children and four women where killed by a air attack.

Hardly mentioned in the news.Live is cheap.
 Boston marathon explosions - Harleyman
>> Last week in Afghanistan 12 children and four women where killed by a air attack.
>> Hardly mentioned in the news.Live is cheap.

Big news is reporting the exception Dutchie, not the routine norm. :(
 Boston marathon explosions - Dog
It was reported by RT, but I don't think the Zionist media bothered to mention it.
 Boston marathon explosions - Zero
>> Bombs in Boston, now an earthquake in Iran.
>> Proof that God IS an American?

Clearly God is more powerful than Allah.
 Boston marathon explosions - Bromptonaut
>> Clearly God is more powerful than Allah.

Surely those are just different trading names of the same corporation......

(waits for personalised thunderbolt)
 Boston marathon explosions - Zero
NO? Really? you'll be telling me there is only one god next.
 Boston marathon explosions - Roger.
I wonder what it is in the human psyche, which over the ages, has made it necessary to invent deities, from sacred groves, mountains to sky fairies?
Why does the human intelligence feel it must bow down and worship an imaginary entity supposedly superior to itself?
Is it the biggest inferiority complex ever?
 Boston marathon explosions - Runfer D'Hills
>>I wonder what it is in the human psyche...

It's the anthropomorphing of the basic convenience of following a form of localised moral code and the justification of otherwise difficult to justify activities in the name of a senior and unchallengeable figure.

I think anyway.
 Boston marathon explosions - NortonES2
God squad: job opportunities for pedlars of plausible doctrine. Even implausible: there's always a market:)
 Boston marathon explosions - Cliff Pope

>> Why does the human intelligence feel it must bow down and worship an imaginary entity
>> supposedly superior to itself?

Even stranger, why, having invented one's deity, can people not imagine that other people might not have likewise invented their own deities?

And how can an invented deity be superior anyway?
 Boston marathon explosions - movilogo
God was invented by priests in ancient world when human mind did make enough progress in science to explain events like rain, flood, earthquake, birth etc.

Priests also induced fear of God to common people so that they can make them do whatever they say.
 Boston marathon explosions - Roger.
>> God was invented by priests in ancient world when human mind did make enough progress
>> in science to explain events like rain, flood, earthquake, birth etc.
>> Priests also induced fear of God to common people so that they can make them
>> do whatever they say.

.....and gratefully seized upon by robber barons/kings/emperors/presidents/dictators et al, to screw and subjugate the peasants, ie most people, (to this day!)
 Boston marathon explosions - Dog
Forgive them Father, they know not what they do say.

 Boston marathon explosions - Bromptonaut
>> NO? Really? you'll be telling me there is only one god next.

Missed the irony switch. I was developing your point not correcting it.
 Boston marathon explosions - Armel Coussine
Big clouds of smoke (bombs using military explosive don't make much) and police statement tend to back the feeling that the bombs and the occasion were typical of home-grown white 'terrorism'. Alleged ball bearing jobs placed in litter bins. The helicopter shot being shown repeatedly last night did show a lot of blood.

Damn monkeys. Deserve to be tortured to death on TV.
 Boston marathon explosions - No FM2R
I think Americans don't understand the point of terrorism. Success is not killing/maiming people, after all 200 out of 200 million is nothing.

Causing fear and disruption to 200 million people, causing their politicians to panic, disrupting their lifestyle and economy, and making them worry about you - priceless.

So this huge reaction, the publicity, the speeches, the overtime, the chest beating, the security in airports etc etc., is all playing into the hands of the terrorists.

Albeit that in this case I rather suspect it is more likely to be homegrown nutters, than international terrorists.
 Boston marathon explosions - zookeeper
reap what you sow.....NORAID..
 Boston marathon explosions - No FM2R
>>reap what you sow.....NORAID

Do you know which of the victims in particular was supporting Northern Ireland oriented violence? Or should they all accept being injured because one of them had previously offered such support, or do you mean that even though none of them had offered any such support, they still deserved to suffer retribution because they live in a city where some other people did support NI oriented violence?

