Non-motoring > Restaurants near Heathrow T4 Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Kevin Replies: 30

 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Kevin
In a few weeks time we have an evening flight (21:30) from Heathrow T4. Does anyone know of a decent restaurant, preferably Chinese or Indian, a short taxi ride from T4?

There's nothing decent inside T4 and the Hilton has always been "disappointing".

Any ideas?
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - No FM2R
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Zero
Where do the girls and guys from bedfart go to these days? Somewhere in Staines maybe.
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Armel Coussine
It isn't that far from Heathrow to the Indian far West down the A40 from London. Ealing and beyond. Lots of restaurants there and good ones, half an hour from the airport. .
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - BobbyG
Wouldnt catch me having a Chinese or Indian before a flight!
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - WillDeBeest
The London Hong Kong (388 Bath Road / Hatch Lane, A4 / A3044) is a decent bet, although probably better placed for 1 and 3 than 4 or 5. Try the onion bhajis and the lamb pasander*.

I share Bobby's concern, though: wouldn't be my choice of pre-flight meal. I had enough trouble with the sauerkraut.

* Just testing
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Duncan
>> Where do the girls and guys from bedfart go to these days? Somewhere in Staines
>> maybe.

Correct. Wetherspoons in Staines.
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Zero
>> >> Where do the girls and guys from bedfart go to these days? Somewhere in
>> Staines
>> >> maybe.
>> >>
>> Correct. Wetherspoons in Staines.

At night? only If you want your throat cut.
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Duncan
>> In a few weeks time we have an evening flight (21:30) from Heathrow T4. Does
>> anyone know of a decent restaurant, preferably Chinese or Indian, a short taxi ride from
>> T4?

You may well find that your friendly London cabbie doesn't want to take you on "a short taxi ride" from T4.

He will be looking for a decent job, up to the smoke at least.
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - henry k
>> You may well find that your friendly London cabbie doesn't want to take you on
>> "a short taxi ride" from T4.
>> He will be looking for a decent job, up to the smoke at least.
In the old days I would say to them " I know the score. You have to take me but if you find me another cab - no problems" This usually resulted in getting a cab that had just dropped a "departures" passenger.
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Kevin
>Where do the girls and guys from bedfart go to these days?

That's part of the problem Zero. Most of the folks I knew in Bedfont are no longer there and the last time I popped in the social side of things seemed to be withering.

London Hong Kong looks a good bet and seems familiar - I have a sneaky suspicion I've been there before.

>You may well find that your friendly London cabbie doesn't want to take you on "a short taxi ride" from T4.

Good point Duncan - had that problem before. As Henry says though, the lead cabbie pointed me in the direction of someone who didn't mind local runs.
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Mr. Ecs
Personnel Recommendation:

London Hong Kong (Chinese) Bath Road. 02087547666

Sipson Tandoori (Indian) Harmondsworth Rd. UB7 9JJ

Both Northside of Heathrow.

I would choose Sipson. Service and food second to none.
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - WillDeBeest
Sipson reminds me of Achari - how could I forget? That's in Sipson proper, south of the M4, and it's delightful. My American colleagues always ask to go there - partly but not only for the King Cobra - and I'm always happy to oblige. Parking can be awkward but you won't have that problem.

Enjoy it now, before Willie Walsh gets his way and Sipson is bulldozed to make way for a new runway.
Last edited by: WillDeBeest on Mon 28 Jan 13 at 09:52
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Duncan
>> Enjoy it now, before Willie Walsh gets his way and Sipson is bulldozed to make
>> way for a new runway.

Not before time!
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Roger.
Gotta be a MacD handy, surely?
Two Big Macs, double fries and a large, fizzy drink (no ice) - sorted.
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - henry k
>> Gotta be a MacD handy, surely?
>> Two Big Macs, double fries and a large, fizzy drink (no ice) - sorted.
The old pub (Henleys Corner junction A30 & A4 almost within walking distance :-)
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Bromptonaut

>> The old pub (Henleys Corner junction A30 & A4 almost within walking distance :-)

More than one Henley's corner in London then?
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Manatee
See Henlys corner (A1) and Henleys roundabout (A4)
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Zero
>> >> The old pub (Henleys Corner junction A30 & A4 almost within walking distance :-)
>> >>
>> More than one Henley's corner in London then?

