Non-motoring > Six Nations.... Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 27

 Six Nations.... - R.P.
What a game eh ?.....
 Six Nations.... - Armel Coussine
Oh do stop it.
 Six Nations.... - PhilW
Wales were magnificent - England never got in to it.
Mind you, I'm amazed how the best pack in the Six Nations on previous showings (and against NZ in the Autumn) suddenly became the worst. Mostly to do with the excellence of Wales, but did Walsh have anything to do with it?
Last edited by: PhilW on Sat 16 Mar 13 at 19:22
 Six Nations.... - Armel Coussine
He did award a lot of penalties against England.

But England missed a lot of passes and were thin in defence on the left wing letting that ugly sheepshagger get two tries, or was it three? A depressing spectacle.
 Six Nations.... - R.P.
As a friend pointed out - let's hope they don't do a DNA test on Welsh was a very good game - very fast - Wales have been patchy with flashes of brilliance all through the championship - this game was one sided all the way through in reality - there was deep psychology at play from the start - shutting the stadium roof amplifies the sounds there 10 fold - guess that had a bearing.
 Six Nations.... - Harleyman
there was deep psychology at play from the start
>> - shutting the stadium roof amplifies the sounds there 10 fold - guess that had
>> a bearing.

Realistically, it should not at this level.
 Six Nations.... - R.P.
Human nature though HM. Say that to anyone who's faced a Hacka !
 Six Nations.... - Harleyman
Mostly to do with the
>> excellence of Wales, but did Walsh have anything to do with it?

If the margin had been considerably narrower then I might've been persuaded.

As it was, the best team won deservedly, by dint of having a better and more disciplined pack, a captain who may well come to rank as one of the all-time greats, and simply because they wanted it more than England did.

I avoid criticising refs; get enough of that every time Wales lose. ;-)
 Six Nations.... - Runfer D'Hills
I suppose anyone could have felt sorry for the English.

Hello? Anyone?

 Six Nations.... - Harleyman
>> I suppose anyone could have felt sorry for the English.

I don't. Had they lost by a whisker, perhaps; but they were comprehensively routed. As it was twelve of the fifteen might as well have spent the day fishing in the river Taff, though if they're as good at catching fish as they are at catching rugby balls I don't hold out much hope for them.
 Six Nations.... - Runfer D'Hills
 Six Nations.... - R.P.
There was a certain arrogance - there was a post match interview with the England captain after their first win - "Nothing stands between us and the Grand Slam now". Only a small nation on pugnacious trolls mate.
 Six Nations.... - Londoner
Spare a thought for me. English by birth (and proud of it), Irish by background (ditto).
Today England deservedly trounced by Wales in one game, and Ireland lose for the first time ever to Italy. :-(
 Six Nations.... - R.P.
That seems to have been a good match - meant to watch it but other things were happening.

Italy are very up and coming - they gave a good show last week
 Six Nations.... - Harleyman
There's an analogy with Sri Lanka in cricket... a joke side for some years, but now very much a force to be reckoned with.

Nobody takes a win against the Azzuri as a given these days. Indeed, England were fortunate not to lose last week.
 Six Nations.... - Ian (Cape Town)
>> and Ireland lose for the first
>> time ever to Italy. :-(

Italy have beaten Ireland on four occasions.
However, yesterday's result as the first in the Six Nations.

*pedant mode off*

The only sides Italy have never beaten are OZ, NZ, SA and England.

Anyways, not a great start to the St Paddy's Day celebrations last night at the local Irish boozer. However, I'm sure that they made up for it.
 Six Nations.... - Armel Coussine
>> could have felt sorry for the English.

Not for them. About them though...
 Six Nations.... - Robin O'Reliant
I'd like to see a few rule changes in rugby.

They should allow the forward pass, which would make the game flow a little more. And perhaps use a round ball which would be easier to control. Then stop players from using their hands, it would make the game more skilful if they had to control the ball with only their feet. And it's ridiculously easy to score at the moment with players allowed to carry the ball over the touchline or kick it through those high posts, so why not just have smaller goals which the ball must go into for a point. They could have nets at the back so there would be no doubt as to whether the ball went in or not.