Or are you just full of it?
 Boston marathon explosions - Zero
>> I think Americans don't understand the point of terrorism.

They have no experience of it. Or rather they do but its all relatively recent, so they have never got used to handling it.

>> Albeit that in this case I rather suspect it is more likely to be homegrown
>> nutters, than international terrorists.

They dont class "home grown nutters" as terrorists. You need to be a "rag head" to be one of them.
Last edited by: Zero on Tue 16 Apr 13 at 20:29
 Boston marathon explosions - zookeeper
i think Boston understand it very well....
 Boston marathon explosions - zookeeper
there were more leprecauns in boston shaking the tin in the 70s/80s than the whole of Dublin
 Boston marathon explosions - Zero
>> i think Boston understand it very well....

No, they don't, they had no idea what it meant. If they did they would not have been sending funds "for the boys" for all that time.
 Boston marathon explosions - zookeeper
anyway.. my monies on home grown nutjobs for this one.....
 Boston marathon explosions - Bromptonaut
>> anyway.. my monies on home grown nutjobs for this one.....

Almost certainly. Too basic for any even vaguely professional outfit.
 Boston marathon explosions - zookeeper
yeah, no calling card
 Boston marathon explosions - Armel Coussine
Pressure cookers were used as bomb casings it is now being said, an implement once commonly found in British kitchens - we had one in the fifties - but now according to some news channel 'widely used in North Africa and the Middle East'.

Make a nice little bomb actually, a pressure cooker with or without nails, ball bearings etc. Nice. I mean nasty.

They must know what the explosive charge was by now.
 Boston marathon explosions - sooty123
All sorts of vessels are used for IEDs. As AC aludes to cooking pots are still used now as casings for them. The explosion on the video looked quite small to me, by the flames looked home made and not by someone who has made a lot. No doubt a timing device used rather than command operated, much easier to make their escape. They would no doubt have easily found where the route and timings were, so little need to hang about.
Looks outside an office, probably a bin or smokers area to camoflage the device was used.
Last edited by: sooty123 on Tue 16 Apr 13 at 22:01
 Boston marathon explosions - zippy
Just watching the news. It appears that the number of doctors and medics on site for the marathon prevented many more deaths are they were able to triage many of the casualties and stop a lot of the bleeding.

Makes me sick that people blow up others!
 Boston marathon explosions - Zero
There are man made bombs, and there are man made bombs. Apparently storing large quantities of ammonia and nitrogen based fertilisers was deemed to not be a fire risk

This short clip has made me think about how, where and when I film stuff.
 Boston marathon explosions - Ambo
If I heard the tail end of a news item correctly, a suspect has been shot dead by the police. A shame he couldn't just have been disabled, so that the backgound to the atrocity could perhaps have been examined.
 Boston marathon explosions - Zero
they are chasing down alive suspect no 2. Suspect no 1 shot a copper dead and was throwing hand made grenades at them, so I guess they didn't have much choice.
 Boston marathon explosions - Dog
Perps believed to have originated from the Chechnya area of Russia:
 Interesting perspective on US thinking! - Zero
The US authorities plan to interview the surviving perp without reading him his Miranda rights.

Republican Senators John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina have argued Tsarnaev should be treated as an "enemy combatant", meaning he would not be entitled to the same legal rights as a criminal defendant.

Funny how someone who kills and maims kids in their school (killing more than the bombers did) with guns is just a criminal defendant getting legal criminal rights....
 Interesting perspective on US thinking! - Armel Coussine
Today's comic claims that the elder brother Tamerlan - a name with a ring to it in Central Asia - following a visit of several months back home to Chechnya, on his return was praying five times a day and being unprecedentedly 'rude' to coaches and others in the boxing gym... a talented boxer the comic also said.