Henleys was a big chain. The burgers were crap tho.
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - henry k
>> More than one Henley's corner in London then?
Oh yes - ( when I spell it correctly :-( ) IIRC several - named after the then well known car sales company.

The Cranford / Hounslow West one is now called Henlys Roundabout and IIRC there is still a shop - Henleys in the parade of shops.

There was a Henlys where the petrol station was on the other side of the A4.
I have been to the pub many times for a wet lunch but avoid McD unless I need to empty my tank :-)
Last edited by: henry k on Mon 28 Jan 13 at 21:46
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - henry k
Wikipedia gives an interesting insight into Henlys. Worth a read.
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Gromit
Take the shuttle bus (or tube) across to T1/T2/T3?

I've always found the Cafe Rouge upstairs above check-in at T1 pleasant enough, though it can be busy at early evening when the glut of Irish and UK regional flights go between 6 and 8 pm.

Is there nothing airside in T4 though? Heathrow website shows a Garfunkels and a few other options. Security takes so long these days that I've become very wary of not leaving myself lots of spare time to get through. Mind, last night's flight home from Manchester was delayed enough that I had almost 5 hours waiting time :-(
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Zero

Jesus wept - its crap food.
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Gromit
This is Heathrow we're talking about! And the point about getting stuck in traffic or in security still holds, crap food or not.

If you were worried about the food, you'd either fly via CDG Terminal 2, or at least you'd book with Etihad or Emirates - which I assume the OP hasn't as he's asking about T4.
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Kevin
>or at least you'd book with Etihad or Emirates

Emirates was our first choice because I'm a Skywards member but for some reason the fare was £500 more than with Qatar. In the end though, it's still airline food eaten out of your lap.

T4 is a horrible place.

The food in Cafe Rouge, Garfunkles and Weatherspoons is just fuel. The other 'facilities' are half a dozen coffee shops full of travellers nursing cold half empty coffee cups because there's nowhere else to sit if they want to nip outside for that final ciggie.

An added complication is that Mrs K is a piscivore so we need somewhere that will satisfy her craving for lobster, prawns or other marine critters.

We usually eat in the Chinese restaurant in the Hilton when we're flying from T4 but on our last visit the quality didn't live up to the prices.
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Gromit
Look on the bright side, the service on Qatar is still likely to be much better than what we'd expect from BA (or Aer Lingus in my case). Didn't realise they'd been consigned to T4, though, I thought all the Gulf state airlines were in T3 now.

Given the conflict between specific dietary requirements and the misery of getting through BAA security in any sort of predictable timeframe, might getting a good lunch in before you start out for the airport at all be the way to go?
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - No FM2R
>>Jesus wept - its crap food.

Its not, its just fast, junk food. But its ok for hunger.

I like the idea of going to a nearby restaurant, but its too traumatic for me.

I'd rather make do with a Cheese Sandwich and several Vodkas.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Tue 29 Jan 13 at 21:07
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Style_less
For nearly Indian food I like the Sri Lankan Palm Palace in Southall its a short walk up from the station on Heathrow Conect . Mainly eaten there when overnighting at Heathrow the spicy crab claws are great.
Food on Qatar is pretty good for airline food.
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Zero
>> >>Jesus wept - its crap food.
>> Its not, its just fast, junk food. But its ok for hunger.

Its not, its crap food. Its badly (usually over) cooked, unsatisfying and expensive, so its annoying and hence gives me heartburn. McDonalds is junk food, but satisfying.
 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Duncan
There you go. Right in T4.

Everything you could possibly wish for!

 Restaurants near Heathrow T4 - Clk Sec
>> There you go. Right in T4.
>> Everything you could possibly wish for!
>> Pause....

That looks a nice place. I might call in sometime.
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