Non-motoring > What would you do for cash? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Crankcase Replies: 30

 What would you do for cash? - Crankcase
I know that some here are perhaps not following the nine to five model, and everyone likes a little extra income.

I've found this for you, if you have an untapped talent.

I'm torn between coughing up a fiver for a 13 year old American to say anything I want in a cod "English" accent (it's truly dire) or having the manic David Bronstein, whoever he is, "pitch" something for me.

Interesting idea though - micropayments for microservices.
Last edited by: Crankcase on Thu 14 Feb 13 at 09:11
 What would you do for cash? - Zero
Already doing that, my train vids are paying me 75p a day for the adverts.....
 What would you do for cash? - Robin O'Reliant
It doesn't always work though.

My "I will talk dirty to bored housewives for £20 per hour" hasn't had any response yet.
 What would you do for cash? - sherlock47
Reminds me of the old joke

Chatting in a bar to an attractive 23 yr old girl, the apparently rich, but ageing, business man enquires as to whether she would have sex with him for a £1,000,000. Receiving an answer in the affirmative, he replies, " well now we have established the principle we can negotiate on the price".
 What would you do for cash? - No FM2R
>>Reminds me of the old joke.......

Absolutely. There isn't very much that I wouldn't do for sufficient cash.

"sufficient" is a very big word though.
 What would you do for cash? - Lygonos
>> There isn't very much that I wouldn't do for sufficient cash

Have your eyes and ears surgically destroyed for infinity cash?
 What would you do for cash? - CGNorwich
"Have your eyes and ears surgically destroyed"

Not on the NHS surely? I suppose Stafford Hospital might fix it though.
 What would you do for cash? - No FM2R
>>Have your eyes and ears surgically destroyed for infinity cash?

If I was dying of cancer and could leave the money to my family?
 What would you do for cash? - Zero
>> >>Have your eyes and ears surgically destroyed for infinity cash?
>> If I was dying of cancer and could leave the money to my family?

well you wont see it will you....
 What would you do for cash? - Lygonos
>> If I was dying of cancer and could leave the money to my family?

You're already dying of the cancer known as life.

Do you love them enough to lose your sight and hearing so they can have unlimited wealth right now?

I don't worship money that much, and I doubt giving my family limitless money would necessary help them all live long and fulfilling lives so I pass.
 What would you do for cash? - No FM2R
I think the point is, that there is little that I would not do under any circumstance. Note, that "little" is not the same as nothing.

You came up with a bizarre scenario, I came up with a situation where even that might work. I don't worship money at all, never mind "that much", but then i have a little. I suspect that the less you have the more your thoughts may change.

Especially if that lack of money goes hand in hand with a need.
 What would you do for cash? - Lygonos
Sir, I hope you are not accusing me of playing Devil's Advocate??

 What would you do for cash? - No FM2R
Sirrah, never.

Even he chooses his lawyer's carefully.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Thu 14 Feb 13 at 21:25
 What would you do for cash? - Mapmaker
>> Already doing that, my train vids are paying me 75p a day for the adverts.....

... less income tax at 20%.
 What would you do for cash? - Zero
>> >> Already doing that, my train vids are paying me 75p a day for the
>> adverts.....
>> ... less income tax at 20%.

Nope I have documented petrol and mileage bills
zero train vids inc is trading at a loss
 What would you do for cash? - Dog
Send me a fiver and I will show you how to claim social security benefits at all stages of your life.
 What would you do for cash? - zookeeper
ok dog.. gimme your bank details and the fiver will be on its way
 What would you do for cash? - Dog
Great minds think alike, beekeeper.

 What would you do for cash? - Bromptonaut
You can apparently get an attractive woman to pose as being 'in a relationship' on Facebook.
 What would you do for cash? - TheManWithNoName
For a fiver I will translate American English into proper English.
 What would you do for cash? - No FM2R
>>For a fiver I will translate American English into proper English

For a fiver I will translate American into English.
 What would you do for cash? - Armel Coussine
For a very substantial fee I might consider translating everything into Volapük. But it would cost such a lot that you would probably feel it wasn't worth it.
 What would you do for cash? - Runfer D'Hills
I think I could be persuaded to do almost anything, at least once anyway, which wasn't actually illegal or life threatening in return for sufficient cash never to have to work again.

Unless it involved having to drive an Espace of course.
 What would you do for cash? - bathtub tom
>>I think I could be persuaded to do almost anything, at least once anyway, which wasn't actually illegal or life threatening

Well, I'll be b*ggered! Or you in this case!
 What would you do for cash? - Runfer D'Hills
Heh heh ! Rather that than an Espace mind...

 What would you do for cash? - -
A previous employer of mine (wide boy) couldn't understand the idea that someone didn't have a price, as he was for sale he naturally assumed all others were too, no comprehension of honour or loyalty, sad little man.
 What would you do for cash? - Runfer D'Hills
This might be selective perception on my part and if it is I apologise, but I'm fairly convinced based on nothing more scientific than personal observation while queuing in the local Spar shop, that far more lottery tickets are, or seem to be, proportionately bought by those who appear at least, to be the most unable to afford them. Especially those scratch card ones for some reason.

I think I once heard it described as a tax on desperation or hopelessness or something.

 What would you do for cash? - legacylad
I partake of a lottery every week. My local has a weekly draw. For a £1 you choose any number between 1 & 50, buying as many numbers as you wish. If your number is drawn, you get 8 pints for the cost of that particular number per pint. The winner each week gets to nominate his prefered charity for the profit made from the draw.
Apart from my P Bonds, its the only gambling I do. Jolly good fun and beneficial for our local good causes.
 What would you do for cash? - Gromit
I trust those pints cost between 1 pound and 50p each? Winning the right to buy eight pints at 50 pounds each wouldn't be much of a prize :-)
 What would you do for cash? - Robin O'Reliant
I don't do the lottery because I find it a boring form of betting. An afternoon in front of the telly watching the four or five nags in your Yankee is much much more exciting.
 What would you do for cash? - legacylad
Just to clarify Gromit, the maximum you will pay, should you win, is 50p per pint. The minimum, 1p per pint. And if you are there for the draw at 7pm on a Monday, you get an extra 4 for a pound outlay, you could get 12 pints for a total of 12 pence. And if you don't win, then you can smugly think that profits are going to CRO* or whatever.
* Cave Rescue Org.
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