What on earth was the FBI doing not noticing this change in behaviour and sticking a beacon to the guy's back? Trouble with free societies is no one gives a damn. A guy is entitled to get a bit religious and adopt a new abrasive attitude in formerly agreeable social relations. We don't want big brother or J Edgar Hoover at his most sinister but we don't want crazed Islamist toerags either. But can't really have it both ways.
 Interesting perspective on US thinking! - henry k
Interesting perspective on US thinking!
Watching UK programmes on police chases the thermal images from a chopper are regularly used to locate quite a few runners.
I have not seen any indication that the US guys used this tool but rather they tried the on foot method.Tthere was mention of a Black Hawk chopper around but was that just for show?
 Interesting perspective on US thinking! - BobbyG
The clip I saw on TV seemed to indicate a helicopter was giving a running commentary and had detected his movement under the boat.
 Interesting perspective on US thinking! - henry k
>> The clip I saw on TV seemed to indicate a helicopter was giving a running
>> commentary and had detected his movement under the boat.
 Interesting perspective on US thinking! - sooty123
Possibly not, I saw quite a few national guard knocking about. >> Interesting perspective on US thinking!

>> Watching UK programmes on police chases the thermal images from a chopper are regularly used
>> to locate quite a few runners.
>> I have not seen any indication that the US guys used this tool but rather
>> they tried the on foot method.Tthere was mention of a Black Hawk chopper around but
>> was that just for show?
 Interesting perspective on US thinking! - BobbyG
Was he already on FBI radar? If not, how would they detect change of behaviour?
 Interesting perspective on US thinking! - Fullchat
All down to 'Intelligence'. If snippets start to come in then people get flagged up on the radar. If not then they can go about their activities.
 Rehabilitation for Victims - zippy
I have been reading that many victims of the bombs will not be covered by medical insurance after the initial care is given and therefore may have difficulty getting artificial limbs or therapy to help them walk again.

If true then it is potentially devastating for them but as I understand it donations are flooding in for some of the victims who are media savvy.

I hope they get all the help and support that they need.

In times like this I am glad of the NHS!
 Rehabilitation for Victims - Ambo
Every sympathy but Bostononians might recall that they have been the source of much of the money that financed IRA terrorist attacks on Brits.
 Rehabilitation for Victims - NortonES2
Not that I condone terrorist attacks, but where do you think the UDA et al got their weapons, cash and information to organise and fund attacks north and south of the border? Does the source of the funding for Czech hand grenades mean that the residents of Belfast and London should expect terrorist attacks from any quarter?
Last edited by: NIL on Mon 22 Apr 13 at 09:41
 Bomber charged - sherlock47
from the BBC - has been charged with conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction and could face a death sentence.

WMD now includes the use of pressure cookers, so maybe Blair can be excused?
Last edited by: pmh on Tue 23 Apr 13 at 15:29
 Bomber charged - No FM2R
Did they actually add a law to their statute book covering weapons of mass destruction? In which case I wonder how they define it, given that the lawyers first move will be to argue that its not one and so he can't be charged with it.

I suspect that's not what he's actually charged with, that's just a description of what he did.

But who knows, they're weird enough...
 Bomber charged - Armel Coussine
It can certainly be argued that shrapnel bombs placed in a crowd are weapons of mass destruction.

If those things had gone off at head height or a bit above they might have killed scores of people.

I had no idea the FBI had been monitoring these people for years when I asked earlier in this thread what on earth they thought they were doing. I just thought they ought to be monitoring them. Now seems they were, but alas to no important effect.
 Bomber charged - Armel Coussine
One of the things the late Tamerlan is alleged to have done was to get up and start yelling at the Imam in the mosque. Wasn't clear to me whether that was in central Asia or the US, but either way it would make me prick up my ears if I were responsible for security in any country. It's archetypal PITA Islamist stuff, a sign of impending insanity.
 Bomber charged - Bromptonaut
>> Did they actually add a law to their statute book covering weapons of mass destruction?

I think that's right Mark - federal law too.

Yesterday it was being reported that death penalty was not an option as it's not on statutes in MA. By today he was charged with a Federal offence and being topped was back on agenda.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Tue 23 Apr 13 at 20:22
 Anybody Interested in Conspiracy Theories? - Meldrew
 Boston marathon explosions - henry k
Boat owner on finding Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Body of student falsely accused of Boston attacks possibly found
 Boston marathon explosions - movilogo

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