Motoring Discussion > Not wearing a seat belt - rear passenger risks Miscellaneous
Thread Author: henry k Replies: 4

 Not wearing a seat belt - rear passenger risks - henry k
And belted up front seat occupants risk.

I do not recall the details being in the press before.
 Not wearing a seat belt - rear passenger risks - Dave_
Last edited by: Dave_TD {P} on Thu 25 Feb 10 at 23:19
 Not wearing a seat belt - rear passenger risks - Bellboy
cant work out what the car is
 Not wearing a seat belt - rear passenger risks - Dave_
G607 FTH. LHD wipers.

I think it's a mashup of various cars as the public information films are prone to doing.

Nissan Bluebird estate grille, or possibly some obscure Toyota or Hyundai. Head restraints so probably not a 70s Ford.
 Not wearing a seat belt - rear passenger risks - jc2
Head restraints were on Mk.III Cortina(and other models) from 1970/71;there were even some late Mk II with them.
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