And I'm sure everyone would agree that cutting the number of players to 11 a side would make the game a lot faster too.
 Six Nations.... - Roger.
...............and more boring.
 Six Nations.... - Zero
>> What a game eh ?.....
Not really, but I suppose when, as a nation you are only half decent at two sports (one of them being darts) you have to crow over enthusiastically,

Scuse me, my Pastilla au poulet has just arrived

Alah Akbaaaaaaaaaaaa
 Six Nations.... - helicopter
Yea - I 'm having nightmares after that game ...very disappointed,the writing was on the wall after the poor show against Italy last week.

Enjoy your Morrocan chicken pie Zeddo - I assume you are somewhere in or near the Jamaa el Fna......and the Koutoubia Mosque.

If you get the chance - dine at the Pepe Nero ( if you can find it in the old town) , I can recommend it.
 Six Nations.... - Zero

>> Enjoy your Morrocan chicken pie Zeddo - I assume you are somewhere in or near
>> the Jamaa el Fna......and the Koutoubia Mosque.

Correctomundo, was in " huff-naaaa " on the roof terrace of the Cafe Glacier.

Chicken pie? yeah - kinda, but nothing like a pukka pie we get at home, and you dont get mint tea down the local chippy....

 Six Nations.... - helicopter
Cafe Glacier eh.....

Well I hope that you had a much better experience than SWMBO and I .......

Overpriced and poor service as I fact most all of the cafes and restaurants around the square are a rip off .... and we tried most of them .

.....I am afraid Marrakesh is all about ripping off the tourist - The Souks and old town are much too crowded with people and mopeds and too frantic for me .

You been ripped off by the taxi drivers yet where the agreed fare suddenly goes up 50% when you come to pay ? or ripped off in the souk ? or ripped off in the leather tanneries?

In fact do not go to the leather tanneries if your stomach is easily turned , the smell is disgusting.

 Six Nations.... - Zero
>> Cafe Glacier eh.....
>> Well I hope that you had a much better experience than SWMBO and I .......
>> Overpriced and poor service as I fact most all of the cafes and restaurants
>> around the square are a rip off .... and we tried most of them .

Wasnt my experience I seem to recall, seemed well populated by locals
>> .....I am afraid Marrakesh is all about ripping off the tourist - The Souks and
>> old town are much too crowded with people and mopeds and too frantic for me

Agreed its a place to rip off tourists, and the whole town can be scary traffic wise with the bikes and mopeds. But there is a technique, you just keep moving on your path, dont deviate, don't speed up or slow down and everyone drives round you. Souks are an overwhelming experience at first, but a cheery wave wave, a smile and a hand on heart with a "I am a poor man" words and gestures sees you right. Had some genuinely amusing times in there, bought two items we really wanted, and haggled hard and fair to get them. I guess being an east end land you can take the boy out of the market but not... etc.

>> You been ripped off by the taxi drivers yet where the agreed fare suddenly goes
>> up 50% when you come to pay ? or ripped off in the souk ?

I knew how to handle the taxis. The meter is never on, you tell them where you want to go, ask how much, and then haggle a fixed price up front before you leave. Suited me, suited them.

>> or ripped off in the leather tanneries?
>> In fact do not go to the leather tanneries if your stomach is easily turned
>> , the smell is disgusting.

Prior research ensured we never went anywhere near the leather tanneries.

I am really sorry you didn't like the place, it and the locals had much going for it if you approached it in the right frame of mind. And every food seller in the night market free for all said I was too thin and needed fattening up at their stall. You have to like people who say you are a bag of bones.
Last edited by: Zero on Mon 18 Mar 13 at 11:43
 Six Nations.... - Roger.
Tangier was "interesting" in the mid 1950s. ;-O
 Six Nations.... - Roger.
"Pastilla au poulet" - that's chicken pie, surely? Is it a Pukka pie, I wonder? :-)
 Six Nations.... - Londoner
>> "Pastilla au poulet" - that's chicken pie, surely? Is it a Pukka pie, I wonder?
>> :-)
Sure is! (and that is straight from the horse's mouth)
 Six Nations.... - Roger.
Neigh lad. :-)
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